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Everything posted by jvirne

  1. jvirne

    ***Official LOST Season 6 thread***

    Pretty sure the people at the church were all linked via a constant. Miles and the other "minor" characters didn't have a strong connection to them there. Or, as Christian put it, their time on the island with those people wasn't the most significant part of their lives. Only fools are trapped by time and space? What was that line from the Dharma subliminal torture room? Interesting ending. And, yes, it almost guarantees a movie. Also interesting: Ben doesn't go in the church, but he's there outside. Close, but not close enough. Odd.
  2. jvirne

    ***Official LOST Season 6 thread***

    Son of a b!tch.
  3. jvirne

    ***Official LOST Season 6 thread***

    This is fantastic news.
  4. jvirne

    ***Official LOST Season 6 thread***

    I caught that. I think it was just demonstrating that some LAX people had come a far way in their recollections off stage, perhaps even total recall along with Desmond. After all, Hurley remembering someone as minor as Ana Lucia is pretty indicative of total recall. What convinced Hurley to go along with Desmond though? He has Libby now. Same with many of the others, as you pointed out CTT. Where's the motivation? To go back to being stranded, unlucky, and having a dead girlfriend instead of a living one? If nothing else, I expect tonight to answer LAX for us, and why those people so desperately want to leave it.
  5. jvirne

    ***Official LOST Season 6 thread***

    The Onion does a report on the people in this thread! Philly must watch this.
  6. jvirne

    Westboro Baptist Church To Picket Dio Funeral

    I know Black Sabbath ain't his genre, but I would love to see Techno Viking show up and teach these people a lesson.
  7. Middle Eastern women are hot. And Persian women are even hotter.
  8. jvirne

    Which cities are NFL ready thats not LA?

    Mexico City and Toronto are frontrunners after LA. The league wants to expand internationally. Europe is too far and wants no part of American football anyway. Mexico City would be good, but Toronto is more ideal due to population wealth, government stability, and proximity to the border.
  9. jvirne

    ***Official LOST Season 6 thread***

    This is what I'm saying. If they don't show this, then the series falls VERY flat IMO. They have to explain why Michael couldn't kill himself and the Christian Sheppard in LA issue. There's only two possible explanations: Jacob is that effing powerful, or the island itself is alive.
  10. jvirne

    ***Official LOST Season 6 thread***

    FWIW, MIB was the one who made a big deal out of the cave names when he was trying to turn Sawyer. Then Sawyer made a big deal out of them based on MIB's info. Jacob never said anything about them. Which is also why I have (some) faith that MIB is also not the Christian Sheppard who appeared in LA. I think (hope) he's lying. The guy is a proven liar, after all, one every bit as manipulative as Ben Linus. It would make perfect sense for him to sell that "I was your father" crap to Jack in order to gain his trust. If I were writing the final episode, I'd put in a big scene where Jack goes to the center of the island to protect it from MIB, and while he's waiting he meets "the island" in the form of his father. I doubt that's going to happen, but it would explain a lot of things.
  11. jvirne

    ***Official LOST Season 6 thread***

    You're going to regret this when your fat deluded buddy shows up shirtless in jeans, saying "son of a b!tch" a gazillion times all night long.
  12. jvirne

    Caption This Photo

    "Opening a can of whoop-a$$"
  13. jvirne

    ***Official LOST Season 6 thread***

    I figured it out.
  14. jvirne

    ***Official LOST Season 6 thread***

    Is there a way to put someone on IGNORE at FFT?
  15. jvirne

    Rand Paul

    I'll just say I like his father, would love to have him represent my state, though I don't know if I'd vote for him for POTUS (I might). However, I wouldn't want Rand representing my town on our library board. He seems like a reversal of most things I like about his dad.
  16. jvirne

    ***Official LOST Season 6 thread***

    I've noticed this guy likes the word "idiot" a lot. projection
  17. jvirne

    Rand Paul

    So he's a nutjob living off the rep of his more popular and intelligent dad. Great. Best way to get into power (see Bush, Dubya).
  18. jvirne

    Rand Paul

    Tiki> How is Rand like and dislike daddy Ron?
  19. jvirne

    ***Official LOST Season 6 thread***

    The two narratives seem to be colliding from both sides. Desmond is the puppetmaster in LAX, bringing everyone together to remind them of their lost selves. And now MIB is going to try to destroy/sink the island. The series finale has hope yet.
  20. jvirne

    ***Official LOST Season 6 thread***

    I'm sorry my tastes in narrative don't jive with yours. Novelist Tim O'Brien said something very interesting at a reading once. We were in a bookstore, and he said, " there isn't one real mystery in the MYSTERY section here. All the plots are solved by the end, the mystery explained and over with. Those aren't mysteries. A real mystery remains a mystery." I meant it when I said I hope they never reveal what the island is. I've seen enough. The light of life. The origin of the smoke monster. Just want to know about the time traveling and the link to LAX. That's it.
  21. jvirne

    ***Official LOST Season 6 thread***

    That actor is like a poor man's Jeff Goldblum who hit the crack pipe instead of the gym.
  22. jvirne

    ***Official LOST Season 6 thread***

    For what it's worth, I hope they never answer this question. I like the mystery. I also don't care much about all these questions people have. I think the major questions have been answered. I just want a strong final two episodes that restores my faith in the series. Ok, one big thing I'd like answered (or even partially answered) is the space-time properties of "the light of life" in the Lucky Charms cave. i.e. why were they traveling through time last season AND what's up with Desmond (these have the same answer, IMO)?
  23. jvirne

    Oil slick Satellite Images

    Sure glad Obama is (was?) in favor of offshore drilling. Maybe next time you'll listen to the screams of your supporters, a$$hole.