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Everything posted by BeenHereBefore

  1. BeenHereBefore

    Kennedy assassination

    William Greer took him out.
  2. BeenHereBefore

    Most popular comedians that aren't ever funny

    The Drew Carey show was decent and somewhat funny but his stand up was average at best. Seinfeld had a stand up show concert on Netflix a few months back and wasn't funny to me and like he tried to hard.
  3. BeenHereBefore

    Most popular comedians that aren't ever funny

    Pretty much but never thought Jim Carey was funny other then that movie and didn't care for his stand up. Speaking of Carey's never thought Drew's stand up was that funny. I'm talking like some of the legends like Jerry Seinfeld just don't have it anymore.
  4. BeenHereBefore

    Most popular comedians that aren't ever funny

    What bothers me is some of the old comedians that were actually good. Their new stuff sucks.
  5. BeenHereBefore

    Kc v oak

    I think KC takes over after the half but Raiders are playing good and seems they want it more.
  6. BeenHereBefore

    Kc v oak

    No doubt a shootout and KC better make adjustments.
  7. BeenHereBefore

    Most popular comedians that aren't ever funny

    Stephen Colbert! Mic Drop!
  8. BeenHereBefore

    Kc v oak

    Raiders have them figure out then and killed them earlier on the screens.
  9. BeenHereBefore

    Kc v oak

    That and KC D sucks too.
  10. BeenHereBefore

    Kc v oak

    Imagine the tail he got being able to get served alcohol at 13.
  11. BeenHereBefore

    Kc v oak

    Wow Raiders are killing KC with those screens.
  12. BeenHereBefore

    Recommend a Movie for Tonight

    Again The Drop
  13. BeenHereBefore

    Kc v oak

    I took KC for 15 minus the 7.5 I sucked all day expect for the Denver game so who knows.
  14. I know I have it on VHS somewhere and will have to check.
  15. BeenHereBefore

    Cobra Kai

    Yep Johnny makes the show no doubt.
  16. BeenHereBefore

    ***Happy Football Day Week 11***

    I agree mine too.
  17. BeenHereBefore

    *Official 2020 Election Thread*

    Biden reminds me of Jim from Taxi.
  18. BeenHereBefore

    ***Happy Football Day Week 11***

    He is always in the right place for tip balls. As a Steeler fan I love him.
  19. BeenHereBefore

    Cobra Kai

  20. BeenHereBefore

    ***Happy Football Day Week 11***

    Hope none of you took my betting advice in the other thread.
  21. BeenHereBefore

    Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America's Elections HBO 2020

    Yea and I will definitely watch soon and thanks again.
  22. BeenHereBefore

    Anybody Here Ever Take Roids ?

    Great guess then!
  23. BeenHereBefore

    Anybody Here Ever Take Roids ?

    Never had the downstairs issues with them. I didn't take them forever though and probably about 4 months at a time. Test gave me bad back acne and been gone for years now. Still have adult acne on my face now and then and think that was the cause. Honestly can't say anything bad about Deca and got great benefits and no side effect from it. Np they didn't turn my skin into OMB! Never had no anal issues after either.
  24. BeenHereBefore

    Outdoor Movie Watching

    Did it once a week all summer and really enjoyed it. Got a decent cheap projector of Amazon and screen had to pay a bit more. Basically the most fun we had all summer was watching movies and live sports events with it. I recommend them for next summer. Nothing like watching Jaws in July outdoors on a 100 inch screen.