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Another Draft Buddy Glitch - Fixed

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Can't see that this has been brought up already but apologies if I missed it...


On both 1.0 & 1.1 versions of the buddy, the 'Summary' page is NOT picking up traded picks, ie in my league picks 1 & 2 have changed hands, but they still show the original owners.


However where it lists MY next pick, and next next pick this is showing the correct positions (I too have swapped some picks.)


Any ideas Guys ??

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I don't believe very many people downloaded the Buddy version with this problem, but if you did (to check, all you have to do is input a traded pick on the draft input tab and check if the summary tab updated appropriately or not) then go back to the member area and re-download the 1.1 Compiler and Buddy. My apologies for this small but annoying oversight. I should have hired T-Bird for my beta testing (please don't find anything else though) :banana:

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I should have hired T-Bird for my beta testing (please don't find anything else though) :banana:


Well for a small fee........ :huh:

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