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Josh Gordon Reinstated

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I hope the kid matured. Even if he lost a step,non football shape, or whatever the cons may be...he is a pure natural talent. No question in my mind if he was clean these past few years...#1 WR every year. Pull it together Josh and re-claim what can and should be yours!

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I hope the kid matured. Even if he lost a step,non football shape, or whatever the cons may be...he is a pure natural talent. No question in my mind if he was clean these past few years...#1 WR every year. Pull it together Josh and re-claim what can and should be yours!


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You mean people who think you should be grateful to be an American

You do realize that most non-third world countries think the U.S. is a joke right now right? But hey ignorance is bliss!


Oh yea, and I know Josh Gordon memedom is where its at, but that dude isnt gonna do with Kizer or any other current Browns QB at the helm.

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I dont think he makes an impact being away from the game so long this year. Like to see a feel good story come with the off-season and next year which can be his turning point for the future.

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I must have then pulled a Sheldon Cooper. But at least I'm 6 for 9 this month.


Sorry, for the confusion. LOL There was no blue font available.

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I said he wouldn't see the field in 2017. I stand by that. Though, I will say that I am surprised by the Commissioner's actions on this. I think it might be political. He is on a hot seat for his job/extension. A bit of "goodwill" PR spin may give him a boost among owners that aren't already calling for his head.


Gordon is very immature. He has a mountain of criteria to get through to be game day eligible. I'll be surprised if he meets them all.


It helps that the Browns have complete garbage at the WR position other than Coleman who has a glass hand.

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Unless Goodell thinks that letting Gordon back in would help his and the league's image during their fight with Elliott. "People think we're jerks for going after Elliott. But we don't want to admit we're wrong here. Hey, let that feel-good story Gordon guy back in!" Plausible.



As I understand it, it's unclear whether he'll have to serve that 4 game suspension. He went into rehab right before that was supposed to start, and opinions I've been reading are mixed about whether the league rules say it still needs to be enforced. Of course, if Goodell really is looking for something to make people like him and thinks it's Gordon playing again, he can make that suspension go away with a wave of his hand.


I said he wouldn't see the field in 2017. I stand by that. Though, I will say that I am surprised by the Commissioner's actions on this. I think it might be political. He is on a hot seat for his job/extension. A bit of "goodwill" PR spin may give him a boost among owners that aren't already calling for his head.



I'm not usually a guy to quote myself, but I do want to point out that I did have one moment there. :)

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No, dont think its a PR move. The guy took action and got into rehab, thats why hes back now.


I think it's both, actually. Goodell isn't inhuman--I can believe that he was actually moved and impressed by Josh. But he's also the head of a multi-billion dollar company dealing with a sh!t-ton of negative press these days. I also can't believe that he wasn't thinking about the positive press from a move like this (given how people generally have been reacting to Josh's story).

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I think it's both, actually. Goodell isn't inhuman--I can believe that he was actually moved and impressed by Josh. But he's also the head of a multi-billion dollar company dealing with a sh!t-ton of negative press these days. I also can't believe that he wasn't thinking about the positive press from a move like this (given how people generally have been reacting to Josh's story).

well, I do think his most recent stint has matured him a bit.


whether it is enough or not remains to be seen, but I do think if he stays clean he can be a #1 WR somewhere.


it may take him some time to get to that point, but I think it's certainly possible.


supposedly he worked out while in rehab and since he got out, so he shouldnt be in terrible shape. but being in shape and being in game shape are two different things.


the other issue is for Josh to learn enough of the playbook to be able to return to the team and be productive quickly.


he also isnt dealing with a great QB.


for these reasons I wouldnt expect big things in week 1 of his return.


I wouldnt say it's impossible for him to explode out of the gate, but the odds are certainly against it.

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well, I do think his most recent stint has matured him a bit.


whether it is enough or not remains to be seen, but I do think if he stays clean he can be a #1 WR somewhere.


it may take him some time to get to that point, but I think it's certainly possible.


supposedly he worked out while in rehab and since he got out, so he shouldnt be in terrible shape. but being in shape and being in game shape are two different things.


the other issue is for Josh to learn enough of the playbook to be able to return to the team and be productive quickly.


he also isnt dealing with a great QB.


for these reasons I wouldnt expect big things in week 1 of his return.


I wouldnt say it's impossible for him to explode out of the gate, but the odds are certainly against it.


