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2 Duke Lacrosse Players Surrender to Authorities

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DURHAM, N.C. -- Two members of Duke University's men's lacrosse team turned themselves into authorities shortly before 5 a.m. Tuesday, one day after a grand jury reportedly returned sealed indictments against them in connection with an alleged gang rape at an off-campus party last month.



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Now everyone can go from calling the stripper a lying whoore to feeling sorry for her again. And The good Reverend Jackson can dust off his soap box.


Actually, who am I kidding. That soap box hasn't collected dust in over a decade.

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It's about fvcking time. Those mofos should've been locked up already pending investigation.


Fvcking sodomite SOBs.... :mad:

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This means nothing.


When the D.A wins re-election, he'll release them saying he doesn't have enough for a conviction.


Agreed. When the DNA evidence didn't help the DA office, they said they were still going to proceed with the case despite lack of evidence.


Non-story, except for an overzealous D.A.

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Then she's still a filthy stripper.


Well call me a bleeding heart if you want, but if she really was raped, I feel sorry for her, stripper or not.

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Now kidnapping is one of the charges.


I guess when you get drunk and passout in a strange house, it's their fault they didn't throw you into the lawn.

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Agreed. When the DNA evidence didn't help the DA office, they said they were still going to proceed with the case despite lack of evidence.

It's difficult to leave behind DNA when you jam a broomstick or some other object up a woman's cooch, which some evidence indicates is exactly what happened.


You say overzealous DA; I say a DA doing his job despite the inevitable political backlash he will receive. But I'll say now what I've said all along: if this had been several black football players accused of raping/sodomizing a white stripper, they would've been locked up with the quickness, no questions asked.


It's laughable how certain stories are viewed by the public based on the race of the parties involved.

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Then she's still a filthy stripper.


:lol: :first: :lol:

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Now kidnapping is one of the charges.


I guess when you get drunk and passout in a strange house, it's their fault they didn't throw you into the lawn.

Wow, I had no idea George Carlin attends Duke Lacrosse parties!!! Since you were there, I think it is your duty as a FFToday geek to answer the question we've all been dying to know: stripper's can size?

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Now kidnapping is one of the charges.


I guess when you get drunk and passout in a strange house, it's their fault they didn't throw you into the lawn.


the kidnapping is from taking her into a back room against her will

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Well call me a bleeding heart if you want, but if she really was raped, I feel sorry for her, stripper or not.


I won't call you anything. I agree with you and then some. If she was really raped, I don't care what she does/did to earn money, she was raped. Just a horrific crime. Maybe it didn't happen....I don't know. But, if it did, I certainly feel compassion for this woman. No one should be treated that way....ever.


Now kidnapping is one of the charges.


I guess when you get drunk and passout in a strange house, it's their fault they didn't throw you into the lawn.


The intoxication you describe may have been induced by putting something in her drink. Not too uncommon at parties anymore, sadly.

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The intoxication you describe may have been induced by putting something in her drink. Not too uncommon at parties anymore, sadly.


isn't it a fact that she showed up drunk?

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It's difficult to leave behind DNA when you jam a broomstick or some other object up a woman's cooch, which some evidence indicates is exactly what happened.


You say overzealous DA; I say a DA doing his job despite the inevitable political backlash he will receive. But I'll say now what I've said all along: if this had been several black football players accused of raping/sodomizing a white stripper, they would've been locked up with the quickness, no questions asked.


It's laughable how certain stories are viewed by the public based on the race of the parties involved.



RACIST :first: :lol:

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isn't it a fact that she showed up drunk?


Not according to the other stripper who was there with her. She said that she showed up with the ability to articulate herself and such, but deteriorated rapidly in the time that she was there.

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It's laughable how certain stories are viewed by the public based on the race of the parties involved.


Absolutely could not possibly disagree anymore strongly.


In cases of sexual assault, abuse, etc, the person charged is presumed guilty in nearly every instance right off the bat. Their reputation is ruined forever. If they are proven innocent in a court of all, they are never going to be able to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives and reputation, because that stigma is going to linger forever.


This goes for all races, across the board.


If the woman has actually assaulted, despite the unlikelyhood based on what I have read about eyewitness accounts, photos, and lack of evidence, then by all means give a deserving sentences to the people who committed the crime.

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RACIST :rolleyes: :(

If you don't like the heat, get out of the kitchen and go back to God-forsakened East Lansing. :lol:

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Absolutely could not possibly disagree anymore strongly.


