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Posts posted by weepaws

  1. 5 hours ago, Hawkeye21 said:

    I would love to hear your reasons for calling me a socialist.  Jesus was more of a socialist than I am.


    4 hours ago, Hawkeye21 said:


    I don’t think you’re a socialist anymore, now you just said that you are. I judge by righteous judgement.  Amen Thanks 

  2. 2 hours ago, purdygood said:

    I've heard about it for 42 years.  But i dont trust the word of a book written by people from Israel 2000+ years ago.  Sorry.  I just cant. 

    Don’t be sorry to me, on judgement day you can let God have it, God likes opinions, but has no respect for anyone.   

  3. Just now, Hawkeye21 said:

    A true Christian would not talk falsely about others.  For shame!

    Righteousness person judges on things in righteousness,  the shame is that a socialist like you lives in the country.  

  4. 9 minutes ago, purdygood said:

    I vowed to stay out of this. But Muslims do agree Jesus was a profit. He is just lower in the scale than Mohammad. It's all the same fairy tales told from a different perspective and people today, 2,000 years later are literally killing people over a couple different books.   It's ridiculous. I'll bow out again.  Time to lay down my rug that faces Mecca and say my prayers (but say Jesus was cool too, also he was a Jew himself, oh wait they cant all 3 be right? Can they?) sounds like a Musical. But Musicals are totally Gay so no. 

    Only one is the Son of God, only one died and rose again fir the sins of everyone, only one is, Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior.  Learn it.  Amen Thanks 

  5. 41 minutes ago, WhiteWonder said:

    he was rostered before any week 1 games were played in all my leagues, either by the CMC owner or someone else playing the odds of an injury. I had him in 2, didn't need to start him though

    Is it okay with you that he wasn’t rostered on that other person’s league, mr Tuesday morning ff Guru? 

  6. 41 minutes ago, WhiteWonder said:

    who remembers a post from 15 years ago that got zero responses?



    What happen to you , didn’t see you on the little help board Tuesday? Mr Tuesday morning ff Guru.  

    • Like 1

  7. 10 minutes ago, Hawkeye21 said:

    This describes the majority of religious people.

    All religions, I agree 100%.  Christianity is not a religion, it’s like what you have with your wife, it’s called a relationship, catholic,muslims,Mormon, Hindu, atheist, Buddhist all of those are fake arse religions.   They have a relationship with nothing, their faith is opened handed.  Nothing there.  

    Christians have a relationship with Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior.  Don’t forget that socialist.  

  8. 3 hours ago, HellToupee said:

    I think weepy is a bible thumper when it’s convenient for him. I’m sure your grandma is a wonderful lady and a terrific to have in your life.

    Christian Faith in Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior is 24/7.   Catholic Faith is two hours a week.  

  9. 4 hours ago, purdygood said:

    I agree he actually existed.  I just think the stories about him are fairy tales.  But yes, I will leave his thread alone now.

    Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior. 

  10. 4 hours ago, [echo] said:

    so angry.. i always thought we were cool Paws.. interesting
    have fun with your jesus soup.. all the best to you and yours

    Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior.  

  11. 1 Thessalonians 1:6.  And you become followers of us, and of the Lord, having received the Word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Ghost.  Indeed 



  12. 12 minutes ago, purdygood said:

    My theory is there is no Anti Christ, because "Christ" never existed.   There may be a God out there who created the Universe.  But no man/woman who has ever lived or is currently living knows the actual Truth.  All religions (including the myth of Jesus Christ) are fake and made up by weak Men/Women to make themselves feel better.  But if people want to live their lives based on books written by fools 2,000 years ago, by all means go for it.  When you die. You are just unconscious carbon that other people decide what to do with your remains and you're gone.

    Foolish talk.  

  13. 12 minutes ago, [echo] said:

    have u ever heard of "attraction not promotion.."
    im not sure anyone who was on the religion fence would look to you and say.. "Yeah.. that guy is really speaking to me.. and i want some more of that.."
    they would probably think, im excluded already, and this clearly isnt for me..


    just some insight

    And another. 

  14. 2 minutes ago, purdygood said:

    Oh I think Trump is the anti Christ, you got me alllllll wrong.

    That’s stupid thinking.  But look at who’s postering your stupid thoughts. , can’t wait for another one of your stupid post.  