Odds are against him blowing up this season, I agree. But from all the pics released, the guy has kept himself in phenomenal shape. Check it out: https://cdnph.upi.com/ph/st/th/1881490644558/2017/i/14906448365547/v1.5/Watch-Josh-Gordon-shows-off-ridiculous-dunks-abs.jpg?lg=5


Now, David Boston proved that being huge alone doesn't help you be a good WR. But Gordon has clearly not been sitting around eating doritos.

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Odds are against him blowing up this season, I agree. But from all the pics released, the guy has kept himself in phenomenal shape. Check it out: https://cdnph.upi.com/ph/st/th/1881490644558/2017/i/14906448365547/v1.5/Watch-Josh-Gordon-shows-off-ridiculous-dunks-abs.jpg?lg=5


Now, David Boston proved that being huge alone doesn't help you be a good WR. But Gordon has clearly not been sitting around eating doritos.



I guess the next step is proving to the Browns that he is worth a roster spot.


we will see soon enough.

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I guess the next step is proving to the Browns that he is worth a roster spot.


we will see soon enough.


I hope he's able to make it. Everyone who worked with the kid before, all the former and current players, thought he was a good kid. And drugs aren't great, but it's not like he was killing people or beating anyone. He's reportedly put in a lot of work fixing some deep personal problems--would be nice to see hard work like that rewarded.

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I hope he's able to make it. Everyone who worked with the kid before, all the former and current players, thought he was a good kid. And drugs aren't great, but it's not like he was killing people or beating anyone. He's reportedly put in a lot of work fixing some deep personal problems--would be nice to see hard work like that rewarded.

Anytime I see someone clean up their act, I secretly hope they can have success and not relapse into the drugs or alcohol.


I do wish this for Josh.


but I also understand why various teams may not want to take a chance on him.


I dont specifically know which drugs gave him the problem, and the relapse rate varies based on the drug one is addicted to.


the other problem is that sometimes people addicted to ......lets say Cocaine, may quit the habit, but then pick up another bad habit.... lets say drinking booze.


and as a pro football player, you live in the world of fast cars, fast women, and if you get in with the wrong crowd, sometimes booze, partying and drugs go with that.


lots of time, if all your friends are in the party scene and you are trying to get clean, you literally have to get rid of your friends because they will continue to expose you to the drug you have a problem with.


so it is possible that the only solution is a change of scene where he can make new friends, not be bothered by the old friends, and have himself a nice career.


either way I hope he has the support he needs because if he can overcome this he still can be a great player.

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Anytime I see someone clean up their act, I secretly hope they can have success and not relapse into the drugs or alcohol.


I do wish this for Josh.


but I also understand why various teams may not want to take a chance on him.


I dont specifically know which drugs gave him the problem, and the relapse rate varies based on the drug one is addicted to.


the other problem is that sometimes people addicted to ......lets say Cocaine, may quit the habit, but then pick up another bad habit.... lets say drinking booze.


and as a pro football player, you live in the world of fast cars, fast women, and if you get in with the wrong crowd, sometimes booze, partying and drugs go with that.


lots of time, if all your friends are in the party scene and you are trying to get clean, you literally have to get rid of your friends because they will continue to expose you to the drug you have a problem with.


so it is possible that the only solution is a change of scene where he can make new friends, not be bothered by the old friends, and have himself a nice career.


either way I hope he has the support he needs because if he can overcome this he still can be a great player.


Maybe a trade to a nice, quiet NFL town would help him. Say...Green Bay :)

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I dont think Green Bay as an organization would give him a shot, but I do think it would be a good place for him to go.

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I dont think Green Bay as an organization would give him a shot, but I do think it would be a good place for him to go.


I dunno. Here was Ted Thomson back in 2009, had to dig up the interview I remembered.


"I think at the end of the day what we do is we try to make a decision, and maybe it is a judgment call, but at some point, it is my call, is this a good guy or a bad guy? I think everybody makes mistakes. I think there is going to be guys that you are going to read about coming through this draft, and you maybe already have, that have done things in their past and it doesn't look great, but at the end of the day we think he is more of a good guy than a bad guy. There are other people that quite frankly if we think he is a bad guy then we are not going to mess with him."


I suspect, from past evidence of other people who've tried to help Gordon, that they'd think he was a 'good guy'.


Packers are near the bottom of the league for arrests too (https://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/13/upshot/what-the-numbers-show-about-nfl-player-arrests.html). It's a nice, quiet town. He'd just have to avoid all the beer, I'd imagine.

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I dunno. Here was Ted Thomson back in 2009, had to dig up the interview I remembered.


