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Muffs vs Fumbles

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Do you guys count MUFFS as Fumble Recoveries in your league?


There is not a change of possession when a player MUFFS a punt return. Therefore, technically, not a Fumble according to NFL. But do you guys count it anyway?

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I'm referring to that SF D TD on that play where the STL returner touched the ball...and the D recovered in the Endzone for a TD.

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I can't think of any reason it should not count as a TD for the D/ST. If is shows up in the box score as a fumble (and it does on nfl.com), it should be counted as such. I've never checked the official NFL rules, but even if they are as you say, you are really splitting hairs if you don't award points for the recovery.


"(10:25) 5-D.Jones punts 33 yards to SL 48, Center-45-C.Massey. 83-A.Battle MUFFS catch, ball out of bounds at SL 48. A.Battle charged with return of 0-yards and a fumble." <link>

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I can't think of any reason it should not count as a TD for the D/ST. If is shows up in the box score as a fumble (and it does on nfl.com), it should be counted as such. I've never checked the official NFL rules, but even if they are as you say, you are really splitting hairs if you don't award points for the recovery.


"(10:25) 5-D.Jones punts 33 yards to SL 48, Center-45-C.Massey. 83-A.Battle MUFFS catch, ball out of bounds at SL 48. A.Battle charged with return of 0-yards and a fumble." <link>



It for sure should count as a TD, but do you get the points for a fumble recovery as well? That one is debatable. I would go with however your website rules it. There is definitely a difference between a fumble and a muff... but it's gray area and I'd go with the website scoring since it's an unbiased third party. And then you have precedent going forward.

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I saw that listed as a muffed punt - first time I've ever seen that before. Then the replay explained it. It's definitely a DEF/ST TD - seriously, that's the unit that was on the field at the time and they recovered for a TD so give them 6 pts. One of those 3 SF TDs is probably going to cause me a loss, freaking 34 pts from the defense. God my Rams are embarrasing.

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Do you guys count MUFFS as Fumble Recoveries in your league?


There is not a change of possession when a player MUFFS a punt return. Therefore, technically, not a Fumble according to NFL. But do you guys count it anyway?



A muff or a fumble should be treated the same way to me. Whether a guy muffs a punt or a hand-off, it still results in a fumble recovery. JMHO.

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A muff or a fumble should be treated the same way to me. Whether a guy muffs a punt or a hand-off, it still results in a fumble recovery. JMHO.


Bad example... if a rusher does not get the hand-off, the fumble gets charged to the QB, not the player.


The difference between a muff and a fumble is very different in my opinion... as there is a change in possession in one and not the other. But this doesn't matter in the real NFL, and only in fantasy.

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If you defenses get credit of punt and kick off return TDs, then they should get credit for muffed kicks. It would be more of a DST potion. If the individual player gets the sixes, then I would not count muffs as 6 for the D.


Just my 2 cents.

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yeah, the D/ST is credited for fumble TD. But for muff fumble recovery?


The onside kick SD recovered last night is also a MUFF. Our website calls it a Fumble Recovery. And doesn't designate the distinction between what's really a fumble and a muff. As Commish I can make the change.

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I saw that listed as a muffed punt - first time I've ever seen that before. Then the replay explained it. It's definitely a DEF/ST TD - seriously, that's the unit that was on the field at the time and they recovered for a TD so give them 6 pts. One of those 3 SF TDs is probably going to cause me a loss, freaking 34 pts from the defense. God my Rams are embarrasing.

they become the DEF once the punt is made (i.e possession change) ? Just playing devils advocate here...say they try a fake on 4th down and the punter throw a pass that gets picked off, then fumbled and recovered by the punter and ran in for a TD.

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