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tubby_mcgee last won the day on August 10 2019

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700 Excellent

About tubby_mcgee

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    FF Geek

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    Guns, Hunting, Fishing, Lifting, Coaching, Eating, Investing, Entrepreneuring

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  1. I think it's a great idea. Get to it, libbies. https://i.ibb.co/21f3qx9K/Jump-Against-Trump.jpg
  2. Liberals can't think on their own. They repeat what they've heard. They heard it said that Biden has dementia, so they say "Trump has dementia" They repeat everything the right says first. I have have many instances of them them doing that. It's just, well, because they can't think on their own. They've been taught to follow. It's all they know.
  3. tubby_mcgee

    I Know Some Of You Thinkā€¦

    sprinting just to only backwards slowly.
  4. tubby_mcgee

    What if...

    The thing is...we don't know these answers....we never will. They only dispense the info they want us to have. If the info does get "leaked" or "announced" by an "insider" etc....the media/government will say "that's just rumor/fake news/disgruntled guy" etc. There will be no "earth shattering" announcements regarding anyone in the government getting in trouble for anything major or mind blowing. It will be scrubbed/removed from public view, or will never be announced or will be called "rumor/fake" etc. You'll see all kinds of folks on Tik Tok, YouTube, blogs, podcasts, etc...announcing "look out....big news coming...so so and so is going down because there's proof they did this or that......" It NEVER happens. Conspiracies - may be true - might not be, we'll never know. Nothing ever happens. See above.
  5. tubby_mcgee

    Any of you take kratom?

    Just curious. Answer, then we can discuss.
  6. Musk is a billionaire. I think he prolly just focuses on what he wants. Only about a 40% he reads this message board, and only about a 25% chance he takes advice from you and focuses on X.
  7. tubby_mcgee

    Wait, I thought there weren't any kids getting sex changes

    I'd say age 25. That's when the brain is developed. 15-16 is too young. Way too young.
  8. tubby_mcgee

    Popular vote.

  9. tubby_mcgee

    So no talks about voter fraud?

    Yeah. Does anything look fishy here? https://i.ibb.co/rfhgPWM/2020-looks-fishy.jpg
  10. This I get, and I've thought about that angle also.
  11. tubby_mcgee

    Ok. Thats the final straw

    "Trump subjects US us citizens to endure deadly conditions" -- funny it doesn't read like that. And ya what....liberal news reader/general public would fall for it hook line and sinker. Well wait. Would they run with it? Or fall for it? Sometimes I can't tell.
  12. If someone is going to vote for someone because the the poll says that candidate is going to win, that person is absolutely a purebred sheep. We already know how the purebred sheep are going to vote. So again, I don't think falsifying polls in a presidential election (certainly when Trump is involved) is going to sway the election one bit.
  13. So you're saying people might be influenced by polls and vote accordingly?
  14. Why would you care? If polls are wrong, they're wrong and the results will be in the pudding, right? Being upset with polls is like being upset with NFL Power Rankings put out by ESPN.
  15. tubby_mcgee

    The screaming after this election will be.....

    2 months ago I didn't think Trump could win. Now I think he will. Handily. And, lets face it....nearly ZERO folks out there on the left ACTUALLY think that Kamala would make a great president. They just want Trump less. There are going to be a lot of lefties voting Trump that will NEVER admit they did. I obviously could be wrong. But I think Trump is going to win. Almost every reason anyone gives for not liking Trump, isn't anything they thought of on their own. It's something they've been fed from the media. Try it sometime. Ask a Trump hater why they don't like Trump.