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Posts posted by weepaws

  1. I’m going to go by total points, both of my leagues pay both HTH, and total points, with total points being the bigger pot.  

    I scored 154 from my ppr team, Mayfield, AJ Brown, Kupp.  I was first in total points 

    Non ppr I did score 124 points, Mayfield, Barkley, Kupp, I was first in total points.  

  2. 1 John 5:13.  These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may believe on the name of the Son of God.   Indeed. 



  3. 1 John 5:10.  He that believes in the Son of God has the witness in himself, he that believes not God has made Him a lair, because He be

    believes not the record that God gave of His Son.   Indeed 



  4. 1 John 5:9.  If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater, for this is the witness of God, which He has testified His Son. Indeed. 



  5. Game flow will of course determine who gets the majority of the rushing att between Montgomery and Gibbs,  Gibbs will have more touches because of his passing game targets.  I wouldn’t expect for Montgomery or Gibbs to dominate and become the Lions true work horse unless one of them gets injured.  
