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Everything posted by Upchuck

  1. Upchuck

    MFL Power It

    Got the projections linked to our MFL scoring and the player rankings do come up properly, but when I have it set to "free agents" it strikes out most of those that had been picked from our draft but not all of them. I tried refreshing it, but it doesn't help.
  2. Upchuck

    MFL Power It

    And I do know that most of the last round won't show, but it is closed out.
  3. Upchuck

    MFL Power It

  4. Upchuck

    Rackers or Hanson

  5. Upchuck

    Greg Jennings

    I grabbed him, giving up Cedrick Wilson, my #6 WR (a tossup between the two with jennings having more upside in my TD ONLY league.) I wouldn't take him over established players in earlier rounds, but as my last rostered WR, he has huge potential. GB's going to be passing this year, even if it means Favre is eating grass while doing so(eating, not smokin') Plus Favre's schedule is easier for the pass this year compared to last, I think.
  6. Upchuck

    TD only leagues....

    Hard to predict who the players will be, but I CAN tell you my TD only league redraft went like this for the first 4 rounds: (we're allowed to 'franchise' one player (only 4 RBs were) and our league is a mixture of sharks and guppies, with the guppies 'growing up' the last few years, at least in regards to the first 3 or 4 rounds anyway. Also, WRs were not picked up as early as I expected this year. Generally 2 go the in the 1st, 2 in the 2nd, and then 6 in the 3rd, with 8 in the 4th. Worked out great for me this year. I expect to be untouchable if my 3rd WR stays healthy (DJax!). I drafted from #8 position and went RB (franchise LJ), then 3 WRs, then RB (though I came close to going RB in the 4th (missed my targetted player by 1 pick :-( Good luck! rb rb rb rb qb qb rb rb rb qb rb rb rb qb qb qb rb rb wr wr wr wr rb wr rb wr wr wr wr wr wr wr wr wr wr qb rb rb wr wr rb rb rb wr rb rb wr qb