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Who does Vince most remind you of?

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Who does Vince Young's playing style most remind you of Michael Vick, Daunte Culpepper, Donvan McNabb, Randall Cunningham or Steve Young?



(edited to add Cunningham)

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Randall Cunningham, maybe.


Thats what I have been saying since last year. Everyone loves to compare players, especially black Qb's, but if there is anybody Vince reminds me of its Cunningham.


Cunningham had a much better throwing motion and was a better overall and downfield passer but the height and athleticism reminds me of Randall.

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He plays exactly like David Klingler, Akili Smith, Heath Shuler, Kelly Stouffer, Andre Ware, Rick Mirer...if he's lucky he'll have the career of Tim Couch.


He will be a life time backup...nothing more


Tons of Talent, but not smart enough to play the game...much like the above listed 1st round QBs...ALL HYPE.

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Vince Young reminds me of.....Vince Young.....



You cant compare the man.

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Doug Flutie, but with more strength, speed, athletic ability and about .001 the ability to play QB. So kinda like Mike Vick.


"Don't beleive the hype!"

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He plays exactly like David Klingler, Akili Smith, Heath Shuler, Kelly Stouffer, Andre Ware, Rick Mirer...if he's lucky he'll have the career of Tim Couch.


He will be a life time backup...nothing more


Tons of Talent, but not smart enough to play the game...much like the above listed 1st round QBs...ALL HYPE.

How do you figure he isn't smart enough to learn the position? That really sounds like a stereotypical comment. I hate to say this, but it is football, not biochemistry, I think that he can figure it out.


A few things to consider here, his team sucks and he is a rookie QB that only played 3 years in college in a system that was run based. That wasn't because he was legally retarded, it is because he was so physically gifted that they could maximize his talent. He is only going to be as good as the guys around him, but he can make them better so it is a give and take situation. If he was in a better situation we would all be much more impressed.


He also has the same problem that Vick has. He was almost the only thing that Texas had for offense and he will have a tendency to try too hard. Both of these guys have gotten by on physical skills rather than relying on teamates to make a play that they will get to a point in a game and just try to take over. You can't do that in the NFL and expect to be successful or stay healthy.


I would compare him to Cunningham because they are both tall and run with long strides, but Young is a lot stronger. I think that Cunningham's arm was stronger, but Young has a pretty good arm too. I don't know who has said that he had questionable arm strength, he came in second in the longest pass competition for college QBs and it was really close. He also looked pretty effortless throwing it.


The most underated trait that he has is his leadership. This guy is a natural QB in regards to getting his guys to rally around him. Some guys have to work at taking command, he has it.


3 preseason games doesn't define a career or a QB.

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Shasha, you make some very good points. The guy hasnt even finished his first pre-season and people are saying he's too dumb to play in the NFL. Why because he got a low score on the Wonerlic? Well, I have never heard anyone call Marino dumb. Some people dont do well at standardized test. Doesnt make them dumb. And like Shasa said, football isnt exactly rocket science. And to compare him to Akili Smith is completely stupid since the only things they have in common are being black and playing QB.


I think Young is gonna be a star in the NFL. It may take a few years but I think his athleticism, poise, playmaking ability and leadership will put him over the top. He has a good enough arm and with the right coaching and time he will become a great NFL QB. Look at people like Rich Gannon, Trent Green, Jake Delohmme. It takes time for a lot of Qb's to develop into good NFL Qb's. Young has much more talent than all of them.


The other thing that I think will put Young over the top is his height. People love to criticize Vick and say he is dumb, cant read defenses, is so inaccurate, etc. IMO, Vick's biggest problem is that he is barely 6' tall. It's hard to read D's and be accurate when you cant see over your own offensive linemen yet alone the D-line. Young is almost 6'5 and that will help him tremendously.


The book on Vince's career will be a long one and for anyone to be so sure of anything is extremely short sighted and ignorant. But put me on record as someone who thinks that Vince will have a career better than Cunninghams and will be one of the all time greats when its all said and done.

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I don't think he can be compared with anyone, he is a very unique player. Tall, extremly athletic, great, accurate passer. Go back and watch the past two rose bowls, and tell me this guy won't be a star.

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Somewhat of a cross between McNabb and McNair.... kinda like a Stevon McNarbb :blink:


He does have some real good qualities though. But he'll be hard pressed to get many

wins on that team in the near future. I wonder when TEN will give him a chance to start.

