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Posts posted by sgumm23

  1. What I would like to see is season 6 on dvd have a feature that would allow us to view the happenings on the island straight through. From the crater to Jack's death. Then as soon as Jack's eye closes cut to Oceanic 815 with Rose and Jack passing through the turbulance and go from there with the off island (purgatory) stuff. In hindsight season 6 , to me, is like two seperate acts of the same play that were acted out at the same time jumping back and forth.

  2. Anyone have him in the death pool? I could see him eating a bullet before killing her.


    Or he could go hog wild on strange to his heart's content.


    So he kills himself, then Elin? That would be awesome.

  3. Gonna be hard for Phil to follow up that 67 tomorrow. You just don't see guys put two great rounds together. Lee played well too so I think they may both slide a little bit and bring both Choi and Tiger into contention. That said I started with Lee and am sticking with him.

  4. If you'd wipe your arse when you're finished p00ping, you wouldn't have that problem!


    Actually over wiping along with sensitive skin was the cause. I know when you go in thinking arse cancer or roid surgery then anal itch is good news.
