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Everything posted by SuperSteelers

  1. SuperSteelers


    Ditto. Rivers debacle last week cost me a win.
  2. SuperSteelers

    Lacy needs to copy Ingram and Bell

    Remember last year when everyone was giving the Steelers sh*t for passing Lacy for Bell? Well, looks like they knew what they were doing. Lacy is a good back, but certainly not one of the elite backs.
  3. SuperSteelers

    Time to cut Patterson?

    Looking to drop him for: Allen Robinson Joseph Randle He literally hasn't done anything all season and doesn't have a QB to get him the ball. What are/have other Patterson owners done?
  4. SuperSteelers

    One week starts

    Taliaferro would be a good start vs. PIT.
  5. SuperSteelers

    One week starts

    Taliaferro would be a good start vs. PIT.
  6. SuperSteelers

    Moncrief the real deal?

    Worth a pickup before guy's like Allen Robinson?
  7. SuperSteelers

    R.Jennings not likely for week 9

    That's annoying. I have Forte on a bye and certainly can't count on Gore and Vereen to carry the load.
  8. SuperSteelers

    anyone looking to trade Marshall?

    Marshall was traded for Megatron about four weeks ago. Looks like a wash at this point.
  9. SuperSteelers


    Does Mettenberger starting help or hurt K. Wright, D. Walker and J. Hunter?
  10. SuperSteelers

    Shane Vereen

    Sort of in the same boat. Let me know what you are able to get for him.
  11. SuperSteelers

    Shane Vereen

    I'm starting him mostly because I have no other options. Once Jennings comes back, Vereen will be relegated to Flex or bench depending on match ups.
  12. SuperSteelers

    ++ Update: Jimmy Graham - Active, May Be Limited

    I am in the same boat here. He will either catch a touchdown and provide something or have one catch for 8 yards. I think I am starting him. Can't keep your stars on the bench.
  13. SuperSteelers

    Yahoo - Waivers

    So a topic has recently come up in our league regarding waivers. We play is a pretty shallow league (14 roster spots) one IR spot (only if the player is ACTUALLY on IR). Constant roster finangling is required. Well, a gentlemen in our league was second on the waiver claim. He dropped a player with the assumption he would easily be able to pick him back up since he was #2 on waivers. Unfortunately, Yahoo doesn't allow the team that dropped the player to put a claim in on him. The league was sort of split on the decision and now its become a bigger issue. I personally think you should be able to put a claim in on any player as long as the proper waiver channels are exhausted. How do other leagues rule on this issue?
  14. SuperSteelers

    What RB should we target on the WW this week?

    Who is the better add at this point Joseph Randle or Odell Beckham?
  15. SuperSteelers

    Yahoo - Waivers Didn't Go Through

    Definitely. Same goes with our league as well. We had an issue with our league. Why does Yahoo have this awful rule that you can't put in a waiver claim on a player that you've recently dropped?
  16. SuperSteelers

    Coaches who might get fired during the season?

    If Tomlin doesn't get canned then his coordinators should at least get the boot. The Steelers have wasted so many mid level picks on flashy players (i.e. Chris Rainey and Dri Archer). I'm under the opinion that you use those picks for linemen, tight ends, corners or WR. These scat backs aren't very useful in the NFL these days. As much as I love Lebeau and respect what he has done for the organization, I just feel it's time for him (and Steelers) to move on. Keith Butler will take over the reigns and maybe bring in an OC from the outside.
  17. SuperSteelers

    Lamar Miller - What are we doing with him?

    What did you get for him?
  18. SuperSteelers

    Rashad Jennings out

    Reshad Jennings. I knew I should've picked up Williams!
  19. SuperSteelers

    T. Williams

    Can we give this guy some love? Dez getting all the double coverage opening it up for Terrance. Great pickup.
  20. SuperSteelers


    I am holding him for now but it's killing my depth. We have a short bench as it is and keeping him with the expectation he might help me down the road doesn't bode well during bye weeks.
  21. SuperSteelers

    Players to Buy Low

    What about Demaryuis Thomas?
  22. SuperSteelers

    Players to Buy Low

    Isn't that how it always works? Give up your best players for their bench players.
  23. SuperSteelers

    Who would you trade Calvin Johnson for?

    Someone in my league just traded Megatron for Brandon Marshall. The owner who traded for Megatron has Stafford for QB and other owner has Cutler.
  24. SuperSteelers

    Bortles vs. Bridgewater

    Who do you like moving forward in Keeper league? I really thought Bridgewater played really well his first time, but Bortles has strung together a few good games here. Who do you like moving forward and why?
  25. SuperSteelers

    Cordarelle Patterson is droppable right?

    The Packers have given up the 5th fewest passing yards this season. I am starting Vereen over him in my flex.