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Posts posted by MaineVigorish

  1. Weather will factor into my decision as well...


    ROMO @ WSH (ESPN RANK - 11)

    BIG BEN @ GB (ESPN RANK - 10)





    I've rode Romo all season (drafted him in the 5th round) except for the bye week when I started Ben at home against DET (31 pts). Just picked up Cutler off WW, but I'm terrified of tying my fantasy fate to Cutler.


    20 point lead from Week 15 going into final round of playoffs Week 16.



  2. I would not bench Lynch, bench Lacy instead IMO. I would use Lacy in FLEX though, over all but a handful of receivers.



    I would agree with this 100% unless you somehow have a stable of stud recievers to go with your stud RBs to swap Lacy in the flex... very nice problem to have.


    You know Forte is going get 6-8 catches easy, Lynch caught 7 last week but by all accounts thats rare isn't it? And Lacy is just a stud and hard to bench regardless of matchup...


    If you had to choose, I'd say Lynch or Lacy would be the only decision, Forte is a must start in PPRs.

  3. Because daily lineups are better...


    With daily lineups you have fantasy football every day for 180 days...

    If someone gets injured on Monday, you can put someone new in on Tuesday to field a complete lineup...

    Pitching probables can easily change...

    If there is a rain out and you have a lot of players from those games, you will lose those stats... With counting numbers you can't afford that...


    There are many other reasons, but if you are only going to do weekly lineups, then I suggest not even playing fantasy baseball because you aren't experiencing the best thing about it...

    Valid points. I'm enough of a fantasy degenerate that this would not bother me, but fielding a 14 team league with people who would have the same laser focus and interest for the length of baseball season, especially the dog days of summer, is what I'm worried about with Daily Line-ups...

  4. My stupid family league that is terrified of change and full of whiners and d-bags runs thru week 17. 12 teamer, 4 teams get in, semis in week 16, championship in 17. I've won it twice because I'm a degenerate and still treat it like one of my other cut throat leagues...


    If my cousin doesn't change it to weeks 14, 15, 16 next year, I'm going to defecate on his living room floor at our draft.

  5. Bartered any Christmas presents in exchange for Sunday Ticket this year... I don't need anything for Christmas...seriously. I'm 30.


    I also took a huge leap and invited her into my work league, just a $25 per team buy in, 12 teams.  To her credit, she really got into it and scored the 2nd most points in the entire league.  Made the playoffs, got boat raced in round 1 and I have not seen her more pissed off...  She enjoyed imbibing with me on Sunday, while we play with our 2 1/2 year old little boy.  We have a playroom with a 60 inch, and all his toys and stuff are in there, so I get away with paying attention to all the games, and playing and horsing around with my kid.  It's been a perfect situation for 2 straight seasons... 


    Also, in planning for future years of being a degenerate gambler and FF player, I've already called the local YMCA to verify that the toddler soccer games/activities are all on SATURDAYS - which is perfect!  I live in Florida, so everyone here cares about College Football, which I couldn't give a hoot about (grew up in Maine, only follow NFL). 


    Short of inviting your wife into one of your leagues, I'd say keep bribing her with jewelry, spa days, and various lady enjoyments to keep her off your back on SUNDAY.

  6. I've played fantasy baseball twice and finished first and second place and I am nowhere near a baseball fan/expert. It's probably 5th on my list of sports I pay attention to. All I did was notice who was doing well on the FA lists and add them. I noticed baseball is a game of hot streaks so other than the 3 or 4 studs on my team I would just swap out players in slumps for players on the FA pool who were doing well and it worked very well.

    How many teams? Was the league competitive?


    My fear with choosing people for a 14 team H2H 6x6 baseball league is that people who aren't committed will get bored and lazy and not last the season... Football is so different in this country and is like a drug for the sports viewing public... I'm a football addict, but I do follow baseball and I think doing FBB will make me want to follow it more...

  7. With football season nearing the end, I'm scrambling to fill the void already. I've never played Fantasy Baseball, and I've got some friends together from various football leagues who also want to give it a shot.


    If you've played before let me know your thoughts...best format, scoring, # of teams in a league, etc...



  8. Providing AP is out and Gherhart receives a probable designation and/or MJD is out and Todman is named the starter...I will start one of these 2...


    But assuming the worst, that Gherart and Todman wont be alone in the backfield or Gherart is out as well...


    Should I flex:




    L. Miller

    Michael Floyd

    Dennis Pitta
