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Posts posted by weepaws

  1. 1 John 5:4.  For whatever is born of God overcomes the world.  

    And this is the victory that has overcome the world-our Faith.  Indeed 



  2. 10 minutes ago, Bill E. said:

    What Would Jesus Say?

    Jesus would say, ask for forgiveness of your wicked tongue, and I did.  Temptation isn’t a sin, but giving into temptation is.  

    Then I read.  

    John1:9.  If we confess our sins , He is Faithful and Just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all Unrighteousness.  Indeed. 

    Amen Thanks 


  3. Just now, IGotWorms said:

    Jeez even phurfur hates weepers :( 

    Jesus said it would happen, see when you’re true person of God, your not of the world, you’re of God, and belong to God, sin Hates God, and sinners hate Saved Christians, the Bible told us it would happen. 

    How about you  why do you keep living in sin and keep watching that child porn?  You need to repent of that, accept Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior, and be set free of that sin. Shame on you   


  4. Just now, BunnysBastatrds said:

     My higher power wants me to give him TP for his bunghole.

    There you go again pedero, wanted to play with bungholes.  I pray that your family keeps those grandchildren away you Pedro.  If not let them know how to reach me, I’ll remove you from the situation myself.  

  5. 10 minutes ago, Baker Boy said:

    Unfortunately, you are not sharing the gospel, you are just irritating people. Posting random Bible verses and saying Amen is not spreading the word. The best way for Christian to spread the word is through their actions, and you fail miserably at that. Your playing the victim is just pathetic.

    If you are sincere in sharing the gospel, you need a much different approach. Pray for guidance, God will help you.

    Many ways to share the Gospel, going too parks, and the college here Reno, in which I do three times a week, this is another way of doing so, of course it’s irritating to people, The Gospel tells people the truth about their love of their sins, they want to live in their sins, they don’t want God to take that away, and God doesn’t , He wants them to be willing to change and to wholeheartedly accept the Truth. But God gives then over to a reprobate mind, we are not Gods robots, we have a choice, freewill.  

    Jesus Himself said.   Mark 16:15.  Jesus said, Go Into all the World and Preach the Gospel to All Creation.  Now this board isn’t the whole world, but we have many visitors and posters for the US and outside of the US.  

    Romans. 10:14.  How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed?  See that ?  

    And how shall they have not heard? See another ?  

    And how shall they hear without a Preacher?  See another ?  

    John 15: 18-25  Jesus makes it perfectly clear, that people will hate us, because they hate hearing about Jesus. 

    2 Timothy 4:3-4   Reminds is how much they love their sin, and will die in sin , and burn in sin. 

    For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears, and they shall turn away their ears from The Truth, Jesus is the Truth,Way, Life   

    James 1:22-23   Reminds us that Jesus told all wholeheartedly believers, Saved Christians to be doers of the Word  

    But be doers of the Word, and not Hearers only, Deceiving Yourself, For if anyone is a bearer of the Word and not a doer, He is like a man observing his nature face in the mirror.  That last part, you are just living in your sin. 

    So baker, stop being puke in Jesus mouth, and being double minded, start obeying Jesus, but only if you’re a true Saved Christian will you, but God does give you freewill not to. 




  6. I did a lot of mock drafts, never saw Hill listed at Qb.  And places like footballguys have him listed at te.  I think the owner blew it, and it’s a done deal.  The second owner gets to keep him. Good move. 

  7. 1 John 4:17.  Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of Judgement, be as He is, so are we in this world if you walk with Jesus, there is no need to fear judgement.  

    Time to Accept Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior, there is no other way to the Kingdom of Jesus Father, God, everything else is just a fake , and leads one right into the arms o& the Antichrist.  Hell. 

    Amen Thanks 
