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Everything posted by jonmx

  1. jonmx

    What is the point of arguing with Libtards?

    Because the NYT is a deep state operation which actively suppresses information which does not promote their deep state authoritarian agenda.
  2. I am sure you have read a bunch of propaganda. Anytime anyone did a study which wasn't manipulated by trans activists the results were not good. As usual you are being lied to but refuse to believe it.
  3. jonmx

    Trump to fire 80k VA employees

    It was your beloved deep state which created the endless wars which why we have so many vets. Trump is cutting wastes, savings massive money which will give into providing better care and services. I am not sure why you bootlicking retards can't see government has become a much bigger problem them corporations.
  4. jonmx

    Trump to fire 80k VA employees

    That was 8 years ago, so focking what. I was not a big fan of Trump I, he was clueless. He surrounded himself with deep state backstabbing liars. The whole COVID shutdown was stupid from the beginning. Trump was a fool. There is a ton of blame to go around for the deficit, but it mainly rest in deep state politics which secretly took over this country. We had a uniparty for decades, where the difference between the parties were based on a few meaningless social issues. Trump II has changed all that. The people are taking the country back and putting a knife into the heart of the deep state authoritarianism you bootlicking retards worship. Deal with it.
  5. jonmx

    Trump to fire 80k VA employees

    We are only 36 trillion in debt. Why not just keep that sucker growing exponentially. It will be 100 trillion before long. And then what? All this stupid talk of Trump taking your SS and Medicare. If anything, he is saving it. And if you take off taxes on SS, it will make it go a lot further.
  6. jonmx

    Trump's congressional address

    No, he knows first hand how focking corrupt the system has become. He is far more informed than your dumbass.
  7. jonmx

    Supreme Court rules that Trump cannot stop foreign aid

    You just love you some unelected black-robbed bastard who want to pretend he is president. This judge has no authority and did not even vouch for the legitimacy of any of these payments. It is just a bunch of wasteful and abusive spending given to a bunch of left-wing extremists groups who will enrich themselves. I am so focking sick of bootlickers. Good thing this is the last year this crap is going to happen.
  8. jonmx

    Trump's congressional address

    Every single thing i mention is documented fact. You just fail to know anything because the NYT or CNN does not cover stuff which embarrasses the deep state. You think hundreds of thousands of FISA warrants were merited? Do you think those who are actively in the crypto business should be cutoff from using banks? You good with the feds putting abortion protestors on terrorist watch lists? You love that dozens of people in independant media had their homes raided by heavily armed FBI agents? I am sure you don't give a fuk about the truth because it is not happening to you focking bootlickers.
  9. jonmx

    Trump's congressional address

    70 percent of the Americans were favorable about the speech, which means most Americans saw the Democrats act like jackasses. Democrats are not winning over voters with these retarded efforts.
  10. jonmx

    Trump's congressional address

    I am assume some are just typos. There will be billions in fraud discovered, but a lot of these instances will also just be errors which hopefully has not lead to payouts. It would not surprise me of there were organized foreign entities scamming our systems also.
  11. jonmx

    Trump's congressional address

    What Americans should care about is a dismantling of the deep state and stripping away the power of federal agencies to make regulations, assess penalties, and act as judges against citizens as well as spy upon people, regulated their speech, deny assess to financial institutions, and place on terrorist watch lists as a political tool. The whistleblowing statues need to be strengthened and Congress must be given much broader oversight powers to keep their power in check. The abuses of federal power has been massive and the people need to regain control so that agencies and individuals are accountable when they abuse rights of citizens.
  12. You don't know what a liberal is. A real liberal does not support US proxy wars. A real liberal does not support suppression of free speech under the guise of 'misinformation'. A real liberal does not support intelligence agencies spying on citizens. A real liberal does not support retaliation against whistleblowers. A real liberal does not support raiding the houses of news reporters. What is left in the Democrstic party has no relation to liberalism. It is the most authoritarian anti-Constitutional movement in US history.
  13. jonmx

    Trump's congressional address

    Most retarded movement in history. I have never seen such level of stupidity. I wonder who can be this stupid where such nonsense works, but then I see squissy, MDC, gutterboy, Tim, trailbait, the general and realize there are retards out there.
  14. The few liberals left are no longer Democrats. It takes a true retard to support that Party in 2024. Will go down as the most corrupt and evil movement in our nations history. Democrats are 100 percent authoritarian bastards. They want to control everything and don't trust people to know how to take care of themselves.
  15. jonmx

    Trump's Cognitive Decline and Health

    Trump's first month has been really impressive. I can't imagine being that old and going through a hard campaign and then be prepared to hit the ground running like he has. Truly incredible for a man of any age.
  16. jonmx

    Trump's Cognitive Decline and Health

    Yes, according to retards Biden is sharp as a tactics and Trump is senile.
  17. They are retards. They are mindless bootlickers for authoritarianism. Foling retards, every one of them.
  18. jonmx

    Trump's congressional address

    Oh it was staged, staged by Demicrats and the deep state. But they failed miserably
  19. Oh stop. All those retards have is calling Trump a Putin puppet. Take that away and the braindead idiots won't have any rhetoric left.
  20. jonmx

    Trump's congressional address

    I am surprised the Dems get more than 2 percent at this point. Complete losers. Such a sad display.
  21. By putting US interest and people inside of Ukraine, it entangles us into war moreso than just our arms.
  22. The people of Ukraine haven't said that. Ukraine has canceled elections and are forcing people into the front lines. This war is a proxy war for the deep state to line their pockets.
  23. He is not just stopping. There will have to be some compromise on the border and a commitment front the Nato not to expand into the Ukraine. Thst is all it takes.
  24. Are you that focking stupid. We only want the mineral deal of there is a cease fire/peace agreement. Zelenski was trying to push us into WWIII. You can not be this focking stupid.