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Keeper League - Needs 1 Owner

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12 team performance keeper league is looking for an active owner. League is going into its 13th year. As commissioner, pride myself on being available, organized, and transparent. League information will be sent upon request. Good group of guys.


3 keepers(1 protected, 2 transition), PPR, Production and volume get rewarded, very competitive, busy offseason


The Transition players are exposed in a single round, where each team may select a transition player from another team, or pass and retain their 1st rounder. So you have no choice whether someone takes your transition player or not. If someone takes your transition player, the 2nd transition player is automatically protected and you gain a 1st rounder.




$60 entry fee

$2 trades in season

Blind Bidding on 1st day of week during season, $1 rest of week


Solid team available


League is hosted on MFL. We just made the move to MFL within the last 10 days. So we have a fresh start on a new site.


Please PM interest

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