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Famous - Gepetto


QB - Warner ( dinged ) against Favre ( white hot ) - EDGE - Gepetto


RB - Mendenhall @ Bal against AD vs Chi - huge edge to Gepetto

- Addai @ Hou - against Gore vs Jax - edge Gepetto

- JSnell vs Bucs against - Smoss/Bernard/Caddy - edge Gepetto


WR - Housh @ stl - against - Crabs vs Jags edge Gepetto

Boldin @ ten - against - MSW @ 49ers edge -push - ( if Warner starts if not edge Gepetto )

Macklin vs was -against- Austin vs Oak edge push ( Miles was a fluke IMO )


TE - TGonz vs TB -against V. Davis vs Jags edge Gepetto


K- push


D/ST edge Gepetto


Not even 1 edge to Famous Prediction -- a crying Famous and a rolling Gaypetto victory as he dances the night away to old Michael Jackson tunes. And Richard Simmons re runs :dunno: and maybe at midnight makes a run to edjr's to rummage through his "toy" chest.


Singman - Kutulu


QB - Brady trumps anyone Edge Kutulu but Ben doesn't suck but has a tough match up.


RB - Rice decimates all ( on sings team ) edge Kutulu over sings Jacobs

- Barber against Lynch - even gimpy lynch makes this is push as MBIII has sucked lately

- J. Lewis against M. Bell/Breaston -- edge Kutulu


WR - Wes Welker -against- Fitz -- PUSH

- Driver -against- Ward edge Singman even against Baltimore

- Bess -against- Manningham Edge Kutulu


TE Clark -against- Witten edge Kutulu


K - edge singman


D/ST - push


Prediction -- Kutulu wins and offers his wife to all of us for free for as long as we like ... only a few take the offer :doublethumbsup: He then proceeds to go to the bathroom and beat off to old school James Hetfield and Cliff Burton pics!





Moz - Jocstrap


QB Rivers ( Chiefs ) -against- McNabb (skins) edge da Moz


RB CJIII ( cards ) -against- Dwill ( Jets ) edge joco

Ricky ( bills ) -against- Sjax ( seattle ) edge push

Charles (sd) -against- Moreno ( nyg) edge Joco


WR Vjax ( kc ) -against- Jennings ( det ) edge push

SSmith ( den ) -against- DMase ( pit ) edge push

Harvin -against- Meachem -- edge joco Meachem is primed right now but Percy is consistent


TE Celek -against- Boss edge Joco but Boss has scored last 3 wereks and getting more involved


K edge da moz Gould has been on fire


D/ST edge Da Moz


Joco should win a close game and be so excited he shoves a can of new Wilson tennis balls up his ass. and shoots them 1 by one at some of his older clients. But bored by this as the size of his ass is already expanded from doing this numerous other times he shoves 2 racquets up there too and has a tennis match in his ass to celebrate the victory!



in all honesty Gepetto , Kutulu , and Joc should win but them play em for a reason!

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Right now I'm going with 4 WR:







But that could change.

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Right now I'm going with 4 WR:







But that could change.



Breaston over Bell .. okay. you still win rather handily. Only thing that changed is after you offer us all your wife -- in stead of going in the nearest bath room to beat off to Hetfield you decide it;s better to beat off to Jason Newstead... :dunno:

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Breaston over Bell .. okay. you still win rather handily. Only thing that changed is after you offer us all your wife -- in stead of going in the nearest bath room to beat off to Hetfield you decide it;s better to beat off to Jason Newstead... :dunno:


If I get a win, I'll settle for Dave Mustaine :dunno:

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If I get a win, I'll settle for Dave Mustaine :headbanger:



hey Megadeth rocks! :headbanger:


You don't deserve Dave Mustaine :nono:

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hey Megadeth rocks! :headbanger:


You don't deserve Dave Mustaine :nono:


Once saw him at L'amours in Brooklyn open up for King Diamond. :headbanger:

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no more mr. niceguy... i'm breaking out the big dogs this week... :mad:



:headbanger: :headbanger: .... :nono:

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no more mr. niceguy... i'm breaking out the big dogs this week... :Mr-T:

:rolleyes: :( .... :cry:


Fixed it for ya.

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I refuse to whack it to Alice Cooper though. :banana:


sounds too much like a woman right?

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question of the week is w/ Turner now practicing, even on a "limited" basis, as well as Norwood, does Gepetto risk Snelling not being "the man" and start put in McFadden for the Thursday matchup instead? or does he roll the dice knowing he may have to rely on Berrian or ABryant instead...


3 games on a thursday really can fock w/ your head... :cheers:

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I can't decide on 2 of Meachem , Moreno , and SSmith



Damn. Even stoned off my gord like now i can't decide.

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I can't decide on 2 of Meachem , Moreno , and SSmith

Damn. Even stoned off my gord like now i can't decide.

it doesn't matter, cause joco is going to destroy you...

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it doesn't matter, cause joco is going to destroy you...



please the guy couldn't manage his way out a paper bag ... he gets lost in his own car!!


