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Great photo of a classic holding penalty

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Still a weak call. He grabbed onto his CHEST and pushed him down. If it was his back, I would agree with you, but it was his CHEST!

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Still a weak call. He grabbed onto his CHEST and pushed him down. If it was his back, I would agree with you, but it was his CHEST!


ummmm....did you even bother to look at the pictures?


I can tell you don't get much action if you think that Raven has ahold of #26 chest....LOL :shocking:

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That's textbook my friends.


And this photo is even better from Baltimore paper




Guys, this isn't even open for discussion anymore




Clearly a penalty on Pittsburgh. Thanks for the confirmation.

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Every team holds like that, not just Baltimore...Even Pittsburg!



LOL...everyone's doing it excuse. Thanks kiddo

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ummmm....did you even bother to look at the pictures?


I can tell you don't get much action if you think that Raven has ahold of #26 chest....LOL :shocking:


Ok fine ... the front of his shoulder then. But the FRONT. They are face to face for Godsakes.

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That was a weak call.


But not nearly as weak as "holding" on a g-ddamn defensive lineman to give the Steelers first and goal! That was when I knew the fix was in. Prior to that I was only dimly aware that many things seemed to be going the Steelers' way.

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That was a weak call.


But not nearly as weak as "holding" on a g-ddamn defensive lineman to give the Steelers first and goal! That was when I knew the fix was in. Prior to that I was only dimly aware that many things seemed to be going the Steelers' way.


If the fix was in why is Harrison's blocker never called for a hold? Not once? He could have been called a dozen times easily.


Why wasn't the play when Ben fumbled whistled dead or overturned? That was as important of a play as any in the game, yet the refs when given opportunity to fix it in favor of Pitt...didn't.


Why wasn't there a personal foul penalty called when Ben was hit low early in the game (the Tom Brady penalty)? that would have helped Pitt out tremendously to get out of their own goalline.


Why did they call a 30 yard pass interference on Pitt to setup Balt's first TD? It was 3rd and 15, surely a fixed game would have had no penalty there forcing a punt instead of leading to a TD?


Why did they call a penalty against Pittsburgh when Pitt had them pinned at the 2 yardline on a punt? Making them re-kick? Man they could have picked up the flag or not thrown one because pinning the Ravens at their own 2 would have been a great advantage to Pitt.


Why did Ward get a personal foul penalty for basically just trading shoves with Reed on the first Steeler drive? Surely it was to help the Steelers right?


Why was Harbaugh allowed to throw a challenge flag illegally to stop time and the no huddle of Pitt so that he could sub a 260 lineman for a 350 lineman? This was prior to Ben's 4th down run? That is illegal.


I don't know how you guys can look at these photos and say....nah no hold there. Unreal could you show at least a little unbias?


Surely it was fixed game for Steelers to win, but that's only if you ignore all the plays I showed above and disregard that pitt was flagged 9 times to balt's 6

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Nobody is saying that wasn't a penalty. What we are saying is that 99% of the time, that doesn't get called. If it got called every time NOBODY would EVER pull off a successful punt return.


It's kind of like a lane violation in basketball.

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Nobody is saying that wasn't a penalty. What we are saying is that 99% of the time, that doesn't get called. If it got called every time NOBODY would EVER pull off a successful punt return.


It's kind of like a lane violation in basketball.


It was in the wide open for everyone to see and anytime you get your hold with your arms extended, it is called. It was very blatent hold.


BTW there is a lot of people saying it wasn't a penalty, now with the photo evidence everyone's excuse is....everyone's doing it.

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BTW there is a lot of people saying it wasn't a penalty, now with the photo evidence everyone's excuse is....everyone's doing it.


Everyone is doing it. And when it is seen by the refs, they throw a flag. I don't see the problem here.

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Everyone is doing it. And when it is seen by the refs, they throw a flag. I don't see the problem here.


In hockey, that Pitt player would have been called for a dive...talk about blantantly obvious!

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It was in the wide open for everyone to see and anytime you get your hold with your arms extended, it is called. It was very blatent hold.


BTW there is a lot of people saying it wasn't a penalty, now with the photo evidence everyone's excuse is....everyone's doing it.



You obviously don't understand the wind conditions in 3 Rivers stadium.. Sure that picture looks like a hold but what REALLY happened is a wind gust came up at that exact moment and was able to cause the jersey of the Steelers player to billow out and wrap around the hand of the Ravens player... notice that the part of the jersey making contact with the hand is the part that has to stretch over the shoulder pads so it is a lot more lightweight. Refs obviously blew the call. :rolleyes:

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Still a weak call. He grabbed onto his CHEST and pushed him down. If it was his back, I would agree with you, but it was his CHEST!



Is the exhaust from the new car blowing back inside when you are driving it? Look at the first picture.. the Ravens hands are outside the body of the Steelers player and pulling the jersey away.. Hands outside and pulling = Hold.

