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Commissioner quitting league

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This guy in my league is the commissioner and a team owner. He drafted DJ and said he is quitting and turning the league over to someone else in the league because he's pissed over the injury to his first round pick. He has the league money and said he would give it all back you everyone, but he's not paying his entry fee $200. Has anyone ever run into such a bizarre situation like this before in a league?

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Sounds like a punk to me. I've never been in a league with such a sorry punk in charge. I'd tell him he can quit, but he doesn't get to keep his money.


If he insists, then public shaming to the max would ensue. All day every day until he paid up.

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Sounds like a fricken whiny baby! Punk! Like the others said, don't let him get off easy.


Injuries happen. That's FF. You 100% know this when you put in your $$$. I bet if he got the big next WW star and started coming back, he'd be all in again wanting that nice payday.

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Who put the 5 year old in charge?


Just out of curiosity, how was the league draft order decided? I'm guessing him having first overall pick wasn't a coincidence

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Make the person that drafted Elliot trade him to the commissioner for his 3rd or 4th round pick. Should help balance the league out.

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In the spirit of the traditional FFToday response:


You should go to his house and punch him in his face in front of wife and kids. AKA:


House. Face. Punch.


Edit: Also, every team in the league should change their name to "(Insert guys name here)" SUCKS (Insert derogatory noun here)"

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Just out of curiosity, how was the league draft order decided? I'm guessing him having first overall pick wasn't a coincidence


I would seriously suspect this as well. Yahoo leagues automatically post notices when things like draft order are changed or set. Anything like that happen?

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"Sounds like a fricken whiny baby! Punk! Like the others said, don't let him get off easy.

Injuries happen. That's FF. You 100% know this when you put in your $$$"




This. You didn't see me whinin' like a when the old JAX RB2 (J. Stewart?) signed with DET and went down a decade or so ago, in a meaningless 4th preseason game. My second round pick...


As the legislation is being passed around the country, regulating Draft Kings et al. - fantasy football is GAMBLING. Soooooooo much of what happens over the course of a season is LUCK. This Commissioner just took the pipe, is all.

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Probably the biggest bicht I've ever heard of in my life. I can count on one hand the times my top pick HASNT gotten injured, that's FF! For real post his email address and I'll send him the nastiest anonymous email ever.

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I picked Gurley, Jeffery, Charles, and Watkins as my first 4 picks of my main league last year. I didn't quit! Know why? Cause I'm not the biggest poosey alive like this little punk is!


You guys each trusted this asshat with $200 a piece? Ridiculous!

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Make the person that drafted Elliot trade him to the commissioner for his 3rd or 4th round pick. Should help balance the league out.

This is a fair solution.


Or maybe have the league redraft?

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I have seen the commish quit in the middle of the season a couple of times but not after week 1

One guy quit towards the end of a season due to it a lot of drama over a trade. I took over and he was decent enough to help me transition the site and sent me all of the money.

It was kind of a rocky finish to the season but it worked itself out and the league is stronger than ever now.

Another league I was in the commish was a giant DB and fled in the middle of the season over a dispute with an owner. He took the entire league treasury and didn't even tell anyone he was leaving. We just saw on the league news his team had left. We had to call to get the league set up with another commish. We had transaction fees due so we had a small payout to the winners that season. Not surprisingly a couple of people left the league that offseason but the new commish and co-commish worked their butts off to get it back right. This league is up and running well today.

Both of these were dynasty leagues and both happened in the same season, 2012. It's a big blow to the league but it can be overcome. It actually brought both leagues closer together and weeded out some bad apples. Today it's almost like it never happened.

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Y'all have some sh!t bag friends....or maybe these are random league's and that's why these people are .


My league's are with friends and the fallout from a guy doing this would be catastrophic for his social life.

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Watch it though, a guy like that could easily skip out on the whole pot. Not sure if he's a friend or a random, but guys like that can't be trusted.

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Coddle him and everyone give him one of their top two players and beg him to stay........it's the American way or get sued!

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What a sissy ass b'tch.

Get the focking money.

Post a link to this thread on your league website

NEVER allow this crybaby ###### to rejoin your league

Give his team to someone who will manage it this year, and be an active member next year


knock, door, punch, face, wife, kids

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What a sissy ass b'tch.

Get the focking money.

Post a link to this thread on your league website

NEVER allow this crybaby ###### to rejoin your league

Give his team to someone who will manage it this year, and be an active member next year


knock, door, KICK, BALLS, punch, face, wife, kids


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My brother in law lost ARob and DJ this week. All he did was post a message saying that it sucked.


And that's exactly how a real fantasy football fan takes it. Two years ago I drafted Luck, Nelson and Jeffery with my first three picks and all three got hurt that year. Nelson tore his ACL the day after our draft. I took it as a challenge and managed to make the playoffs. I lost in the first round but I was still pretty happy to work my way into the playoffs.

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This guy in my league is the commissioner and a team owner. He drafted DJ and said he is quitting and turning the league over to someone else in the league because he's pissed over the injury to his first round pick. He has the league money and said he would give it all back you everyone, but he's not paying his entry fee $200. Has anyone ever run into such a bizarre situation like this before in a league?


Kick his a$$. Literally.

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This guy in my league is the commissioner and a team owner. He drafted DJ and said he is quitting and turning the league over to someone else in the league because he's pissed over the injury to his first round pick. He has the league money and said he would give it all back you everyone, but he's not paying his entry fee $200. Has anyone ever run into such a bizarre situation like this before in a league?

sounds like all of you need to go to his house and give him some free dental work (removal of teeth)

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Yep. Adrian Peterson-level whooping is the minimum punishment allowed. Once you draft, it's locked in and you're paying.

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This is a fair solution.


Or maybe have the league redraft?

Why would we Redraft cause a First Rounder went down ? We all play and gamble, he Lost already, there will be others.

This is a defining moment tor his character....., and he failed.

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This guy in my league is the commissioner and a team owner. He drafted DJ and said he is quitting and turning the league over to someone else in the league because he's pissed over the injury to his first round pick. He has the league money and said he would give it all back you everyone, but he's not paying his entry fee $200. Has anyone ever run into such a bizarre situation like this before in a league?



Is it Chronic Husker? :dunno:

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A communist fantasy football league, sounds like fun sign me up...


I like it. No one owns any of the players. The League as a whole owns all the players. Each week, your team gets exactly the points you need, provided you've put in the amount of work you're supposed to do.


The only losers are the ones who don't do anything for the league and still expect points.

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