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josh wiley

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Everything posted by josh wiley

  1. josh wiley


    33 hrs 80 rbis and hitting .180. Does this mean who cares about avg?
  2. josh wiley


  3. josh wiley

    Liquor locator

    My son’s switch has it where u can search for a missing controller and they’ll start vibrating so u can find them. Maybe they ought to make some sort of variation of this for a bottle. Sometimes if I hide them somewhere I even have trouble finding later. Big surprise huh. But maybe u could attach like a little bandaid thing with a chip and have it so u could locate the next day? Ridiculous thought or good idea?
  4. josh wiley

    Liquor locator

    The wife
  5. josh wiley

    Favorite Vegetable

    Before all these impossible things that was probably one of the veg that held up most like a meat along with mushrooms
  6. josh wiley

    Favorite Vegetable

    Like them marinated or on a pizza or in a pasta.
  7. josh wiley

    Favorite Vegetable

    You guys are crazy as hell. Think the original topic is your favorite vegetable.
  8. josh wiley

    Favorite Vegetable

    Artichoke hearts
  9. josh wiley

    Cooper flagg

    Yahoo had something about him. Who would this guy compare to?
  10. josh wiley

    Cooper flagg

    Little more shot blocking than most
  11. josh wiley

    How to step up your breakfast sandwich game

    So 4 pieces of bread?
  12. josh wiley

    Mlb stars 25 or under

    Who will end up being the best when their career is done? De la Cruz, Robert jr, acuna jr, tatis jr, bichette, or Witt jr? I could see any one of these guys being the best. De la Cruz looks like something different to me so far. Looks like a video game
  13. What do u all do when u want to take them out and things are a little tight? Recently I’ve taken my crew to Mexican place and instead of ordering anything myself I’ll order tacos or cheese quesadilla for the kids and something for wifey. Then when they get their food which comes with beans and rice which they mostly have no interest in anyways I’ll just take the chips and put some of the beans maybe rice with some salsa. I named them “chiparitos” which the kids get a kick out of. I know I’ve just disclosed I am the only geek that’s not filthy rich, but any other ideas or things you guys do?
  14. josh wiley

    Ideas for meals out with fam when things are tight

    And yes whoever said Mexican or pizza isn’t cheap anymore. U r right on on that
  15. josh wiley

    Ideas for meals out with fam when things are tight

    These are some good suggestions. We actually did have the kids help make pizzas the other night and they came out great and the kids appreciated even more since they helped. Subs a great idea. I do try to cook out on the grill as often as possible too. And yes I knew someone would say don’t go out if things are tight. And completely understandable. U just feel like the family needs it sometimes. Like when the kids finished school as a congrats, when they finished bible school, when soccer and basketball seasons were over, etc. Mainly like to do it to mark occasions such as these. I did used to cook at a hotel in my early twenties so I’m not terrible at it. No biermeister that’s for sure
  16. Do they still have those taco Doritos?
  17. josh wiley

    Neighbor love.

    You’ve got some nice neighbors bro
  18. josh wiley

    Sheetz 4th Of July $1.776 Gallon

    Damn wish I’d known. Leaving abc store that morning and I saw the traffic backed up through a roundabout back into the road. I figured it was people trying to avoid where an accident may have happened. Now kicking myself
  19. josh wiley

    whats your go to snack when your hungry?

    A good trail mix without any fruit or raisins or any of that crap
  20. josh wiley

    whats your go to snack when your hungry?

    Also some salt and vinegar chips
  21. josh wiley

    whats your go to snack when your hungry?

    My grandparents had grapevines. Those thing smelled unbelievably good and of course tasted great
  22. josh wiley

    MLB 2023

    Acuna like Eric Davis ‘86-87
  23. josh wiley

    UFO sighting

    We were getting out of the car yesterday and my daughter said to me “dad what is that?” I looked up where she was and something was sitting still shining slightly. I got my phone out and was able to catch it on video. It started moving and then faded behind the tree line. If anyone wants to guide me on putting the video up on here that’s fine. I only know how to send them to messages or emails. One of the craziest things I’ve ever witnessed firsthand. Little tic tac looking thing
  24. josh wiley

    UFO sighting

    U r the man raiders thanks. We’re u able to zoom in and see what I was talking about?