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Rusty Syringes

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Everything posted by Rusty Syringes

  1. Rusty Syringes

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    This whole alt-righty "feelings were hurt" schtick is lame. No one's feelings were hurt. People just recognized a stupid, selfish man saying stupid, selfish things.
  2. Rusty Syringes

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    I've been suspended three times since November - because there are some mighty thin-skinned puzzy tittle tattlers around here - and not once was I so emotionally desperate like you that I had to use an unblocked device and log in as an alias to be here. What a loser you are.
  3. Rusty Syringes

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    You're a 50-year-old man who gets suspended from this board yet is so co-dependent on it that you have to use an alias to get back in to satisfy your sick need to be a d!ck to people. What a miserable life you must lead.
  4. Rusty Syringes

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    Biden a two-term president! https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/544622-biden-sees-himself-as-a-two-term-president More time for him to take away all your guns!
  5. Rusty Syringes

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    So what? Boy George has a net worth of $35 million. Oh, and I'm married. And Zakk Wylde still sucks!
  6. Rusty Syringes

    Queue the mass shootings

    My ilk?
  7. Rusty Syringes

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    Clownzo set the foundation for this. Now Joe has to straighten it out. Terrible.
  8. Rusty Syringes

    Queue the mass shootings

    How convenient that you dismiss information sources so as not to remotely challenge your belief system. The Proud Boys are alt-right racists focks. Quit defending them.
  9. Rusty Syringes

    Queue the mass shootings

    You said there was no evidence. I successfully showed you evidence. Here is some more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proud_Boys https://www.adl.org/blog/proud-boys-bigotry-is-on-full-display Are you one of them?
  10. Rusty Syringes

    Queue the mass shootings

    https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/proud-boys Rusty wins AGAIN!
  11. Rusty Syringes

    Queue the mass shootings

    I'm racist because I don't think the Proud Boys are a bunch of swell guys. Gotcha!
  12. Rusty Syringes

    Queue the mass shootings

    So you're saying someone can't be racist unless they commit violence?
  13. Rusty Syringes

    Queue the mass shootings

  14. Rusty Syringes

    Queue the mass shootings

    I like hamburgers and so did Joseph Stalin, but that doesn't mean I'm supposed to agree with Joseph Stalin. Antifa hates the KKK, neo-Nazis and racists. Don't you?
  15. Rusty Syringes

    Queue the mass shootings

    Meanwhile, hiding behind a female Asian alias married to this board's most boring, long-winded poster somehow gives you a lift in the manhood department, and you need all the lift you can get with your potpourri of physical and mental issues.
  16. Rusty Syringes

    These Last Couple Weeks.

    We bailed on that show a long time ago after Carl, a character I never liked anyway, got bitten.
  17. Rusty Syringes

    Queue the mass shootings

    Say your prayers, little one, don't forget, my son To include everyone I tuck you in, warm within, keep you free from sin 'Til the Hand man he comes Sleep with one eye open Gripping your pillow tight Exit light Enter night Take Mr. Hand We're off to Never Neverland
  18. Rusty Syringes

    Queue the mass shootings

    So you're funny and wildly creative?
  19. Rusty Syringes

    Queue the mass shootings

    Queue the trolling!
  20. Rusty Syringes

    Queue the mass shootings

    You're right. I posted exactly that. You've got some keen observation powers.
  21. Rusty Syringes

    Queue the mass shootings

    They're a right-wing hate group. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Rusty Syringes

    Queue the mass shootings

    He's like one of those elementary-school playground girls with a crush on a boy, only she shows it by acting like she doesn't care and is rather mean toward him.
  23. Rusty Syringes

    Queue the mass shootings

    It helps to be logged in with two different devices, one as me and the other as TK.
  24. Rusty Syringes

    Queue the mass shootings

    Perhaps he means lining up the mass shootings so they're all nice and tidy.
  25. Rusty Syringes

    Queue the mass shootings

    Right-wing extremists in this country as of July had killed 329 people in the past 25 years, while Antifa had killed exactly zero. This doesn't include the one Antifa guy who killed someone, I believe, back in September, nor does it include the lives lost in the traitorous Capitol attack, with all that blood on alt-righty hands. https://www.businessinsider.com/right-wing-extremists-kill-329-since-1994-antifa-killed-none-2020-7 You really should do your research before you make yourself look like such an ignorant fool.