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About Marigotdog

  • Rank
    FF Rookie

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  1. Sorry just now seeing this, for some reason the site did not send me an email when you replied.

    If you are still interested in one of both of those leagues please email any questions to 


    Thank you 

  2. Marigotdog

    Orphan Teams (Dynasty)

    Interested in hard knocks or league of champions
  3. Marigotdog

    Dynasty Teams Available, Non-IDP, MFL

    Changed my mind and will join the tdffl. Send me a link to join and pay. Robert
  4. Marigotdog

    Dynasty Teams Available, Non-IDP, MFL

    Please Send me a leaguesafe invite to the UFFL II
  5. Marigotdog

    Dynasty Teams Available, Non-IDP, MFL

    Please Send me leaguesafe inviteI. Robert
  6. Marigotdog

    Dynasty Teams Available, Non-IDP, MFL

    Interested.send me a link. Robert
  7. Marigotdog

    Yahoo 20$ 0.5PPR 12 team league

    Interested in joining league. Please email me at helptax@consolidated.net how to join