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Wow the Steelers won another game impacted by the refs. Big shock. :rolleyes:


Key word WON!


Sorry Seattle.


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"It absolutely was not holding! The fix is in."


"Oh, you have pictures?"


"Um, then they were face to face for gripes sake!"


"Oh, that's still holding?"


"Well, I don't care what the rules say or any picture shows. I wanted the Steelers to lose like my team always does! Damn!"

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wow Ravens fans are really blaming this?


Im not a fan of either team, but when you have a 21-7 lead at half and turn the ball over 2x to start the 2nd half in a playoff game you dont deserve to win


if you wanna ######, ###### about that.


or the fact that Housh should try to catch the ball with his hands instead of his chest

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"It absolutely was not holding! The fix is in."


"Oh, you have pictures?"


"Um, then they were face to face for gripes sake!"


"Oh, that's still holding?"


"Well, I don't care what the rules say or any picture shows. I wanted the Steelers to lose like my team always does! Damn!"


I said it was a weak call. Not a BAD call but a WEAK one. Should the TD be taken off the board? No. Not in my opinion. If he had pushed him in the back, or grabbed him in the back and held him, preventing him from running after the guy ... ok fine. That's not what it was. He grabbed his shoulder and PUSHED HIM TO THE GROUND! Pretty much a classic BLOCK .... not a classic HOLD.


I don't have any dogs in this fight. I'm just talking about what I saw.


That being said, even during the replay, I did not see the hold that gave PIT an extra set of downs at the goal line. I could not see which player it was (92?) so I am really not able to say that was a bad call (or a weak call), because I didn't see it. Was it a surprising call? A rare call? Absolutely. Does it smell bad? Those 2 calls? Yeah .... kinda does, particularly given the history with the Stealers.


That's just my opinion. Post whatever you want .... I'm not saying it was a BAD call, just a WEAK one. And it looks like a lot of people agree with me.

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I said it was a weak call. Not a BAD call but a WEAK one. Should the TD be taken off the board? No. Not in my opinion. If he had pushed him in the back, or grabbed him in the back and held him, preventing him from running after the guy ... ok fine. That's not what it was. He grabbed his shoulder and PUSHED HIM TO THE GROUND! Pretty much a classic BLOCK .... not a classic HOLD.


This is what the rulebook states: A runner may ward off opponents with his hands and arms but no other player on offense may use hands or arms to obstruct an opponent by grasping with hands, pushing, or encircling any part of his body during a block.


Sorry, but the Raven player grabbed a fistful of jersey near Steeler player's shoulder and pushed him to the ground. That is HOLDING.

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I said it was a weak call. Not a BAD call but a WEAK one. Should the TD be taken off the board? No. Not in my opinion. If he had pushed him in the back, or grabbed him in the back and held him, preventing him from running after the guy ... ok fine. That's not what it was. He grabbed his shoulder and PUSHED HIM TO THE GROUND! Pretty much a classic BLOCK .... not a classic HOLD.


I don't have any dogs in this fight. I'm just talking about what I saw.


That being said, even during the replay, I did not see the hold that gave PIT an extra set of downs at the goal line. I could not see which player it was (92?) so I am really not able to say that was a bad call (or a weak call), because I didn't see it. Was it a surprising call? A rare call? Absolutely. Does it smell bad? Those 2 calls? Yeah .... kinda does, particularly given the history with the Stealers.


That's just my opinion. Post whatever you want .... I'm not saying it was a BAD call, just a WEAK one. And it looks like a lot of people agree with me.


Ya know, it takes me back to JV football....his name James..J-Money if you will. He was a year older than me and was the "star" player, but, ya know what? I believed I was. Well he would hold every down in practice...he was a TE...I was the stud backer. He knew I could lay the lumber in more way than a few...so he held. All the time. He was one of these sneaks...who was a master of the art of not getting caught. It got annoying real fast, but I didn't want to piss and moan about it. So I kept my trap shut for once, all I wanted to do was play.


Well good ol J-Money was caught one day. It was the day before a big game. Actually two days before the big game....I think it was homecoming weekend...boy I used to get trashed...even at that age. Screw it ya only live once...that was my motto...which got me here today. I will never forget...coach "cheeks" caught that little squirrel. Cheeks was the D cord. he usually took my back...not like I needed my back taken...I can fend for myself. Well he caught him. Repeatedly. So he said you are off SPT...especially kick return. He didn't care...he didn't want to waste his time on SPT anyway.


Well, I played every down. So, in the, end.....I believe I was the better player.

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I used to wonder "why do players hold when they know it's illegal?". It's because they get away with it majority of the time. I think majority of plays that take place, some type of hold occurs.


I think football is the toughest sport to ref. The action is so fast paced and there are too many infractions to look out for. It's easy to blame refs for losses since we have the luxury of having slow motion replay on every play.

