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Brad GLuckman

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About Brad GLuckman

  • Rank
    FF Geek

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  1. Brad GLuckman

    Rodgers to Jets

    Jets may have slightly overpaid but they are now relevant. They have a shot and their fans can enjoy a season that actually matters. Even if they don't win it all it will at least be interesting. Packers get some picks to help their rebuild and unload Rodgers. In the end, I think it's a win for both sides.
  2. Brad GLuckman

    Favorite Appetizers. Spermoff

    White queso with chorizo
  3. Brad GLuckman

    Bill Maher booked to be on Tucker Carlson.

    Wonder if Maher will bring up Carlson saying he "hates Trump passionately". Would be interesting to see him confronted on that.
  4. Brad GLuckman

    How long have you been married ?

    Got married in my early 20s, which lasted 6 months. We were a couple of dumb kids. Married my current wife when we were both 31. Been married 10 years. Kids are 6 and 8.
  5. Brad GLuckman

    20 years later: the invasion of Iraq

    What are you talking about? I can't stand Biden.
  6. Brad GLuckman

    20 years later: the invasion of Iraq

    I was a 21 year old Marine and I was 100% supportive because I was young and dumb and thought the Middle East just needed a lil' Democracy. I went to Kuwait for the invasion but never got sent into Iraq. That war did more to damage the United States than anything I can think of in my lifetime. Nothing pisses me off more than seeing articles years ago about GWB visiting wounded troops at Walter Reed like he was some compassionate leader. He was a piece of sh!t that knowingly sent God knows how many Americans and Iraqis to their death because he wanted a legacy. No different than Putin.