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Everything posted by TimHauck

  1. I hate people that compare door to door sales to nazis. Really annoying for sure, but nazi, no.
  2. TimHauck

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    The first time yes, weren’t you talking about those who had immunity? Someone doesn’t have immunity the first time they get it... And that data in question was only since Feb 2021...
  3. TimHauck

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    Most likely not because they probably didn’t test positive.
  4. Do you? I don’t even know what political party a lot of my friends and coworkers are.
  5. TimHauck

    Get your shopping done early in San Fran

    Sorry, I meant every major city. Not Broomfield Colorado.
  6. TimHauck

    Get your shopping done early in San Fran

    This is fair, athough pretty much every city is run by libs. However I think cdub wanted to make it known that the libs were actually the ones committing the crimes.
  7. Actually someone I went to college with worked in Loss Prevention for Kohl’s in the middle of central PA. And yes apparently it was pretty rampant there. He would tell stories of people backing up a truck to the door and trying to take entire jewelry counters. This was like 10 years ago though
  8. TimHauck

    Critical Race Theory

    I agree, I guess I was more referring to the kids that didn’t participate in that program. There were likely other kids who would have liked to get out of their current situation, but whose parents may not have.
  9. But again, I’m not sure if “petty theft” is the issue. According to some of these articles part of the reason is due to an organized operation. That’s something that would be able to be prosecuted...even by liberals.
  10. I couldn’t find the original post, but I scrolled a bit through the guy’s feed and the majority of the stories seem to be from the UK.
  11. TimHauck

    Trump's main man

  12. As I posted in the other thread, it seems this may be from an “organized retail crime group.” I don’t know what race or political party that would likely be, but my point was moreso is it seems the assumption is the most likely culprits are individual young blacks or something when that doesn’t appear to be the case.
  13. Horrible. Might be race related, might not be. I went to the “Clown World” page where the video came from and didn’t see that video, but many of the articles it posted were from like 6-10 years ago. And seems like many were not even in America - by the accents I’m guessing this wasn’t either. The GC loves posting videos from other countries then using them as proof of things that are happening in the US, it’s really weird IMO.
  14. Fake news. It said you couldn’t catch it at either.
  15. There’s already a thread on this. And how do you know it’s liberals?
  16. TimHauck

    Critical Race Theory

    I agree. I guess my only question would be were those the “kids that wanted out of the hood,” or continuing with the theme of involved parents, just the “parents that wanted their kids out of the hood”? It is certainly a disadvantage if your parents don’t give a crap about your education.
  17. TimHauck

    Get your shopping done early in San Fran

    Actually it seems a lot of it may be from an “organized retail crime group,” so I’m not sure we know what race the majority of perpetrators are if that’s what you’re getting at. https://www.newsweek.com/san-franciscos-organized-shoplifting-surge-prompts-target-cut-operating-hours-1606674?amp=1
  18. TimHauck

    Critical Race Theory

    I agree. But do you think this is being done? Tying back to some of the current replies, frankly “neighborhood schools” may be the biggest example of current policies that are disadvantageous towards blacks. I’m not sure I’d go as far as calling them racist, and overall I agree that we shouldn’t be making white kids think that they’re bad people or black kids think they’re victims, but it does seem like there have been racist parts of history that have been glossed over in schools, such as the Tulsa Massacre, or even the American Colonization Society that someone brought up earlier. Or another somewhat recent example which was recently highlighted by the Daily Show, the case of Pigford v Glickman in which the USDA has paid out over $1 billion in a lawsuit for discriminating against black farmers. So while “redlining” was just one example, it has contributed to other issues such as neighborhood schools. I know MDC was trying to play ignorant, but what I’m sure everyone else was alluding to was that primarily black schools are generally poor performing. As was said, it’s really more about parent involvement, but that’s usually driven by incomes (wealthy areas have more parents that care and are able to spend time and money to invest in their kids and the school), and wealthy areas tend to be majority white. (I know someone keeps bringing up Dunbar HS in DC in multiple threads, but that was not a neighborhood school as it was basically just a collection of all the wealthy blacks). So it seems contradictory for people to say “blacks just need to go to school and they’ll improve their situation,” which has some truth to it, but the schools they go to generally speaking are not good, and they usually don’t have resources available such as tutors or even club sports. Not to mention if they don’t live in a safe home or wonder if they’ll have dinner that day. I’m honestly not sure what the solution is though. We’ve tried dumping tax money into urban schools and that doesn’t seem to work. Magnet schools seem to work, but we need more. For one I think poor kids should probably be given more opportunities for scholarships at top boarding schools where they won’t have to worry about where they’ll be sleeping or what they’ll be eating. But not sure how well that would go over with their parents.
  19. Isn't that how it's always been though? Like kids in college have always primarily voted democrat right? Then they get real jobs and realize how much they need to pay in taxes and many start voting Republican
  20. TimHauck

    Florida condo bldg collapse

    I haven't really followed...what are they saying DeSantis is responsible for?
  21. Here’s an example of why some of the Dinosaur Republicans get a bad name though: I guess the swamp didn’t really get drained...
  22. I’ve lived in the Charlotte area for the past 10 years. You called NC “full blown blue.” That’s patently false. It’s”full blown purple.” Yes, the cities are blue, but that’s the case everywhere. It’s just that the cities are probably growing in size the fastest. But the suburbs are growing as well, and they are mostly red, and that includes many of the people moving here from the north, particularly in Charlotte. The Raleigh area may have some more liberals moving there due to the Research Triangle. What has Cooper done to be “woke”? I thought he did a pretty good job during covid...wasn’t a free for all, but wasn’t really a “lockdown” for more than about 6 weeks. Yes, I voted for him, but I also voted for Trump.
  23. Trump won NC in both 2016 and 2020...
  24. All NCAA athletes in all states can start profiting off their name image and likeness today: https://www.si.com/college/2021/06/30/nil-interim-policy-approved-starting-thursday
  25. TimHauck

    Not so Common Knowledge.

    or wear your headgear