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Kap - Does anyone think he's good?

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Per Jason Cole (via Rotoworld), some of his teammates agree. And Tomsula-the-mic-rulah 'declined to endorse' Kap as the starter going forward.


The coach is in over his head and they're trying to make Kaep play a game he's not mentally equipped to play. Let Kaep make plays on the run with his legs, at least that's where he's effective. I don't get why they're trying to shove him into the pocket and go through progressions.


Not defending Kaep, he sucks, but play to his strengths.

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The coach is in over his head and they're trying to make Kaep play a game he's not mentally equipped to play. Let Kaep make plays on the run with his legs, at least that's where he's effective. I don't get why they're trying to shove him into the pocket and go through progressions.


Not defending Kaep, he sucks, but play to his strengths.

Would they have done better with a Tebow In Denver sort of offense? Kap and Hyde? Maybe.

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Would they have done better with a Tebow In Denver sort of offense? Kap and Hyde? Maybe.


I think Kaep is incapable of running a complex offense. Denver ran a zone blocking run based offense with Tebow. I think Kaep would have benefitted from something like Run and shoot or pistol offense. Heck RG3 was highly successful in that system until he broke his knee and couldn't run anymore.


I think if he scrambled around and made plays with his legs WR would be able to get open, but unfortunately SF don't have a burner who can get downfield, and their O-line sucks. Davis was a shell of himself and couldn't bail Kaep out as his dump off guy. The defense also got gutted and was no longer putting the offense in advantageous field positions.

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I think Kaep is incapable of running a complex offense. Denver ran a zone blocking run based offense with Tebow. I think Kaep would have benefitted from something like Run and shoot or pistol offense. Heck RG3 was highly successful in that system until he broke his knee and couldn't run anymore.


I think if he scrambled around and made plays with his legs WR would be able to get open, but unfortunately SF don't have a burner who can get downfield, and their O-line sucks. Davis was a shell of himself and couldn't bail Kaep out as his dump off guy. The defense also got gutted and was no longer putting the offense in advantageous field positions.


From things I've heard, RGIII's intelligence isn't his problem. That he could run a system well doesn't mean Kap could.


(Granted, Kap did actually score higher on the ridiculous Wonderlic test than RGIII. But Kap scored higher on that test than Luck, Rodgers, Brady, Ryan, Brees, Peyton, Wilson, and Palmer. Who scored higher than Kap? Blaine Gabbert! Crushed it with a 42/50 (Brady hit 33, Rodgers 35, Kap hit 38). That test is the QB equivalent of the 40 yard dash for other skill players...mostly useless.)

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From things I've heard, RGIII's intelligence isn't his problem. That he could run a system well doesn't mean Kap could.


(Granted, Kap did actually score higher on the ridiculous Wonderlic test than RGIII. But Kap scored higher on that test than Luck, Rodgers, Brady, Ryan, Brees, Peyton, Wilson, and Palmer. Who scored higher than Kap? Blaine Gabbert! Crushed it with a 42/50 (Brady hit 33, Rodgers 35, Kap hit 38). That test is the QB equivalent of the 40 yard dash for other skill players...mostly useless.)


We hear different things about RG3 then. His coach is on record as saying RG3 doesn't know when he is supposed to take a 3 step drop or a 5 step drop on various plays, and was basically confused by offenses other than the pistol (make your first read, if it's not there take off and run) offense he ran in his first year.


I agree the Wonderlic isn't going to determine if a QB has football smarts. Thus far Kaep doesn't seem to demonstrate that he has a high football IQ. Switching coaches has clearly hurt him as Harbaugh was getting a lot better play out of him.


I blame SF upper management for their current demise. Everyone predicted they would have a train wreck of a season, and they have. Kaep hasn't been good, but at the same time he's being run over by this train wreck and he doens't have many players to work with.

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We hear different things about RG3 then. His coach is on record as saying RG3 doesn't know when he is supposed to take a 3 step drop or a 5 step drop on various plays, and was basically confused by offenses other than the pistol (make your first read, if it's not there take off and run) offense he ran in his first year.


I agree the Wonderlic isn't going to determine if a QB has football smarts. Thus far Kaep doesn't seem to demonstrate that he has a high football IQ. Switching coaches has clearly hurt him as Harbaugh was getting a lot better play out of him.


I blame SF upper management for their current demise. Everyone predicted they would have a train wreck of a season, and they have. Kaep hasn't been good, but at the same time he's being run over by this train wreck and he doens't have many players to work with.


The Skins were all about praising RGIII's intelligence when he first got to the team. When he and the coaches had a falling out is when you heard the coaches saying that sort of thing. I'm not a Skins homer or an RGII homer, but the coaching staff clearly doesn't like him. I take the things they say about why they aren't playing him with a grain of salt. Those big pretzel-sized grains of salt.


SF's management is indeed doing bad things. And I totally agree that Kap isn't the only bad thing. He's one of many, many bad things. Kap can do this: 'not drag down a great team'. That's the best way I can think of to phrase his strengths. He can take advantage of a really great offensive and defensive team and not blow it. There have been worse QBs. But that you even have to say that about him shows that he isn't good, and he should take a big chunk of responsibility.

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