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Ravens 03

Peyton Manning meets God

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Peyton Manning, after living a full life, died. When he got to heaven, God was showing him around. They came to a modest little house with a faded Colts flag in the window.


"This house is yours for eternity, Peyton," said God. "This is very special; not everyone gets a house up here."


Peyton felt special, indeed, and walked up to his house. On his way up the porch, he noticed another house just around the corner. It was a 3-story mansion with a purple and black sidewalk, a 50-foot tall flagpole with an enormous Ravens logo flag, and in every window, a Baltimore Ravens towel.


Peyton looked at God and said "God, I'm not trying to be ungrateful, but I have a question. I was an all-pro QB, I hold many NFL records, and I even went to the Hall of Fame."


God said "So what's your point Peyton?"


"Well, why does Ray Lewis get a better house than me?"



God chuckled, and said:




"Peyton, that's not Ray's house, it's mine."


:blink: :doh: :doh:









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I have seen this many times, but it never gets old. :blink:


How many INTs will he throw this weekend in what will go down as another Manning playoff choke? :doh:

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If Ray Lewis and Peyton Manning are dead then the Chargers are going to have an easy walk to the Super Bowl!!

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Well, that's the first time I've heard that joke with those particular players. :blink:

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Well, that's the first time I've heard that joke with those particular players. :blink:


yeah, god must have relaxed a bit on his "don't kill" policy

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I have seen this many times, but it never gets old. :blink:


How many INTs will he throw this weekend in what will go down as another Manning playoff choke? :doh:


Didn't you read the post???? Peyton is dead......Jim Sorgi is starting. :doh:

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Didn't you read the post???? Peyton is dead......Jim Sorgi is starting. :P



Even better. :pointstosky:

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If Ray Lewis and Peyton Manning are dead then the Chargers are going to have an easy walk to the Super Bowl!!





'cept bellicheck might have something to say about it

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Peyton should of know that it wasn't Ray Ray's house. They don't put murdering pieces of sh#t like that up in heaven. Ray Ray is catching the down elevator all the way to tha basement. :dunno:

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If Ray Lewis and Peyton Manning are dead then the Chargers are going to have an easy walk to the Super Bowl!!


Can you read?


It says he was elected to the HOF - which means this is not THIS YEAR, but in the future.





[Also it does not say he won any SB's.]

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Did God used to be a Brows fan or did he start rooting for them when they moved to Baltimore? Who did he root for before that? :ninja:

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why is Rays house better than mine?




are you telling me Peytons new house in Heaven wont have 3 hots and a cot? :ninja:

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