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Post Draft Waivers

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Once the draft closes, we will begin having a single weekly lottery for free agents until the season begins.


Initial order is based on standings from last season, it is reordered as players are picked with teams picking falling to the back of the priority list.


The deadline to submit a waiver claim is midnight on Monday. All waiver claims should be emailed to xdlwaivers@xdl.us or xdlwaivers@insightbb.com (or both to be on the safe side). This is a mailbox that is dedicated for this purpose and mails are not read until waiver requests are processed.


New this season, there is no limit on the number of weekly pickups. If you want to pick up 7 guys in the lottery, that it your choice.

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Also, next week I will be on vacation and probably won't be around on Tuesday. I'll get the lottery processed as quickly as I can, but requests will still need to be in on Monday at midnight.


I'm considering changing this mailbox to a hotmail account and granting access to another member of the league so that they can take care of it next week and maybe in the future if I am not available again. If anyone would be interested in or at least willing to doing this, let me know. If anyone has any problems with this, let me know...

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IMPORTANT: It appears the xdlwaivers@xdl.us address is having some issues. It was working a couple of days ago, but I sent myself a couple of test messages today and I only got about half of them and didn't get a bounce on the others.


Please send waiver requests to xdlwaivers@insightbb.com for the time being until I can figure this out. If you have already sent in some requests, please resend to be on the safe side.


I apologize for any inconvenience.

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Also, next week I will be on vacation and probably won't be around on Tuesday. I'll get the lottery processed as quickly as I can, but requests will still need to be in on Monday at midnight.


I'm considering changing this mailbox to a hotmail account and granting access to another member of the league so that they can take care of it next week and maybe in the future if I am not available again. If anyone would be interested in or at least willing to doing this, let me know. If anyone has any problems with this, let me know...

Nevermind, I got all of the messages - it just took a little time.

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