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Anyone that watch the National Championship game cannot possibly say he is not smart enough or does not have the ability to play QB at the next level. He's smart, he plays well under pressure, he can throw, he can run, he can command a team around him...I dont see much not to like here.


I hope he gets to sit a year and learn as he goes. Would hate to see him rushed out there because the coach gets antsy.

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kordell stewart



Not even close.


Randall Cunningham. Everyone who dogs on Young's arm strength hasnt actually watched him play. He actually has plenty of arm strength. Anyone who watched Cunningham knows that his accuracy was pretty questionable as well but he could throw the bomb and he had enough mobility to run or move around in the pocket and he was also big enough to run over some guys and make plays.

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How do you figure he isn't smart enough to learn the position? That really sounds like a stereotypical comment. I hate to say this, but it is football, not biochemistry, I think that he can figure it out.


A few things to consider here, his team sucks and he is a rookie QB that only played 3 years in college in a system that was run based. That wasn't because he was legally retarded, it is because he was so physically gifted that they could maximize his talent. He is only going to be as good as the guys around him, but he can make them better so it is a give and take situation. If he was in a better situation we would all be much more impressed.


He also has the same problem that Vick has. He was almost the only thing that Texas had for offense and he will have a tendency to try too hard. Both of these guys have gotten by on physical skills rather than relying on teamates to make a play that they will get to a point in a game and just try to take over. You can't do that in the NFL and expect to be successful or stay healthy.


I would compare him to Cunningham because they are both tall and run with long strides, but Young is a lot stronger. I think that Cunningham's arm was stronger, but Young has a pretty good arm too. I don't know who has said that he had questionable arm strength, he came in second in the longest pass competition for college QBs and it was really close. He also looked pretty effortless throwing it.


The most underated trait that he has is his leadership. This guy is a natural QB in regards to getting his guys to rally around him. Some guys have to work at taking command, he has it.


3 preseason games doesn't define a career or a QB.


You're right. 3 pre-season games don't define an NFL career. But neither do 3 college seasons.


It seems you can't have a question about a player without being labeled a 'hater', but I think Young is going to have problems as an NFL QB. He has tremendous athleticism, and that's always a plus. But, prior to this training camp, has never taken a snap under center. Though he was an accurate college passer, his throwing motion is an issue. So you have a tall guy that drops his arm down and is uncomfortable dropping back from center. That's a lot to overcome in a league where the D-linemen are 6'6".


Again, I don't hate the kid or wish him ill. Just a few issues that will be big hurdles for him in his quest to be an NFL QB.

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All those guys you listed, nobody had the "it" factor that Young seems to have. The guy is cool and clutch under pressure.


Best case scenario - John Elway

Worst case scenario - Randal Cunningham

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Anyone that watch the National Championship game cannot possibly say he is not smart enough or does not have the ability to play QB at the next level. He's smart, he plays well under pressure, he can throw, he can run, he can command a team around him...I dont see much not to like here.


I hope he gets to sit a year and learn as he goes. Would hate to see him rushed out there because the coach gets antsy.


We're talking about the same guy right? Vince "Mensa" Young? The guy that scored 6 out of 50 on the Wonderlic? :wall:

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You're right. 3 pre-season games don't define an NFL career. But neither do 3 college seasons.


It seems you can't have a question about a player without being labeled a 'hater', but I think Young is going to have problems as an NFL QB. He has tremendous athleticism, and that's always a plus. But, prior to this training camp, has never taken a snap under center. Though he was an accurate college passer, his throwing motion is an issue. So you have a tall guy that drops his arm down and is uncomfortable dropping back from center. That's a lot to overcome in a league where the D-linemen are 6'6".


Again, I don't hate the kid or wish him ill. Just a few issues that will be big hurdles for him in his quest to be an NFL QB.



Well said. :wall:

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The problem with most young QBs is to much is expected to fast. Fisher left McNair on the bench until his 3rd seasons before letting him take over as the full time starter in Houston. I can see him leaving Vince on the bench this season as well as giving him little playing time and unleasing him next year. With the money these guys are making its hard to leave them on the bench to develope and let them learn the system.


I agree with the McNabb/McNair cross.

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kordell stewart



All show and no go.... :doublethumbsup:

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