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Bier Meister


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i did not see scoring reflect ppr:


1) no ppr


2) 1pt pr for all positions


3) 1 pt pr for rb/wr, 1.5 for te


4) .5 ppr for rb; 1 ppr for wr; 1.5 for te



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We MUST have some form of PPR. That is a deal breaker for many. :cheers:


That said, as long as we still have it in some form, like your example for example, that would be just fine. :cheers:

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This league has always had PPR.


I'd had a bad experience in the past in IBL fighting to keep PPR out, I was much more hostile to the idea then. I was shocked people actually like it. The switch pissed me off. Now I'm use to it so it doesn't bother me. I still prefer no PPR but more people prefer PPR so I have to deal with it as I don't care to open up those old wounds on a lost cause.

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