I will win don't you worry -- you need to worry about ahill and steve and beating gaypetto - who should throttle your ass this week :cheers:

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please the guy couldn't manage his way out a paper bag ... he gets lost in his own car!!


I will win don't you worry -- you need to worry about ahill and steve and beating gaypetto - who should throttle your ass this week :cheers:

don't you worry your stoned little head about the 2x defending champs... we know how to win games when they matter, and that's what we plan on doing. The loss of RBrown hurts, but we've talked w/ JAddai and he's pumped to have been given the opportunity to be a part of this team and promises to put up enough points to cover his AND Ronnie's share of the load...

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don't you worry your stoned little head about the 2x defending champs... we know how to win games when they matter, and that's what we plan on doing. The loss of RBrown hurts, but we've talked w/ JAddai and he's pumped to have been given the opportunity to be a part of this team and promises to put up enough points to cover his AND Ronnie's share of the load...



If I lose , Steve loses , ahill loses, and you win


If would still me and you the last 2 in if we win week 13 - where I have great match ups.


bascially this week though I got to root for Gepetto - sorry man but I am holding a slight points lead there -- more than anyhtign aside from winning i NEED LBH to beat ahill! If Ahill loses and singman loses to kutulu which is IMO likely I am in wether I win or not pretty much.



right now I culd lose out and still make it if


gepetto beats you

kutulu beats steve

LBH bats ahill

HT loses


then week 14


steve loses

gepetto loses


way I see it tough is if I am being real - I have about a 40/60 shot at joco - my match ups aren't terrible either but Rasta against Buffalo might be my waterloo -- But I feel i win next week to finsh 7-6


I tell ya next week will be crazy!


sorry i want you to lose twice though. sorry

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you can want me to lose all you want (heck, EVERYONE has wanted me to lose all season...) - but it AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!!!


Big Players Make Big Plays In Big Games!!!



but i am rooting for LBH too (though w/ no Calvin, it's gonna be tough...). a loss by ahill and my win this week puts me in 3rd of my division, 1 game behind Tarhole (who is gonna lose to BB06)

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Calvin will play he isn't that hurt watch. I need an LBH win.


I just want a playoff birth hopefull against Tarheel as i think though his record is nice other than MJD his team is a little soft.


actually the the 2 best teams are Kutulu and Joco no matter the recrods or total points those are the 2 teams people would least wanna face and steve gets em both -- thats why I like my chnaces there. Ahill with No benson might beat LBH but won't beat you and I have in points covered.


basically if i lose the worst case for me would be a famous , Steve , and Ahill win that would leave us both put the playoffs but you face ahill and likely win and i really doubt steve wins out so i would need to be able to win and cover him in points.


Best closing 2 weeks in this league ever!

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you know, i think there is at least 1 (if not multiple) scenario(s) where a 6-7 will make the playoffs...


considering right now there are only 3 teams w/ guaranteed winning records (BB06, joco, and Tarhole), and 7 teams at either 6-5 or 5-6, 3 of those 7 teams have to make the playoffs...



so i'm going to say kutulu wins out, putting him at 8-5, and then 4th team locked into the playoffs... but kutulu winning out also puts HT at 6-7 at best...


Moz i see splitting, losing to joco, and beating HT (sorry HT, your RB situation is just not good - though i would love for you to smack Moz down in wk13 to dash his hopes...), this puts Moz at 7-6 and HT out of the playoff race.


with no Betts, and no JJones, and probably only a 1/2 healthy Lynch, i just don't see singman having the ability to even go 1-1... so that would put him at 6-7


then you got ahill, who should beat LBH (c'mon LBH, go for 2 in a row!!!) giving him a guaranteed winning record and a lock to make the playoffs IMO.


then you got Gepetto against me and Tarhole, and me against G and ahill. Either of us win out, and we're in. Either of us split and we have a shot, but not a very good one as we'd 2 of Moz, kutulu, or singman to lose out. or add ahill to that group to lose out too, i just think that possibility is going to go away this weekend... as is the possibility of kutulu losing out....


so i'm really pulling for Moz to lose two and singman to lose 2...

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Why can't you focking Nancies shut the fock up? ;)


Fock you, banana boy.


:doublethumbsup: :headbanger: ;)

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Happy Thanksgiving! :banana:


Back at ya, Kuntulu. Same to you and yours (especially that fine wife of yours). :unsure:

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Back at ya, Kuntulu. Same to you and yours (especially that fine wife of yours). :mad:


She woke me up with some girl on top action this a.m. :mad:

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She woke me up with some girl on top action this a.m. :headbanger:


Nothin wrong with that bro. When I woke up yesterday morning (my birthday) my wife already had a mouthful. It sets a good tone for the day. :pointstosky: :thumbsup:

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Nothin wrong with that bro. When I woke up yesterday morning (my birthday) my wife already had a mouthful. It sets a good tone for the day. :headbanger: :thumbsup:


Happy B(J) Day. :overhead:

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