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Casual Observer

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Casual Observer last won the day on September 27 2023

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597 Excellent

About Casual Observer

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    FF Geek

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  1. Casual Observer

    War in Israel

    Plenty like these to be found. Anyway, there's your barrage for the evening.
  2. Casual Observer

    War in Israel

  3. Casual Observer

    War in Israel

    This thread is so bad, that I find myself agreeing with this Low-T cretin and MDC on these issues, whom I have called a h0m0 at least 1000 times.
  4. Casual Observer

    War in Israel

    Didn't anybody tell these Jews that diversity is our strength? Fockin racists, supremacist bastardos.
  5. Casual Observer

    War in Israel

    Would you stop wringing your hands then and fock off to some other site?
  6. Casual Observer

    War in Israel

    Telling the truth about Jewish bullshiot is not anti-semitism, Tim. You and the tribe might be waking up to the fact that banging the drum of anti-semitism 24/7 just annoys people and galvanizes them against Jews. No complaining about importing Muslims to the West, who are now openly demonstrating against Jews, either.
  7. Casual Observer

    War in Israel

    You're very quiet about anti-white racism. A hint of what you'd term anti-semitism and you're compelled to post about it. This post with your past anti-Christian rants reveal you to be a poser.
  8. Casual Observer

    War in Israel

    Voltaire just can't believe it. He's going to do some real digging this time.
  9. Casual Observer

    War in Israel

    Israel's been open to a two state solution while constantly encroaching on Palestinian land with new settlements over the years? You could have fooled me.
  10. Casual Observer

    War in Israel

    Both. But why don't you know the answer to these questions?
  11. Casual Observer

    War in Israel

    Jews lying? You can't be serious.
  12. Casual Observer

    War in Israel

    On top of being an Israel-first bootlicker, you're a lying little biotch. Around noon yesterday I was responding to a number of your stupid posts, including answering your question at least twice. I didn't leave and come back, much less to put sad emojis on your posts, which I also didn't do. None of us know who puts emojis on our posts, but you falsely claim to know it was me. What a weird, lying loser. You still didn't answer my questions, pu55y. I'd tell you to man up and nut up, but I don't think you have any nuts.
  13. Casual Observer

    War in Israel

    Look, don't try to tell me what a tough guy you are. I'm laughing at you, sweater vest. Your statement doesn't really say anything other than politician-like platitudes. "You can't negotiate with terrorists." No shiot. The only thing you left out is how Israel is our greatest ally. You backtracked on your desire to bomb the rest of this Pali population and you won't answer the question today. That makes you a pu55y. Log off and stop humping my leg.
  14. Casual Observer

    War in Israel

    Too late now. How's he going to fix that situation?
  15. Casual Observer

    War in Israel

    I did answer. I said I don't care, but don't slaughter a bunch of innocents in the process. Not too hard to glean that from my comments. You still haven't answered mine. Hell, you still haven't explained why you're tripping all over yourself for Israel.