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Fervid Ro

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About Fervid Ro

  • Rank
    FF Geek
  • Birthday 11/18/1967

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  • Interests
    Torrid completion

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  1. Fervid Ro

    The Selling Out of America!

    Here's a shout out to Voltaire and the fellas. It's been a long while since I've dropped by FFT. years. conversation remains the same.
  2. Fervid Ro

    80's memories

    being a member of the young republicans club and volunteering for Reagan.
  3. Fervid Ro

    My band's ass-kicking CD!

    buttmont boogie. Glad the band is going well. Hope you and Shared have a Happy Thanksgiving!
  4. Fervid Ro

    My bro's marriage sucks

    I realize I've been gone from FFT for a long time. But why would you have to eat Wendys just because your bro's wife is a biotch? Couldn't you have ordered a pizza or something?
  5. Fervid Ro

    Bratty kids - what do you do with them?

    LOL I could not help myself. I would look the other way about the bad behavior. I would not give in to the child. But I would remain neutral and reserve comment. The Mom is likely sensitive enough about it. Your helpful advice would only start an argument that you can't win.
  6. Fervid Ro

    Bratty kids - what do you do with them?

    Perhaps this child senses that you are a B rate writer with a sleezy apartment who can't commit. She acts like a brat when you're around so that you'll leave she and her poor mother alone.
  7. Fervid Ro

    Thought we'd see torrid for sure.....

    I think he was here as fervid ro. he didn't log in under his handle and posted as me.
  8. Fervid Ro

    Queen Pelosi inventing powers for Speaker position.

    I think torridjoe came here under my handle. I didn't think he visited the geek club much anymore. guess he was bored.
  9. no. no. no. torridjoe posted as me?
  10. "instead of passing BS laws forbiding auto companies from selling vehicles that don't get 28+mpg," dumbass, it's a fleet requirement.
  11. Fervid Ro

    Queen Pelosi inventing powers for Speaker position.

    you're confusing a power with an ability. Nice try attempting to divert people's attention from the latest absurd, dangerous interpretation of the Constitution by the Vice President and president. Who do you think is dumber--them for coming up with it, you for believing it, or us for trying to make us believe it? Your choice.
  12. Fervid Ro

    Turbanjoe is here.

  13. Fervid Ro

    I pleasured the wife last night

  14. Fervid Ro


    curb your enthusiasm.