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Everything posted by Vikings4ever

  1. Vikings4ever

    I'm taking off

    I'm also headed out. I'll check in again in an hour or two.
  2. Vikings4ever

    While we're waiting...

    Best moves: Priest Ward Pennington Picking up Matt Hasselbeck Worst moves: Trading Jamal Lewis to Jgalt Trading Lav Coles back to Jgalt (noticing a pattern here?) Trading Bulger (and Price) for the number 1 pick last year (later became 4th, Larry Johnson) Dropping Matt Hasselbeck Pennington Gannon Fiedler Buckhalter Priest Dayne Ward Wayne Franks Gramatica 10 left
  3. Everyone for sale, including Priest. TIA HTH FU
  4. Vikings4ever

    List Your Cut Players Here

    D'Wayne Bates
  5. Vikings4ever

    List Your Cut Players Here

    4 Norsemen drop; Eric Bickerstaff David Tyree Jimmy Kleinsasser Gary Anderson
  6. Vikings4ever

    League Vote - Roster Size

    I'll say
  7. I vote for number 2. Early drafting=fun.
  8. I'll go with number 3. Although number 5 would be pretty interesting, if we can draft anyone.
  9. Chocolate Starfish Gobblers code: Taken from the earlier thread.
  10. Vikings4ever


    I wouldn't mind a practice squad, but I'd give a big to IDPs.
  11. Well, we've got 2 years down, so what are the worst transactions you've made? 1. Giving up Jamal Lewis (and KJ2) for Coles and Bruce. wall 2. Dropping Matt Hasslebeck last year for some goober. He could have really helped out when Gannon was sucking and Pennington was hurt. wall
  12. Vikings4ever

    From the Initial 22 Drafted..

    I've got 12, including my first 2 picks.
  13. Vikings4ever

    I need a stud WR

    Shoot me an email.
  14. Vikings4ever

    Congrats, jgalt...

    At least you didn't give him the RB who has the SB record for most points! wall
  15. Vikings4ever

    Clear out your IR - DONE 1/2004

    Activate Gannon and Stewart Drop Ragone and Testaverde (no, you h0mo, not Holmes wink ),
  16. Vikings4ever

    Congrats, jgalt...

    Ditto. The best team of the year won (this time wink ).
  17. Vikings4ever

    Good luck v4e

    Ditto. pointsto
  18. Vikings4ever


    New playoff WR record: Joe Horn, 37.3 points old - 29 Marvin Harrison - rurbaniak (2002)
  19. Vikings4ever


    I also thought you were in pretty good shape. Long live the Priest-Horn duo! headbang
  20. Vikings4ever

    My strategy for tomorrow...

    Based on last year, you draft 8th. The first 4 were the ones that didn't make the playoffs (reverse record), then the teams elimainated in the first round (again, reverse record).
  21. Now that he's not the worst team, does Mongo get to change his team name, or is the name of the crap team permanent?
  22. I know assfockers, sir. And I am no assfocker!!!!! Well, in that case, the assfocked?