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Everything posted by TimHauck

  1. TimHauck

    Couple of guys taking selfies huh?

    Well Piers Morgan knows apparently And the Epoch Times claim his name is Michael T Byrd https://m.theepochtimes.com/mkt_breakingnews/naming-the-capitol-police-officer-who-killed-unarmed-jan-6-rioter-ashli-babbitt_3892747.html/amp?__twitter_impression=true
  2. TimHauck

    Tucker Carlson Thread

    Haven't we had this conversation like 10x before? Anyone with a cell phone, Echodot, etc is being spied on. Tucker isn't special.
  3. TimHauck

    Tucker Carlson Thread

    That's precisely what that video says around 5:30...dude with the beard says "it's really about them spying on Putin" stopped watching after that
  4. Technically, isn't Psaki the "mouthpiece"? https://www.foxnews.com/politics/white-house-door-to-door-vaccination-volunteers-not-government-workers-no-vaccine-database "Psaki also insisted that the government is not keeping records of who is or is not vaccinated, although they are aware of the rates of vaccination in different parts of the country."
  5. TimHauck

    Tucker Carlson Thread

    Probably true. So you agree that Tucker not denying being vaccinated means he has been, correct?
  6. Yeah probably, which is why I think it's a stupid idea. But it doesn't make them nazis.
  7. I don't know why they wouldn't, but then again many door to door salesmen don't which makes no sense to me. Why waste your time with someone you know isn't going to want what you're selling.
  8. TimHauck

    Only 6% of U.S. retail businesses are black owned

    Ever get any help (particularly financial) from your parents to do it? Even if you didn't, I bet many white business owners have. I don't think blacks are being actively prevented from opening businesses, but I think part of the reason for whites making up a larger % is that more of them have gotten help in doing so. But yes, I know as mentioned many immigrants own businesses as well. But someone mentioned they often get grants? I don't think giving some grants for blacks to open businesses would be a horrible idea, particularly if it's in a majority-black areas where a lot of other people may not want to open one anyway.
  9. Correct, this is the gist of the disagreement here...
  10. Yeah, maybe if she didn't he would have won Georgia. She's a whacko.
  11. Agree. At best maybe you get 1 out of every 100 people you talk to to sign up. So basically they'd need to knock on every door in the country to add 1% to the % of people vaccinated.
  12. I disagree with anyone calling Trump a nazi, but I believe even that was more of an insult (along the lines of people calling Biden the R-word). But GC posters literally think covid restrictions were the first step to the US becoming Nazi Germany. There are some Trump supporters that are probably actual nazis though. Obviously not all of them or even a large number.
  13. What exactly do you think is going to happen?
  14. Same. I voted for him twice and I’m Jewish
  15. Stop with the Nazi comparisons. It's embarrassing.
  16. So you think Joe has a list of everyone that's not vaccinated and where they live?
  17. Their (Biden's) agenda is getting more people vaccinated. It's not that complicated. The people asking for your personal information are CVS, Walgreens, Publix, Kroger, Walmart, Target, thousands of doctor's offices, etc. I doubt the federal government is competent enough to turn a list of the people that ARE vaccinated from all of those different sources, into a list of people that aren't vaccinated and where they live.
  18. Well you're guessing they're going to break in, tie people down and inject them with the vaccine right?
  19. Will they even know anything? My guess is they'll literally just be knocking on every door and handing out pamphlets, might not even ask if you've had it yet. Again, stupid and a waste of tax dollars. But not nazi.
  20. Yeah did you miss the part where I said it was stupid? Clearly you've never had a door to door salesman come to your door. They try to pressure you too. Are they nazis? I mean Jehovah's witnesses want you to change your entire religion and recruit you to become someone that goes to knock on other people's doors, that is pretty serious stuff too. Not to mention the droves of people that go door to door to register people to vote every election cycle. Also LOL at "the entire country being locked down for a year and a half."
  21. From the article in the OP: White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki also referred to the "door-to-door" effort while listing the five objectives of Biden's COVID response earlier in the day at Tuesday's briefing, citing "targeted community door-to-door outreach" to "get remaining Americans vaccinated by ensuring that they have the information they need on how both safe and accessible the vaccine is." I'm pretty sure they won't actually have the vaccine with them, sounds like they'll basically just be handing out pamphlets like Jehovah's Witnesses. It's a door to door salesman, not an army attack. I agree it's stupid, because most people don't bother with door to door salesmen, but I guess they're going with the strategy of "if 1 out of 100 sign up then it was worth it."
  22. TimHauck

    Trump's main man

    Agreed, public speaking is hard. Was just responding to the false claim that he "did it once."
  23. They're trying to sell people on taking the vaccine, not forcing them. Where did them getting their homes invaded come into play?