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Everything posted by seafoam1

  1. seafoam1

    The lightning move toward autocracy

    Seriously. Even when Trump was out of office they had nothing else they could focus on. Now that Biden is out of office, I don't give a crap about him unless somehow he gets back in the news for some real reason. He still deserves criticism, but the sooner he disappears into the darkness the better.
  2. Liberals believe the ghost stories they are told by their masters.
  3. seafoam1

    The lightning move toward autocracy

    The things she says are so over the top though. I know CNN was down that road and they tried to change it up at least a little lately. And the show The View is Maddow dumb, but honestly, even the half normal liberals just had to stop. That lady is so stupid in what she says that I think her show is simply for the Rusty type of liberals in this country because they can't find friends who will engage in that type of ranting and they NEED to be engaged in it.
  4. Typical guy spending all his days on the internet looking for typos. Lonely old man.
  5. seafoam1

    JD Vance

    Because there weren't any violent cop beating terrorists on that day. You are mixing them up with the 1000s of liberal terrorist nutjobs in 2020.
  6. And some how, some way, they never ever fall for the truth. It's like they have this uncanny radar for the dumbest, most ludicrous, unimaginable lies they could possibly fall for.
  7. seafoam1

    The lightning move toward autocracy

    80% of the time I post towards his topics, he replies by telling me he's ignoring me.
  8. Maddow is like a lesbian cartoon character, Only not as smart or charismatic as Peppermint Patty. But her girlfriend does call her "Sir", so there's that.
  9. There you go peanut. I fixed a type for you. I'm sure you have never done that before..
  10. seafoam1

    DonS Says…

    Great catch on that TD.
  11. Asking a liberal to dial it back is like asking a rabid rottweiler to stop chewing on an old woman it's got it's teeth sunk into.
  12. seafoam1

    The lightning move toward autocracy

    Poor pimpledoosh is having another TDS meltdown while he is working so hard to defend liberal hate speech.
  13. The liberals need to get their talking points from somewhere.
  14. I say go get 'em. biden has let more filth into this country than anyone can even imagine.
  15. seafoam1

    The lightning move toward autocracy

    He's at the top of his TDS game.
  16. seafoam1

    The state of America as Trump assumes Power

    My girlfriend's best friend is this Turkish lady that worked here for a while and they worked together. The lady ultimately moved back to Turkey and later asked if my gf would go be her maid of honor at her wedding and invited me to go along. I met this lady before and we have hung out but I don't like her personality in the least. And my girlfriend agrees that my opinions are pretty spot on but they do get along. It's just all girl talk and such and about that lady always has drama in her life. So my gf asked if I wanted to go, I told her, "Are you kidding me? What do you think it would be like for me, if I went and had to hang out with her the whole trip? You two are friends, I get it but....". And she said, "Yeah, I get your point." And we had a good laugh and she went to Turkey and had funny ass stories about how dramatic the whole trip was and how it was a smart idea I didn't go. "Cause you would have hated the ordeal from start to finish." That's how my gf and I work out everything we do together. We specifically do things for both of us when we go out together or simply on trips. But she doesn't try to force me to hang out with her weird ass family and I wouldn't try to force her to do something I know she wouldn't like. It's called respect for each other. Liberals don't know what that is.
  17. seafoam1

    The state of America as Trump assumes Power

    My girlfriend's best friend is this Turkish lady that worked here for a while and they worked together. The lady ultimately moved back to Turkey and later asked if she would go be her maid of honor at her wedding and invited me to go along. I met this lady before and we have hung out but I don't like her personality in the least. And my girlfriend agrees that my opinions are pretty spot on but they do get along. It's just all girl talk and such and about that lady always has drama in her life. So my gf asked if I wanted to go, I told her, "Are you kidding me? What do you think it would be like for me, if I went and had to hang out with her the whole trip? You two are friends, I get it but....". And she said, "Yeah, I get your point." And we had a good laugh and she went to Turkey and had funny ass stories about how dramatic the whole trip was and a it was a smart idea I didn't go. "Cause you would have hated the ordeal from start to finish." That's how my gf and I work out everything we do together. We specifically do things for both of us when we go out together or simply on trips. But she doesn't try to force me to hang out with her weird ass family and I wouldn't try to force her to do something I know she wouldn't like. It's called respect for each other. Liberals don't know what that is.
  18. seafoam1

    The state of America as Trump assumes Power

    My girlfriend's best friend is this Turkish lady that worked here for a while and they worked together. The lady ultimately moved back to Turkey and later asked if she would go be her maid of honor at her wedding and invited me to go along. I met this lady before and we have hung out but I don't like her personality in the least. And my girlfriend agrees that my opinions are pretty spot on but they do get along. It's just all girl talk and such and about that lady always has drama in her life. So my gf asked if I wanted to go, I told her, "Are you kidding me? What do you think it would be like for me, if I went and had to hang out with her the whole trip? You two are friends, I get it but....". And she said, "Yeah, I get your point." And we had a good laugh and she went to Turkey and had funny ass stories about how dramatic the whole trip was and a it was a smart idea I didn't go. "Cause you would have hated the ordeal from start to finish." That's how my gf and I work out everything we do together. We specifically do things for both of us when we go out together or simply on trips. But she doesn't try to force me to hang out with her weird ass family and I wouldn't try to force her to do something I know she wouldn't like. It's called respect for each other.
  19. seafoam1

    The state of America as Trump assumes Power

    He'll go on all night if you let him.
  20. Well, whatever % of us voted for Trump, and bet on Philly -6 and Hurts over 200 passing yards, we are on a roll.
  21. Reason doesn’t sell, . Anger, populism, nativism sells. Conspiracy theories sells, so I expect MSNBC to do much better in the months to come. Nice.
  22. And the people have chosen Fox. I'm sure Timmy has a special opinion for that though.
  23. seafoam1

    The state of America as Trump assumes Power

    You were wrong in your argument. Next up you'll say the border was more secure under biden because when Trump won and threatened Mexico they cut off the flow of the illegals.
  24. seafoam1

    The state of America as Trump assumes Power

    Gas prices in 2020: $2.26 Gas prices in 2024: #3.45 Boy, they really plummeted under creepy joe.