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pick me a qb to pair up with eli

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i'm hurting with eli as my starter so i'm going to try to play matchup style. my options are:







i'm personally am deciding between mccoy and henne. thanks

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I like henne because I like Brandon Marshal. My philoshopy is a Qb makes the WR and the WR makes the QB.

Marshal will make henne look good.

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Is E.Manning your only Qb? Regardless of how the Giants looked this past week

I wouldn't worry too much. Manning is a very good Qb and he will put up points.


If you would like to add another Qb than I think I would agree to add Henne.


Good Luck!


Please see my topic if you can.


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yeah eli is my only qb and i'm not too worried it's just i don't have a backup and wanted to pick one up just in case. would you guys even start henne over eli in some cases? thanks.

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Ok, if E.Manning is your only Qb than I would either pick up the best Qb on the waiver wire or trade for one.

As for your question. Only on Manning's bye week.

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