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Engorgeous George

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Everything posted by Engorgeous George

  1. Engorgeous George

    "Black National Anthem" performed at Super Bowl

    Trump co-opted it.
  2. Engorgeous George

    "Black National Anthem" performed at Super Bowl

    Maybe the Irish can get them to play something from the Dropkick Murphy's before every game. Then a nice polka for my Polish friends. I am sure my German blood would find a nice Martial tune stirring, maybe Panzerlied..
  3. Engorgeous George

    SB halftime show

    I'd like to see the game have the same continuity as have all the other games during the season. Don't lengthen the halftime to put on a show which is not going to be well recieved by large portions of your audience. Still, I get it. They believe any press is good press and every year folks about or defend the show and that is what they are looking for.
  4. Engorgeous George

    Elon musk access to the treasury

    What you advocate is untrue unless the president casts aside the Constitution. I have sworn more than a half dozen times in my life to protect and defend or to uphold the constitution. I wonder what I would do if the Chief executive openly defied the Courts. We have already had Chief Executives and members of Congress and even Acts of Congress openly and subtlely defy the Constitution, as well as several court rulings which is an interesting concept, can the courts defy the Constitution or am I misinterpreting it while they are not.
  5. Engorgeous George

    SB halftime show

    Didn't see a second of it. I never do. Missed 99% of the commercials as well. Only saw about 10 seconds of pregame stuff, Charissa Thompson and Erin Andrews having a leg competition. That was not sufficiently interesting to keep me tuned in as they were speaking. Perhaps I should have muted the T.V.
  6. Engorgeous George

    Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr about to be confirmed now!

    Won't Nancy Mace feel left out?
  7. Engorgeous George

    My Super Bowl prediction

  8. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/42/d4/91/42d491b00e55153546fea4c47ca72c5b.jpg
  9. Engorgeous George

    Best SB Commercials ALL TIME

    What part of the world is full of sad wierdos don't you understand. To imagine yourself unique is the obvious error to which I referred.
  10. Engorgeous George

    Best SB Commercials ALL TIME

    I was not doubting you saw her. I was doubting that you are the only guy pathetic enough to rub your junk on her credit card. I imagine anything she hands to a boy who then takes it out of her sight ends up with boy junk sweat all over it. She probably has industrial strength hand sanitizer with her at all times for just such contingencies.
  11. Engorgeous George

    Masks on SNL

    Flipping the channels last night. Came across the close of SNL. Shocked to find out it airs so early now since i have not watched it in decades. During the close there were maybe 20 folks milling about on stage waving to teh audience. I presume those folks were the cast, guest hostg, and musical guest. They were all wearing masks. What was up with that? Was it a bit? Are the wokes that be trying to push a new mask initiative, and if so why? Does anyone know, or does no one watch them anymore?
  12. Engorgeous George

    UFC - Prelims - Cong Wang - That’s a man, baby!

    Tighter. Her guillotine does not choke you out, it pinches off your pecker. Its a bit of a variation on teh traditional hold/move.
  13. Engorgeous George

    Best SB Commercials ALL TIME

    I guarantee that is not true. Also, pretty sad.
  14. Engorgeous George

    Best SB Commercials ALL TIME

  15. Engorgeous George

    Masks on SNL

    Why not? I believe a thin piece of latex can stop AIDS and HPV.
  16. Just read there was a major earthquake on the sea floor in the region and there are Tsnami warnings. For the Next week Trump will be refering to the gulf as the Gulf of Cuba or teh Gulf of Haiti becasue he does not want any bad news associated with America.
  17. Engorgeous George

    Masks on SNL

    Ahhh. I did not know they broadcast reruns.
  18. Engorgeous George

    🚨USAID & CIA behind 2019 Trump Impeachment🚨

    Our Courts can hold the Executive branch to their Constitutional powers and duties and no more.
  19. This should be the process for all ex-elected officials and all ex-employees.
  20. Engorgeous George

    Masks on SNL

    I did not know that. I have long ago faded out of their target demographic. Then last time i deliberately tuned in Dan Aykroyd was calling Jane Curtin an ignorant slut.
  21. Didn't Cam Newton use to spend $10,000, weekly, on a new hat. Pretty stupid financially. don't know about otherwise.
  22. Engorgeous George

    Masks on SNL

    That was what I was wondering. Shouldn't they all be protected though. I assume they all got their fall flu shot. I did. Or has the fall shot proven to be ineffective this year? I know some years they guess wrong about what strains to have in ther fall shot.
  23. I remember a time when a free press would have relished the continuing story they would have had to report on concerning the President suing them. They use to love being martyred for their principles. The potential jury verdict would have paled in comparison to their increase in circulation numbers and their personal prestige.
  24. Engorgeous George

    CNN - “Obama bin Laden” 😆

    When I hear most pundits pronounce the name of our ex-President I hear it as Barako Bama. I like the name Barako. , though I might spell it Barocko.