In cases of sexual assault, abuse, etc, the person charged is presumed guilty in nearly every instance right off the bat. Their reputation is ruined forever. If they are proven innocent in a court of all, they are never going to be able to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives and reputation, because that stigma is going to linger forever.


This goes for all races, across the board.


If the woman has actually assaulted, despite the unlikelyhood based on what I have read about eyewitness accounts, photos, and lack of evidence, then by all means give a deserving sentences to the people who committed the crime.


Was watching whatever show Tucker Carlson does on MSNBC last night and Jesse Jackson is already convinced 100% of the players' guilt. Having had a run in with Jackson myself personally, I'm not surprised by it, though.....Jackson assumes guilt and motive based on race instantaneouly without any consideration for the facts of a case.

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Jackson assumes guilt and motive based on race instantaneouly without any consideration for the facts of a case.


Turn-about is fair play. Black folks have been experiencing this kind of justice (or injustice) for generations. And don't give me this two wrongs don't make a right BS; while they don't make a right, they damn sure make it even.


Go get 'em, Jesse. :blink:

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i think most people presumed these guys guilty because of the way the story was originally reported and the DA coming out basically stating that the duke players did rape this girl...but now that more evidence has come out the public opinion has changed.

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She was A HOOOOOWAAHHHHHH!!!! :blink:

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Certainly not the case in this situation. Most people saw who the plaintiff was and brushed it off, saying "oh, it's just a stripper," which has a dual meaning: 1) she has no credibility 2) her lifestyle brings on these kinds of allegations.




So melodramatic.... "Pick up the pieces of their shattered lives..."

For you to say -- or worst, believe -- that race doesn't play a role in the court of public opinion, you're sadly mistaken. If this case goes to trial and these two rapists, er, defendants are found not guilty, I'm sure there reintroduction back into society will be a smooth one, 'cause after all, the plaintiff is "just a stripper" who's trying to railroad two law-abiding, upstanding citizens of the community.


This would be looked upon more as a misuse of justice than damaging the reputation of the accused.


When the story first broke, everyone was busy piling on, bashing the players. Even at this site in past threads. Now that the DNA evidence came back negative, there isn't anywhere as much buzz about the story. Mostly because it was fun to bash the kids from Duke. And aside from Notre Dame, I don't know if there is another group of athletes of another college that people love to hate than from Duke.


First impressions are most often lasting impressions. But make no mistake, I am all for convicting the guilty. But there will be Duke lacrosse team jokes for many years to come, long after the trial is over, long after it was determined whether they were guilty or innocent.

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This story has more twists that the switchback to Hana.


So now they are claiming they drugged her with Roofies and sodomized her?


What about the prior bruising?


I feel sorry for the kids that had nothing to do with this. I suppose let the courts decide. But if the DA is getting grand jury indictments, there has to be something.

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Turn-about is fair play. Black folks have been experiencing this kind of justice (or injustice) for generations. And don't give me this two wrongs don't make a right BS; while they don't make a right, they damn sure make it even.


Go get 'em, Jesse. :first:


Jesse's not doing black folks any favors by doing this kind of stuff. There's plenty of racism out there for him to concern himself with. Alleging racism where none exists only hurts his cause.


Not that I'm saying there's no racism here. That remains to be seen.

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Turn-about is fair play. Black folks have been experiencing this kind of justice (or injustice) for generations. And don't give me this two wrongs don't make a right BS; while they don't make a right, they damn sure make it even.


Go get 'em, Jesse. :first:


Let me tell you a story about Jesse Jackson.


When I was in graduate school, I worked in a high school in Arkansas as one of my practicum sites (I am a therapist). It was a fairly small town (5,000 people or so). One day in the spring, a very popular black cheerleader was raped and killed by another boy in the high school (white) and a companion. The school was devastated....the town grieved. The crime may have had some racial motivations, but everyone basically said the killer had a huge "crush" on this girl for several years and that she was very nice to him. She was enormously popular....like I said, liked by almost everyone.


About 2-3 days after it happened, Jesse Jackson brought a large contingent of people from out of town to stir up the notion that this was a hate crime and that the town somehow breeded hatred in young people and students. Like I said, the town was grieving and Jackson's presence just turned everything into a circus. He didn't have the facts straight at all and it ended up putting chasms in the town that wouldn't have been there if he hadn't have shown up with a large group of "protestors" and such. The town was coming together to grieve the tragedy as a cohesive unit....then Jackson showed up and did tremendous psychological damage with his BS.


