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Everything posted by jonmx

  1. Yes, I care about how our money is spent, only bootlick retards don't. We are supposed sending money to help feed and provide medicine to save lives. No flush it down tge toilet lining the pockets of the Clintons or cutting the off of little boys.
  2. jonmx

    Kash Patel will be confirmed today!

    No one in past history nor ever in the future will be charged for a felony based on a check memo. No one ever in history will be fined $545,000,0000 based on a credible property valuation on a financial statement to a bank. Both cases were insanely contrived horse manure which have no precedent of any case ever brought anywhere in the US. Yet we have a system which somehow allows such nonsense purely because it was Trump.
  3. Het shitz foe brains, except for the amounts which were guesses, the things I listed was true. Do you think we should be sending billions around the globe to perform transgender surgeries? When did we vote for that?
  4. jonmx

    The Real Reason Why Liberals Support Ukraine

    Exactly. Whatever the media spins up in a given week is what they 'think".
  5. jonmx

    Third term project

    And Gore had his team trying to find 500 votes in Florida. But heaven forbidden that was not a crime. This is way i hate leftists with a passion. They can not look at facts and assess them fairly. It is always the white kid getting chased and attacked by a leftist mob who is guilty. The difference between me and you is that if you put the substantially the same set of facts in front of me, I come to the exact same conclusion no matter what the person's politics or race is. You on the other hand base your opinion solely on race and politics. Women never lie. Cops always mistreat blacks. Whites act out of racism. It is impossible for you to remove your prejudices from your conclusions because racism is so deeply ingrained in every situation in your mind. Of course in your twisted logic, I am the biased one because I ignore the race and politics of the perpetrator and victim. And whataboutism is not some derogatory logical fallacy, it is the basis of our entire legal system and is an essential component of the fair and equal application of the law.
  6. jonmx

    Kash Patel will be confirmed today!

    There is not one recent case of an establishment or left-leaning journalust home being raided and arrested. There are dozens of journalists who expose establishment institutions and politicians homes being raided and arrested These bastards in the leadership of our intelligence agencies don't give a fuk about left or right social issues. The FBI/CIA only care about protecting the swamp in DC. The only purpose social issues has ever played is keeping the country divided. Trump has redefined politics and made the division between the people and the swamp. Why you continue to live in their constructed divisions and in turn bootlick for these disgusting corrupt power-hungry swamp creatures is beyond me. Don't you see the problem with peace-loving doves flipping sides and becoming warmongers? The people have been manipulated by our intelligence agencies for many decades. And you can not accept that because they have filled your brain with irrational hatred of everything Trump and Elon. It was not long ago when Bush and Cheney were considered satin but today they are darlings of the Democrats. The truth of the massively corrupt deep state is being exposed. Open your eyes and your brain.
  7. jonmx

    Third term project

    Exactly the kind of judgementalism that dooms people to helll. Well done.
  8. jonmx

    Third term project

    Better to be a dipsheet than a bootlicking retard.
  9. jonmx

    Mass Deportation

    Instead of fighting fires and taking care of victims, the state of California is spending $9 billion to defend illegals against Trump.
  10. jonmx

    Third term project

    Yes you told us you were a retard and we always believed you. You don't need to re-eatablish this fact every day.
  11. jonmx

    Mass Deportation

    The government allows illegals in the country in bulk, transports them all around the country, houses them, gives them IDs, health care and education. Then you are gonna hammer businesses who put them to work so they can take care of themselves? The retarded logic of bootlickers always amazes me.
  12. jonmx

    Delta Crash was unmanned All Female Crew

    It is probably because they are more interested in sports and music than flying. Different cultures like different things. Only ignorant brainwashed a-holes blame racism everytime results don't come out with a perfect rainbow of results.
  13. jonmx

    The reality of liberal run America.

    Soros is or at least was getting billions from taxpayers.
  14. jonmx

    Musk On his Thoughts Of…

    We have advanced to solid-state hard drives and lots of ram.
  15. jonmx


    You butt-lick for an authoritarian state and you believe the person who tries to dismantle these authoritarians is the dictator. The left has created a new level of retards.
  16. At 60. Should have about $70k of income between pension and SS., about $1.5 million in savings/retirement accounts. House paid off. And hopefully my $100k in crypto goes to $1 million. Won't be eating cavier and lobster every day, but I will survive.
  17. We have given them hundreds of billions and those bastards are trying to squeeze us. You positions are based 100 percent on being against Trump and fuk what is good and fair for this country. Typical American-hating authoritarian-worshiping brainwashed bootlicking troll.
  18. jonmx

    Delta Crash was unmanned All Female Crew

    They are not incompotent because they are women. But DEI allows for incompetence. The fact they were all women is an indication that DEI practices were in place.
  19. jonmx

    Democrats Moving Away From The Party

    So we don't need any proof he is. You are such a turd of a human being and what is sickening is you think you represent Christ.
  20. jonmx

    Democrats Moving Away From The Party

    Lol...Democrats have been bootlicking establishment hoes. Trump has purged the party of establishment hoes, and represent the individuals.
  21. Why. Bootlicking retard fits you so well.
  22. Every day I get more disgusted by those useless turds who bootlick for lowlife bastards who are robbing our country.blind.
  23. Leftist turds have zero interest in exposing waste, fraud and abuse too. $1 billion spent on transgender surgeries in Zimbabwe...not interested. $1 billion to Soros to fund getting left-bastards elected to DA offices. Not interested. $1 trillion lost in aid to Ukraine. Not interested. A million people collecting SS benefits over 220 years old...not interested. Nothing matters to any of these pricks. Unless Elon Jay walks then the crap hits the fan. It is pointless to engage with those disingenious lying bastards.
  24. The Diddy list will be a who's who list of celebrities while the Epstein list will be politicians and business men.
  25. jonmx

    Kash Patel will be confirmed today!

    Amazing how intelligent people can be villifiesd by pure propaganda and so many people believe it. So much evil and corruption is going to be exposed but v your mind is so full of crap you probably still won't believe it.