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About ArnieBragg

  • Rank
    FF Geek

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  1. So you're out of prison?
  2. ArnieBragg

    Dead & Company, Grateful Dead with John Mayer on guitar

    That's what you get for thinking, you should do less of that. And "offbeat" concert? The Verizon center was packed.
  3. ArnieBragg

    Dead & Company, Grateful Dead with John Mayer on guitar

    I was at the show and also was skeptical about Mayer. A buddy I went with told me prior to the show how great of a guitar "mimic" Mayer is and boy is he right. Had an awesome time and yeah, people just puffing away and not caring about ushers/security at all!! West La Fadeaway was a standout to me.
  4. ArnieBragg

    30FBT and stc got divorced

    my first post in months and I it up
  5. ArnieBragg

    30FBT and stc got divorced

    That's too bad they seemed a like a good couple.
  6. ArnieBragg


    Anyone know this guy IRL? Last active on this bored in 2007.
  7. ArnieBragg


    Good to hear. All is well with your health i gather? Been a few years since that scare, embolism IIRC?
  8. ArnieBragg

    Dead Pool Update: Paul Walker

    Terrible actor. Nice that he was spending his free time doing charity work.
  9. ArnieBragg

    Reid triggers 'Nuclear Option' and ends filibusters.

    From the Wash Post link in RP's original post: God I hate politicians.
  10. ArnieBragg

    Ted Cruz was right. Obama following his plan.

    Cool story, Bro.
  11. ArnieBragg

    Good Reads

    3 book series I bet some on this here bored have read: Wool/Shift/Dust by Hugh Howey
  12. ArnieBragg

    Game of Thrones (no spoilers)

    Glad to see they plan to include Mole’s Town
  13. ArnieBragg

    In Virginia, another wakeup call for Republicans

    No the race hinged on Obamacare. Oh wait....
  14. ArnieBragg

    In Virginia, another wakeup call for Republicans

    Don't Tread on Me!
  15. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/11/05/Cuccinelli-Campaign-Says-National-GOP-Abandoned-Them-We-Were-on-Our-Own