Think whatever you want about Jackson. But, he had no business coming into that situation and making it ten times worse. He gave those of us who were trying to help respond to the tragedy A LOT more to have to deal with.

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(Jesse Jackson) had no business coming into that situation and making it ten times worse.


I think this sums up every one of Jesse Jackson's appearances very nicely. It's just too bad people actually listen to him and give him even an ounce of credibility.


I think he should be the front runner in the No Talent Assclown "Other" category.

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Let me tell you a story about Jesse Jackson.


When I was in graduate school, I worked in a high school in Arkansas as one of my practicum sites (I am a therapist). It was a fairly small town (5,000 people or so). One day in the spring, a very popular black cheerleader was raped and killed by another boy in the high school (white) and a companion. The school was devastated....the town grieved. The crime may have had some racial motivations, but everyone basically said the killer had a huge "crush" on this girl for several years and that she was very nice to him. She was enormously popular....like I said, liked by almost everyone.


About 2-3 days after it happened, Jesse Jackson brought a large contingent of people from out of town to stir up the notion that this was a hate crime and that the town somehow breeded hatred in young people and students. Like I said, the town was grieving and Jackson's presence just turned everything into a circus. He didn't have the facts straight at all and it ended up putting chasms in the town that wouldn't have been there if he hadn't have shown up with a large group of "protestors" and such. The town was coming together to grieve the tragedy as a cohesive unit....then Jackson showed up and did tremendous psychological damage with his BS.


Think whatever you want about Jackson. But, he had no business coming into that situation and making it ten times worse. He gave those of us who were trying to help respond to the tragedy A LOT more to have to deal with.


Jesse's a loudmouth hypocrit, that much is sure, but for most black folks who don't have a voice, he gives them a voice. For most black folks who don't have hope, he gives them hope.


It may be difficult for some of you to understand, but that means alot in the black community. To have someone stand up for the masses, despite the often boisterous cries from the opposition, is looked upon with great pride where I come from.

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Jesse's a loudmouth hypocrit, that much is sure, but for most black folks who don't have a voice, he gives them a voice. For most black folks who don't have hope, he gives them hope.


It may be difficult for some of you to understand, but that means alot in the black community. To have someone stand up for the masses, despite the often boisterous cries from the opposition, is looked upon with great pride where I come from.


I hear you, but couldn't "black folks" as you put it, choose someone to do that who is a little more rational and respectful of all people.........

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Alleging racism where none exists only hurts his cause.


Not that I'm saying there's no racism here.


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I hear you, but couldn't "black folks" as you put it, choose someone to do that who is a little more rational and respectful of all people.........


Rev Jackson and his ilk should study the truths Bill Cosby has been touting.

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Rev Jackson and his ilk should study the truths Bill Cosby has been touting.



:huh: Yeah, put those two crazies together and watch the fun... :first:

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I hear you, but couldn't "black folks" as you put it, choose someone to do that who is a little more rational and respectful of all people.........


but black folks think repectable black leaders are "uncle toms".

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It may be difficult for some of you to understand, but that means alot in the black community. To have someone stand up for the masses, despite the often boisterous cries from the opposition, is looked upon with great pride where I come from.


To have someone stand up for the masses, claiming you are a representative of the black community, and then jumping into every situation where there is a TV camera shouting racism, does nothing except make people think that the people he represents are exactly like him. And that is not good for any group, when that person is Jesse.

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I hear you, but couldn't "black folks" as you put it, choose someone to do that who is a little more rational and respectful of all people.........

Who would listen?

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Jesse's a loudmouth hypocrit, that much is sure, but for most black folks who don't have a voice, he gives them a voice. For most black folks who don't have hope, he gives them hope.


It may be difficult for some of you to understand, but that means alot in the black community. To have someone stand up for the masses, despite the often boisterous cries from the opposition, is looked upon with great pride where I come from.


IMO, people like Jessie and Sharpton do far more to continue racism than to eliminate it. If racisim ever goes away, these guys no longer have a job. For them to constantly point out the racial lines in cases that were not racially motivated does nothing but make race the central issue. If they seriously wanted to elimiate racism, they would be trying hard to NOT make race the focal point. Blacks will hate whites when they are constantly told that the crime was based on race. Whites will constantly resent blacks when race is introduced into something that race played no part in.

The sooner the likes of Jackson and Sharpton go away, the sooner the issue of racism can be addressed.

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