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Football Rules 101


Any time a blocker grabs any part of the other player, it is a hold. No matter how long or short.


Everyone holds in the NFL, but only the ones who make it blatant, or out in the open in clear view of the ref get caught.


Which that Raven player is.


Anyone who tries to argue it is just unbiased or ignorant...or both.

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I understand that for a split second, he does grab hold of the player, and he does throw that player to the ground. What you are talking about is the difference between a gripping of the fingers, and a non gripping of the fingers. Right? If he doesn't grasp with his fingers, it's legal?



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Am I right? The fact that he "grabs hold" of the player before he shoves him to the ground ,,,, is the difference between a hold, and a block? The fact that his fingers are gripping the shoulder .... that's what you are going with?


I'm gonna stick with weak.

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No matter how you slice it ... to take away what was an awesome kick return, on that ticky tacky call .... that's not how I want my NFL. The refs ruined that game. Shanon Sharpe said it well, "Not to take anything away from the Steelers, they won that game, but that was poorly officiated."


I'm not saying he isn't biased ..... but I'm not. And I agree.


That was a poorly officiated game. And I don't wanna see my NFL become like the NBA ... as soon as the NFL is fixed .... it's just a show, not a sport.


I would like to believe .... that you can't get away with cheating in the NFL .... but I highly doubt that is true.

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Was it a legal call...? Sure

Was it ticky tack...? Absolutely.


These kind of calls just aren't made in the playoffs, nor should they be. Their is holding on every play. It is up to the refs to decide the impact they have on the play and the severity of the hold. They deciding this was penalty worthy. I personally would have let it go.


All that said, the holding against the Raven d-lineman on the goal line was an absolute shameful call. How are you call a holding penalty on d-lineman on a run play??? :thumbsdown:

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as a D 1 football official - holding has more to do with being on position rather then the hands checking. If the player blocking has his feet on good position then you let the Lil tugging of shirt go. The player is in position - once the player getting blocked moves and his feet are moving in advance of blocker then it's holding with any pull / tug.


It's all about the feet & being on position to block. If the blocker has better position then it's football fellas

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as a D 1 football official - holding has more to do with being on position rather then the hands checking. If the player blocking has his feet on good position then you let the Lil tugging of shirt go. The player is in position - once the player getting blocked moves and his feet are moving in advance of blocker then it's holding with any pull / tug.


It's all about the feet & being on position to block. If the blocker has better position then it's football fellas


I agree with Giants fan here - I thought the blocker had solid positioning, did grasp the jersey but pancaked the player. A little jersey grab with solid positioning seems to be standard operating procedure in the NFL.


As a D1 official - and with the luxury of slo-mo, how do you interpret that play?

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Ok fine ... the front of his shoulder then. But the FRONT. They are face to face for Godsakes.



and the angle they showed on Saturday was from behind the Steeler player and you could see his left shoulder jersey area stretching right after he got him on the right, and you could see it from behind. This is a non-discussion. It doesn't matter how severe the holding was, just that it was holding.


Oh, and imagine that...Seattle fans complaining about calls. :wave:



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Look, it was either this call or figure out a way to give the Stealers a first down they didn't earn..... :dunno:

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No matter how you slice it ... to take away what was an awesome kick return, on that ticky tacky call .... that's not how I want my NFL. The refs ruined that game. Shanon Sharpe said it well, "Not to take anything away from the Steelers, they won that game, but that was poorly officiated."


I'm not saying he isn't biased ..... but I'm not. And I agree.


That was a poorly officiated game. And I don't wanna see my NFL become like the NBA ... as soon as the NFL is fixed .... it's just a show, not a sport.


I would like to believe .... that you can't get away with cheating in the NFL .... but I highly doubt that is true.

Not for nothing, but the NFL doesn't give a ###### how you (or I) want your NFL.


It was a hold. Period.


It was a hold that often doesn't get called.


It was called because it happened right next to the ball-carrier. If it hadn't happened in that particular spot, it likely would have gone uncalled.

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Look, it was either this call or figure out a way to give the Stealers a first down they didn't earn..... :dunno:

Your credibility with regards to anything football related (real or FF) sucks ever since your T Jones argument, so this post means nothing.

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Oh, and imagine that...Seattle fans complaining about calls. :wave:

Please provide a link to me complaining about this call. TIA

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i believe the mantra that "holding could be called on every offensive play." it's like speeding: it's simply arbitrary which one gets "pulled over" (along with the ridiculously overt ones, of course).


hockey penalties are the same way. capricious. arbitrary. the refs are indeed players on the field. probably the most important ones.

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Please provide a link to me complaining about this call. TIA



i know we've covered this before, but you really surprise me with how hyper-sensitive you are about these things. I'm having trouble finding in this thread where I said it was YOU that was complaining this particular call. I made reference to you. I'm not at all sure why you would even suspect I might even slightly be directing my comment your way. :dunno:

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