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Everything posted by crackattack

  1. crackattack

    FSU got hosed

    Again. They can only play who is on their schedule. They did and went unbeaten. They did everything in their power and still got punished. Alabama can't say the same. They got beat.
  2. crackattack

    FSU got hosed

    It does have to do with that. They also use the bs "eye test". FSU should be in. We all know why they're not. Alabama had a worse record. You have to play your schedule. FSU did and went unbeaten. Alabama did not. It's that simple.
  3. crackattack

    FSU got hosed

    I stand by my statement. If an unbeaten Georgia or Alabama was forced to use their 3rd string qb. Would they have gotten passed over? Absolutely focking not. The "eye test" excuse is BS. You let FSU in and let the chips fall where they may. If they get blown out. So be it.
  4. crackattack

    FSU got hosed

    That bowl game is moot . I believe FSU would've got beat and possibly beat bad in the BCS. But it doesn't matter now. They deserved to be in due to the standards of the BCS. Undefeated power 5 teams don't get left out. Well, until now. It was a pure financial decision. If FSU beats Georgia, all that does is make it worse. It was a royal screw job. I feel bad for the players and coaches that overcame injuries and still got hosed.
  5. crackattack

    FSU got hosed

    Everyone knows it's about money. Everyone knows FSU isn't a top 4 team right now due to injuries. That said, they still did everything right and got punished. If Alabama was undefeated and their #1 and 2 qb were hurt, you honestly think they'd be left out? No chance. It was a screw job to get an SEC team in.
  6. crackattack

    FSU got hosed

    Agree. FSU did everything the committee asked for. 1. Win your conference. 2. Be in a power 5 conference. 3. Go unbeaten. They did all of that and still punished them because of an injury. Terrible.
  7. crackattack

    Democrats winning elections

    That's great! I loved Europe when I was there. I lived in Italy for 2 years. Did some traveling, but not Amsterdam. Hope you enjoy it.
  8. crackattack

    Democrats winning elections

    You see the election in the Netherlands? Oh boy. I think a shift is happening.
  9. They truly have it rough.
  10. It's because everyone in Indiana knows he's a drunk and a druggie. He's an easy target.
  11. crackattack

    Democrats winning elections

    You left out Louisiana. They had a Democrat governor before the last election. Look, you're the one that said Democrats are going to win because of abortion. Let's look at that. Kentucky elected an incumbent, extremely popular Democrat governor. Lost the other two elections of AG and SOS. Virginia they held the state senate and gained a handful in the state house. Louisiana was a clean sweep for Republicans at large margins. Utah was another blowout win for Republicans. South Carolina has been covered. So Democrats have won nothing on the federal level and a handful of state elections. Not exactly bragging rights worthy.
  12. crackattack

    NCAA Hoops '23-'24

    Well crap. Purdue never plays well against Shaka Smart teams. They can't handle a pressing team, and that's pretty much all Shaka does. Better learn to break a press real quick.
  13. crackattack

    Democrats winning elections

    Republicans keep on winning. Almost a 2 to 1 difference. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4321766-utah-special-house-election-celeste-maloy-kathleen-riebe-trump-abortion/amp/&ved=2ahUKEwiE_JLf79aCAxUZtokEHXXiAsQQFnoECCgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw30Y-ZKuheiBEceqZvv3J0V
  14. crackattack

    NCAA Hoops '23-'24

    Yep. This game has been extremely physical. Sloppy too.
  15. crackattack

    Kyle Rittenhouse - Criminal or Hero?

    I don't see eye to eye on some issues. Yes he should be allowed to get back to normal. Yes he was chased by a mob and had to defend himself. The 2 main points I disagree with are these. Firstly. He shouldn't have been there. Wasn't his property to defend if I remember correctly. Secondly. Since he was there, he should've never left the property he was defending. All self inflicted wounds. I believe he went there looking for a confrontation and he got one. But it's done. He should be able to move on and make a living. But I don't feel sorry for him or the guy he killed. Stupid people making stupid decisions.
  16. crackattack

    Kyle Rittenhouse - Criminal or Hero?

    Neither. Attention comes to mind though.
  17. crackattack

    NCAA Hoops '23-'24

    A little, but Purdue knows him well. He's struggled big time against Edey in the past. Hopefully we'll see.
  18. crackattack

    NCAA Hoops '23-'24

    This tournament is freaking loaded. Love it. I'm a Purdue fan by the way. Hoping to see a PU/KU final. Good luck
  19. crackattack

    Democrats winning elections

    No comment on the clean sweep by Republicans in Louisiana? By a 2 to 1 margin in every race. The SOS, AG, and Treasurer. Not counting Republicans won the governor race earlier this year in October. I guess democrats "winning elections" came to a crashing halt tonight. That gives Republicans complete control of everything in Louisiana. I'm sure you'll just say meh, it's a red state, but so is kentucky. Also Louisiana had a Dem governor the last 8 years. Just wanted to let you know Democrats aren't "winning elections" everywhere.
  20. crackattack

    Spandex Rock

    Ozzy, white lion and Vixen was my first concert. God I'm old
  21. Temper tantrum by a celebrity . She'll never leave because they never do. Just biatch and moan.
  22. crackattack

    Democrats winning elections

    This is kinda how I see it. Pretty close at least.
  23. crackattack

    Democrats winning elections

    Was it a "much" better night though? Dems lost 2 out of 3 in kentucky. Picked up a handful to flip the Virginia house and held the senate in Virginia. Abortion won in Ohio, but that's not just a democratic position. Most Republicans believe abortion should be legal to an extent. So when the option is should abortion rights be protected yes or no. Most people regardless of party are going to say yes. You're seeing it in very red states. Those aren't just democrats voting yes. I'd venture to say most Republicans, except the staunch pro lifers, would compromise with a 15 week ban with exception to rape, incest, etc etc. So I'm not so sure it's this big night some think it was. Maybe it was, I don't focking know
  24. crackattack

    Democrats winning elections

    I still think it's relevant that Republicans have only held that office 12 years out of the last 73 years. Abortion is a big problem for Republicans. I said that when USSC overturned Roe. Abortion rights are winning everywhere it's put to the voters. Even in red states.
  25. crackattack

    Democrats winning elections

    Sure, if you want to just use 20 years, that's fine. I'm not. Since 1990 there have been 2......2 one term republican governors. But sure just do 2000. Since 2000 the democrats held that office 15, soon to be 19, years to Republicans 8. Still think its 50/50?