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josh wiley

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Everything posted by josh wiley

  1. josh wiley

    Most underrated sandwiches

    That’s hardcore
  2. josh wiley

    Most underrated sandwiches

    With this one u want to have a bowl of campbell’s chunky clam chowder. Just enough Tabasco to make it a little pink with some celery seed mixed in. Thank me later
  3. josh wiley

    Most underrated sandwiches

    For those of u anywhere near nc a good toasted rye bread with Stan’s pimiento cheese is a good one
  4. josh wiley

    Most underrated sandwiches

    I should have named this “sleeper sandwiches”
  5. josh wiley

    Pierce out. Singletary up next.

    Of course because I just traded for him
  6. You equate liberty as being the same as shepherd college? Shepherd college is shaking its head like wtf
  7. josh wiley

    post your trade offers here

    Yeah Jameson might get it figured out but I traded him and my opponent played him and got him 0. Might take him a little while if it happens at all
  8. josh wiley

    Not great options this week

    Allegier or Zeke? 1 pt Ppr
  9. josh wiley

    Not great options this week

    Puka for sure and like he said the first 3
  10. josh wiley

    Not great options this week

    Yeah leaning that way. Feel like their floors might be about the same but zeke could have a higher ceiling
  11. josh wiley

    post your trade offers here

    I traded dk and Jameson Williams for Pierce and jeudy. Really needed a back and still have aj brown, puka, and Evans. Williams looked like he wanted no part of making a catch across the middle of the field. Sure by the end of the year will be more beneficial to him, but holding out hope Pierce can rise up and jeydy can be a serviceable flex some weeks
  12. josh wiley

    The Bears have the worst coaching I've ever seen.

    Fields will roll tonight because no one thinks he will. Very scientific of me
  13. josh wiley

    Tool which album is the best

    Listening this afternoon, but got me thinking which I would consider their best undertow or aenima. Both are great and they really don’t need to be ranked against each other, but just curious on what others think?
  14. Feeling decent about my ravens def
  15. josh wiley

    Tool which album is the best

    Awesome jealous. Enjoy
  16. josh wiley

    TNF Discussion: Lions @ Packers Wk 4

    Glad I put doubts in last sec. Even though love def looked off last night they seem to have a good rapport
  17. josh wiley

    TNF Discussion: Lions @ Packers Wk 4

    Doubs Freudian slip?
  18. josh wiley

    TNF Discussion: Lions @ Packers Wk 4

    Just put in doubt. We’ll see
  19. josh wiley

    Battle for the Basement

    You’re probably right
  20. josh wiley

    Battle for the Basement

    I bet the bears put a 30 spot on them. Just because it’s what u would least expect and broncos def
  21. josh wiley

    Travis Kelce Hyperextended Knee

    Kielce was great for me last year so I hope he heals up well. That being said my opponent this week has him so rest up big fella
  22. josh wiley

    Where is Bijan Robinson drafted?

    I got allegier but I know it was after the third round
  23. josh wiley

    2023 Bold Predictions

    Micah parsons will only have five sacks this year…. On Sam Howell
  24. josh wiley

    It's National Waffle Day!!

    Serious question weepaws. If there is a god and he is exactly who u think he is, do u think he would look kindly on all these interjections of “his teachings” in everyone’s posts on here. I mean this one is about waffles “for Christ’s sake”
  25. josh wiley

    It's National Waffle Day!!

    When I make them for the kids I put a little bit of cinnamon into the batter. Turns out pretty good