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The Elevator Killer

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Everything posted by The Elevator Killer

  1. The Elevator Killer

    Join the resistance!!!

  2. The Elevator Killer

    What's The First Historic Thing You Remember Watching?

    I worked in Cape Canaveral a lot. We would watch the shuttles take off from the ships in the port.
  3. The Elevator Killer

    What's The First Historic Thing You Remember Watching?

    I was in Tampa. I walked outside and could see the smoke trails of the two booster rockets splitting up.
  4. The Elevator Killer

    What's The First Historic Thing You Remember Watching?

    Mine too. I was like is this boring thing ever going to end?
  5. The Elevator Killer

    What's The First Historic Thing You Remember Watching?

    Groucho Marx and Boris Karloff I believe within days of Elvis dying. Maybe the same day. IDK
  6. The Elevator Killer

    What's The First Historic Thing You Remember Watching?

    I flew to Memphis. His Uncle Vester was working the front gate and had seen me hanging around in the middle of the night. He took me into the guard shack and gave me some coffee and told me how Elvis' mother used to haunt her room in Graceland. It freaked Priscilla out so she a priest make her leave and she now haunts the gate. He said he would hear her asking him to let her in. The Presleys were known to tell tall tales.
  7. The Elevator Killer

    What's The First Historic Thing You Remember Watching?

    Diddy said he wouldn't show it to anyone.
  8. The Elevator Killer

    'A Resistance is Forming'

    Anyone looking for a deal on day old pemus shaped cakes March 1st is your day.
  9. The Elevator Killer

    'A Resistance is Forming'

    It's just a plot from Yogi and Bobo to distract us while they steal my picnic basket.
  10. The Elevator Killer

    Nude Geeks

  11. The Elevator Killer

    Who Is Rachel Maddow's Partner? All About Susan Mikula

    Now you're Rusty also!
  12. The Elevator Killer

    The number one problem in America today.

    You know what's coming next. Burger King on Broadway where they will cast a hot dog wearing a crown as the burger and alfa sprouts as the fries.
  13. The Elevator Killer

    OJ Simpson dead at 76.

    Yes I watched the criminal trial.
  14. The Elevator Killer

    OJ Simpson dead at 76.

    Oh he did it. And probably had help. I was just pointing out things that the jury saw that gave them a reason to find reasonable doubt.
  15. The Elevator Killer

    We Tracked Every Visitor to Epstein Island | WIRED

  16. The Elevator Killer

    We Tracked Every Visitor to Epstein Island | WIRED

    Maybe it's a list of people that were videoed.
  17. The Elevator Killer

    OJ Simpson dead at 76.

    I watched a lot of the trial. A few things made go hmmmm. They said there was a trail of blood going from the Bronco to the front door. OK. Then why did they find the glove behind Kato's Apt.? Shouldn't the trail of blood have gone from the Bronco to the fence behind Kato's place? I also found it odd that one glove was at the crime scene and the other was at the estate. There are other odd things also. We are talking about the LAPD. Planting evidence was not above them. And what happens when you try to frame a guilty man? Jury sees reasonable doubt and he goes free. Marsha Clark and Chris Darden were no match for Johnny Cochran and the rest of O.J.'s team. I would have agreed with the jury in the civil trial also. Everyone knows he did it. But evidence tampering is a no no.
  18. The Elevator Killer

    Non English Songs even a geek can love....

    Elvis sings in German. This song was #1 on the Billboard charts for 6 weeks.
  19. The Elevator Killer

    under or over 50 years old?

    14 but my body disagrees.
  20. The Elevator Killer

    under or over 50 years old?

    65. Doctors told my parents I wouldn't live past 2 years old.
  21. The Elevator Killer

    Chances Earth are destroyed now up to 3.1%

    https://www.foxnews.com/us/nasa-looking-ways-destroy-asteroid-could-strike-earth-kill-city They are looking at ways to destroy it.
  22. The Elevator Killer

    So, I Went to the Can And...

    Stranded. Stranded on the toilet bowl What do you do when you're stranded And you can't reach the roll? To prove you're a man You must wipe with your hand. I'm Donald Trump and I approve this message.
  23. The Elevator Killer

    Chances Earth are destroyed now up to 3.1%

    It's smaller. But it could put a hurting on Tehran.
  24. The Elevator Killer

    Chances Earth are destroyed now up to 3.1%

    LA is doing a fine job in destroying it self.
  25. The Elevator Killer

    Chances Earth are destroyed now up to 3.1%

    It's not an Earth killer, it's a city killer. Now we just have to guide it to the right city.