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Document Details WMD Recovered In Iraq

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Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) and Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R-Mich.) announced Wednesday the finding of over 500 munitions or weapons of mass destruction, specifically "sarin- and mustard-filled projectiles," in Iraq.


Reading from unclassified portions of a document developed by the U.S. intelligence community, Santorum said, "Since 2003, coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent. Despite many efforts to locate and destroy Iraq's pre-Gulf War chemical munitions, filled and unfilled pre-Gulf War chemical munitions are assessed to still exist."


According to Santorum, "That means in addition to the 500, there are filled and unfilled munitions still believed to exist within the country."




the link

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If this is true, then why isn't GWB (and everyone else) giving a "I told you so" on TV right now? Sure sounds fishy to me.

Can you say liberal biased media??


Reading from unclassified portions of a document. Sen. Rick Santorum said this today on the floor.Yet no news talking about yet. :lol: :clap: :clap:


I think FOX NEWS may have mentioned it.





HE CAN'T DO IT :banana: :ninja:

NOBODY CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks for your support :clap:

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Can you say liberal biased media??


Reading from unclassified portions of a document. Sen. Rick Santorum said this today on the floor.Yet no news talking about yet. :ninja: :lol: :clap:


I think FOX NEWS may have mentioned it.



GWB could tell the major TV networks that he wants 10 minutes at 8PM ET tonight and it would have been done.

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GWB could tell the major TV networks that he wants 10 minutes at 8PM ET tonight and it would have been done.


So Sen. Rick Santorum did not read from unclassified portions of a document today?? :ninja:


Or is the story flat out false??? :lol:


I have heard the sound bite on the radio with the quotes I provided.

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So Sen. Rick Santorum did not read from unclassified portions of a document today?? :ninja:


Or is the story flat out false??? :lol:


I have heard the sound bite on the radio with the quotes I provided.

He absolutely read it on the floor today. The point is that it is probably a non-story in that we are probably finding individual munitions that were used for possible chemical weapons every day. But to say that we have just now (three years later) determined that we found proof of WMD's that were created after the first Gulf War and we have somehow kept it secret all this time is ludicrous.


I think that Santorum is just running for his life because his possibility of being re-elected is falling every time he opens his mouth. If anything, the story is that he is 18 points down and looking for air time by grandstanding.


ETA: Upon further review, I think that there were some parts that were left out of your little link


Santorum and Hoekstra released a newly declassified military intelligence report that said coalition forces have found 500 munitions in Iraq that contained degraded sarin or mustard nerve agents, produced before the 1991 Gulf War.


A defense official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the weapons were not considered likely to be dangerous because of their age. Also, Democrats said a lengthy 2005 report from the top U.S. weapons inspector contemplated that such munitions would be found.




Yes, I know. Liberal biased media. :banana:

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Look at the depths of deception that the right will go to justify the war in Iraq. Degraded nerve agents pose no threat.


Shelf life:


Sarin has a relatively short shelf life, and will degrade after a period of several weeks to several months. The shelf life may be greatly shortened by impurities in precursor materials. According to the CIA [1], in 1989 the Iraqis destroyed 40 or more tons of sarin that had decomposed, and that some Iraqi sarin had a shelf life of only a few weeks owing mostly to impure precursors




Nice reach on this one.



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Only Sununu talks more out of his ass, trust me I have to listen to their drivel.... :huh:

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I'm starting to think gocolts is an alias. :huh:


Nobody could be this stupid.



It is a tip that Go Colts= fastfish





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OFN that Santorum is dredging up in the hope that it will save his campaign, which is currently circling the drain.


It won't. :wub:

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is there any government b s story that u neoclowns...dont lap up?


Yeah, the ones that convey the whole story the first time, instead of a frontpage headline and a page 19 retraction 3 days later.

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is there any government b s story that u neoclowns...dont lap up?



and for the love of budda, quit linking to CNS. They'll post any drivel they can find. You've proven that today all by yourself. Any false story, written by any tool, gets airplay. The Star is more reliable.


Also, there is no liberal media bias, its a made up concept so you can pretend that the far right is somehow legitimate thought. I'll happily show you what the far left really looks like if you want to take a tour. You have no idea. Here's a hint, they think Dem's and Republicans are nearly identically right wing.

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This has nothing to do with "Liberal Biased Media". Every media source from Fox to MTV is reporting the same thing:


1) The Administration has admitted/stated repeatedly that these are not the weapons that were the basis of our invasion.


2) The US, THE UN, Iraq and the whole friggin' world acknowledges that there were stockpiles of chem weps from the time of the Iran/Iraq war. Many of them were under UN seal w/ UN cameras. - Everyone KNEW he had past weps.


3) The concern of the Coalition and the basis for the UN resolution backing the war was not the existing stockpiles of rapidly degrading past weps (from 20 years ago), but a concern that there was an active, viable and current WMD program - due to Hussein's continued interference with the UN inspectors.



