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Everything posted by blick

  1. I thought we were talking about fixing current day US problems.
  2. Further, whether or not you believe in God, religion provides a moral compass and compassion for humanity that is being lost as this country becomes less involved in it.
  3. blick

    What Do The Pittsburgh Pirates Do With The 1 Pick ?

    As a long-time baseball and Pirates fan that has spent most of the last 25 years hating the hometown product, I hope they choke on it.
  4. I live in PA and am ashamed that this is the best we have to offer.
  5. blick

    Teh Footballguys forums are finished?

    And get FBGs to pay for it.
  6. blick

    National Curves Day is today

    Leave it to us to make unhealthy sexy.
  7. blick

    Post your dog pics!

    We had basically the exact dog. Best dog I ever had. Very smart, gentle, and loved the kids.
  8. blick

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    I guess this is over now. I turned on CNN this morning and all they are talking about is President Trump.
  9. blick

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    Bourbon, the miracle cure. Lasted 2-days and I didn't feel much for 1 of those.
  10. blick

    Question for truck people

    You're probably going to want a bed cover.
  11. blick

    Journey with asian steve perry??

    I asked my wife who’s Chinese Steve?
  12. blick

    Carson Wentz basically sucks

    He wears eye black under one eye. That’s gay.
  13. blick

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    “Look at everything we’re doing!” Dumbasses.
  14. blick

    Annie....I have questions..

    They should have kept the red hair.
  15. blick

    Car drives through Christmas parade in WI

    I’m all for the innocent until proven guilty thing, but why can’t we just drag this a$$hole through the streets while everyone pisses on him?
  16. blick

    John Gruden-next to get canceled

    To bad. He’d still have a job.
  17. They should have returned fire.
  18. blick

    Common misused sayings ....

    “Wreck” havoc
  19. blick


    I don’t even cut steaks anymore. All jerky and sausage.
  20. blick

    and away we go!!!!...

    No trade backs!
  21. blick

    and away we go!!!!...

    Thank goodness they (is that the proper pronoun) are out of PA.
  22. Whether you agree or not with what’s going on in DC right now, the double standard and irony on CNN right now is terrible.