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Survivor 26 - Caramoan - Fans vs Favorites

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Reynold whooped Malcolm in the swimming challenge last week. :dunno:



Whooped? Wasn't it like split seconds at the finish?

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Ok... I officially don't really give a sh!t who wins this season.


Nothing to add except: I forgot how much of an inbred-Jed Malcolm looks like when he shaves. :lol:


Also, WTF was up with Reynold's "creeper" 'stache when he came back for the jury? :unsure:

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Ok... I officially don't really give a sh!t who wins this season.


Nothing to add except: I forgot how much of an inbred-Jed Malcolm looks like when he shaves. :lol:


Also, WTF was up with Reynold's "creeper" 'stache when he came back for the jury? :unsure:


For the first time in many seasons I, too, don't care. Usually there is someone I'm praying doesn't win (and occasionally someone I really like). This year I'd be fine with anyone taking home the million (although, maybe, Dawn winning would turn my stomach just a little).

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Last night was rough. It's usually lots of fun to have a complete blind-side on someone who feels totally secure and is maybe even a little cocky. Then you add in the fact that Andrea was working her own blind-side angle and had a HII in her pocket to boot, it should have been awesome when she got voted out... but she is pretty hot, so I'm torn. :(


Agree with those saying they don't much care. I guess I'm rooting for Cochran just because he's been a running punchline for two seasons now, but has put himself in a very strong position. Also, he has had some gold quotes. I doubt there's any way he gets to the end though. I think there will be a girl alliance that will take him out before long. I won't be surprised if three women go to the end, partially just because there will be so many guys on the jury. I like Erik too. Never seems to have a clue what's going on, but there he is. And he kicked some ass in the second IC last night.

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For the first time in many seasons I, too, don't care. Usually there is someone I'm praying doesn't win (and occasionally someone I really like). This year I'd be fine with anyone taking home the million (although, maybe, Dawn winning would turn my stomach just a little).

Yeah, Dawn need a punch in the face ASAP. I think that's partly the reason I can't get behind Cochran... he insists on blabbing everything to her.

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IMO it got boring a month ago when Hantz got voted off. He was an abortion but in a train wreck sort of way

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I gotta give credit to both people who went home last night. Reynold was kind of a jackass early on, and knew he was going home, so he was prepared, but he went out with a lot of class. Andrea too, especially for someone who was so completely blindsided. It was cool the way she laughed it off and just realized it's just part of the game they're all playing. I can't stand it when people get all butt-hurt because they get outplayed... although it is more fun to watch them get voted out.

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but she is pretty hot, so I'm torn. :(




Yeah, the eye candy is getting dangerously low now.:cry:

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Yeah, the eye candy is getting dangerously low now.:cry:


I know. Brenda has to stay, or we're going to need Dawn to lose her teeth again to get aroused. :(

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Wow, there's an awfully long time between season's end and the reunion show, huh.

Brenda went from nothing to 8 months pregnant.

So let me say I don't watch every single show but I've watched some.

Brenda needs to calm down. What a . She got voted off because otherwise she would have won. Gee, that's a compliment.

Take a note from Andrea. She was voted off with an idol in her bag and her response was that she laughed.

Dawn should have mentioned that her and Sherri and Cochran ALL agreed to vote her off. She only gave up that food party to the other 4 to try and win. The others saw it for what it was.

The 'take out your teeth' thing was just mean and showed waht a she was.

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Wow, there's an awfully long time between season's end and the reunion show, huh.

Brenda went from nothing to 8 months pregnant.

So let me say I don't watch every single show but I've watched some.

Brenda needs to calm down. What a ######. She got voted off because otherwise she would have won. Gee, that's a compliment.

Take a note from Andrea. She was voted off with an idol in her bag and her response was that she laughed.

Dawn should have mentioned that her and Sherri and Cochran ALL agreed to vote her off. She only gave up that food party to the other 4 to try and win. The others saw it for what it was.

The 'take out your teeth' thing was just mean and showed waht a ###### she was.

Are you kidding me? I'm pretty sure Brenda's request to Dawn is one of the top 5 things to ever happen at a final Tribal Council in Survivor history. By the end of this season, I'm pretty sure just abut everyone wanted to punch Dawn in the face- including us viewers at home. And Brenda being a c-unit isn't much of a surprise... she was pretty mean the last time she played, she was just getting a better edit, this time around.


So, it sounded like Cochran got a clean sweep. Good for him. I'm just a little tired of returning players always winning, at this point. I would think that people trying out for the show would be a little leery... Why bother to come on the show at all?


Also, I'm pretty sure I've got the Blood vs Water for next season figured out. Soundls like they're gonna have people related to each other playing. Wonder if we'll get to see the Hantz's one more time. This could be a cool twist, especially if they put the people related to each other on opposing tribes from the start.

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Also, I'm pretty sure I've got the Blood vs Water for next season figured out. Soundls like they're gonna have people related to each other playing. Wonder if we'll get to see the Hantz's one more time.

Might be the first time in a while I actually watch survivor if the Hantz's are together. Too bad The host hates Fairplay so much or he would be nice to have back as well.

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That ended up about just like I wanted it to. I enjoyed the fact that Sherri was ignored at tribal council. Virtually no one even addressed her. I think half way through it she figured it out and used her only chance to speak to snap on Eric. That was a d-move to have Dawn take out her teeth, but it was awesome. That was the Brenda I remembered from her first time playing. She was trying to play a cleaner game this time around and was pissed that the snake bit her.


They are going to have relatives playing together next season. I just wonder if they'll put them on separate tribes, the same tribes or do a random drawing? And are they going with returning players? They ran the ad on how to apply to be on Survivor which leads me to believe that maybe they'll be going with all new players?

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