Any chem wep is potentially dangerous, but degrades like a MOFO fairly quickly over time. If you've seen the reports of soldiers 'discovering' these, they treat them seriously, but they & our own US inspection team, have acknowledged that these really aren't much of a big-time threat - if for no other reason that it's so GD hard for anyone to transport them.


- Contractors have also dug up nerve gas canisters in Germany from WW1, but we're pretty sure we won't have to invade them anytime soon.


So, READ the articles - not the blogs, not the opinionistas, get the facts and ignore the BS. There's a reason why the Bush administration itself hasn't jumped all over this. - See above.

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Once again it's CNS News. They're a shill for Media Reserch Center whose slogan is



"The Leader In Documenting, Exposing, and Neutralizing Liberal Media Bias".


That's what I call an objective source.



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WMD found in Iraq. :thumbsdown:



Useless degraded nerve agents from before the first gulf war. Nice try D/A.

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Useless degraded nerve agents from before the first gulf war. Nice try D/A.


Can we put that in your backyard then????

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Can we put that in your backyard then????



Sure you can! Put it right next to all of that yellowcake from Niger.




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Can we put that in your backyard then????

More pathetic attempts by the usual suspects to justify the war?



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If this is true, then why isn't GWB (and everyone else) giving a "I told you so" on TV right now? Sure sounds fishy to me.


for the simple fact that we suspetced that they had 500 tons of WMD and active programs. not munitions from the 1980s.


and what would 500 munitions do anyways? kill 500 people? so lets dump a trillion dollars and have 2500+ soldiers killed for 500 munitions.


Sure you can! Put it right next to all of that yellowcake from Niger.




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Sure you can! Put it right next to all of that yellowcake from Niger.



:doublethumbsup: Racist :huh:




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Can we put that in your backyard then????


Oh, so this is an environment mission that we are on. Gotcha.


I would actually prefer that we bring in the heavy hitters for something like that....







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Oh, so this is an environment mission that we are on. Gotcha.


I would actually prefer that we bring in the heavy hitters for something like that....


Fock no.You are wrong,again.All this "Useless degraded nerve agents" is focking BS and you know it.It doesn't really matter what the find,or find out where they buried them or if they went to Sirra in all those trucks and gutted airplanes,the liberals will just say we planted them,or some BS like that. :banana:

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Fock no.You are wrong,again.All this "Useless degraded nerve agents" is focking BS and you know it.It doesn't really matter what the find,or find out where they buried them or if they went to Sirra in all those trucks and gutted airplanes,the liberals will just say we planted them,or some BS like that. :doublethumbsup:


If you want to say that the WMD's were moved and that we will never find them in Iraq, that is one thing. However, that is not the point of your (pointless) post. The post is about Santorum standing up in front of Congress saying, "We told you they had a WMD program and here is the proof", when that is not true. What was found was stuff that is old, made prior to 1991, and completely expected regardless of whether there was a WMD program in place.


The bottom line is that we went into Iraq because we thought that they had an active WMD program and we still have no proof of it. I agreed with going in at the time based upon that info and I can admit that I was wrong. Why can't you?

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The liberal FoxNews even called Santorum out on this one :bandana: :clap: :lol:




Colmes: It's Alan Colmes. Senator, the Iraq Survey Group, uhh, let me go to the Duelfer Report-says Iraq did not have the weapons our intelligence believed were there. And Jim Angle who reported this for Fox News-quotes a defense official who says these were pre-1991 weapons that could not have been fired as designed because they already been degraded.


And the official went on to say that they are-these are not the WMD's this country and the rest of the world believed Iraq had-and not the WMD's for which this country went to war. So the chest beating that the Republicans are doing tonight thinking this is a justification is not confirmed by the defense department.


Santorum: Well, ahh, I'd like to know who that is. The fact of the matter is I'll wait and see what the actual Defense Department formally says or more importantly what the administration formally says. This report...

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A few years ago when Bush was riding high I think Santorum made the decision to be the weirdest, most fringe social conservatve in Congress as a way of securing the covetted American Taliban vote. Boy has that ever backfired - he's 18 points down in the polls to a guy (Casey) who's barely even started campaigning. Santorum also has the lowest approval rating by his own constituents of any Senator. He is closer ideologically to Bush than anyone else in Congress - no wonder people hate him.


I couldn't tell you a thing about Casey but I'll vote for him this fall, only because Santorum represents everything I hate about politics and Pennsylvania needs to send a message to Washington. When we vote Rick out he can stop pretending to live in PA and move down to Viginny full-time - good riddance.

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Fock no.You are wrong,again.All this "Useless degraded nerve agents" is focking BS and you know it.It doesn't really matter what the find,or find out where they buried them or if they went to Sirra in all those trucks and gutted airplanes,the liberals will just say we planted them,or some BS like that. :doublethumbsup:



Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

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I wasn't here when this story broke, but I was wondering what the reaction would be.


"The weapons were past their shelf life, therefore Bush gets no credit for finding WMD".... that's it?

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santorum is disgusting :huh:


Him and Sununu both....totally agree.. :mad:

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