"I think at the end of the day what we do is we try to make a decision, and maybe it is a judgment call, but at some point, it is my call, is this a good guy or a bad guy? I think everybody makes mistakes. I think there is going to be guys that you are going to read about coming through this draft, and you maybe already have, that have done things in their past and it doesn't look great, but at the end of the day we think he is more of a good guy than a bad guy. There are other people that quite frankly if we think he is a bad guy then we are not going to mess with him."


I suspect, from past evidence of other people who've tried to help Gordon, that they'd think he was a 'good guy'.


Packers are near the bottom of the league for arrests too (https://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/13/upshot/what-the-numbers-show-about-nfl-player-arrests.html). It's a nice, quiet town. He'd just have to avoid all the beer, I'd imagine.

well, a move to Green Bay would be a dream come true for Gordon (and possibly also Green Bay)


The contract would likely be reasonable due to the potential risk with him, and the team could easily cut bait without incurring any expense.


And... if I am Josh Gordon, a nice quiet place to play is probably what I need to get away from the demons....

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well, a move to Green Bay would be a dream come true for Gordon (and possibly also Green Bay)


The contract would likely be reasonable due to the potential risk with him, and the team could easily cut bait without incurring any expense.


And... if I am Josh Gordon, a nice quiet place to play is probably what I need to get away from the demons....


Exactly :D


Anyone know Josh Gordon's email addy?

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KC would be an awesome fit for him. Can you imagine Gordon, Hill, Kelce, and Hunt? That offense would be insane.


I dunno...a big drug culture in KC. Not a good place for a guy trying to rehab.


Green Bay culture is a bigger threat to his chiseled abs than to his rehab.

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I would think the league has a vested interest in seeing him succeed and would partner with any team he played for in getting him a one-on-one personal assistant/sobriety sponsor to keep him occupied and away from temptation. Minnesota seems to know the routine as they helped Cris Carter years ago.

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I've had this cat in Dynasty since he got in the league and held onto him the entire time. Wood be a great story if he rises from the ashes. We'll see. was a man among boys a few years ago.

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I would think the league has a vested interest in seeing him succeed and would partner with any team he played for in getting him a one-on-one personal assistant/sobriety sponsor to keep him occupied and away from temptation. Minnesota seems to know the routine as they helped Cris Carter years ago.


MN also led the league in player arrests from 2000-2014. I'd want to see some evidence of a cultural change there. Not joking. Double the league average in arrests. Even taking out the four guys arrested in Love Boat, a quick scan of those arrests looks like over half were drug/alcohol charges.

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MN also led the league in player arrests from 2000-2014. I'd want to see some evidence of a cultural change there. Not joking. Double the league average in arrests. Even taking out the four guys arrested in Love Boat, a quick scan of those arrests looks like over half were drug/alcohol charges.

I gotta agree. this isnt the place for Josh.


I'm thinking smaller market where the party scene isnt so lively.


I could see him doing well in New England, but I dont know if New England would want anything to do with him.

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I gotta agree. this isnt the place for Josh.


I'm thinking smaller market where the party scene isnt so lively.


I could see him doing well in New England, but I dont know if New England would want anything to do with him.


One kinda big incident aside (you know, murder), NE seems like the right kinda place. Kraft is a good guy generally, as is Brady. NE had fewer arrests on that 2000-2014 list than GB did (two less).

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One kinda big incident aside (you know, murder), NE seems like the right kinda place. Kraft is a good guy generally, as is Brady. NE had fewer arrests on that 2000-2014 list than GB did (two less).

then again NE did sign Blount not once but twice.


but then again.... I think Josh was into harder stuff than just weed so we may not be comparing apples to apples here.

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Decided to look through the list for Packers. Couple of highlights...


1) Man...Jonny Jolly sure loved him some codeine. Holy crap. Like four separate incidents.


2) Mark Chmura...what a douche.


3) But nothing beats - Accused of breaking into a woman's dorm room at Barry University in Miami and defecating in her laundry basket.


Man, that never gets old. :D

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Of course there's these two:


Dwayne Gratz, Jags CB: Accused of disorderly intoxication and trespassing after trying to buy items at a store in Miami with bubble gum instead of money.




John Boyett, Denver Safety: Accused of being drunk, head-butting and hitting a cab driver and trying to hide from police by stealing a shovel and covering himself in mulch.

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Of course there's these two:


Dwayne Gratz, Jags CB: Accused of disorderly intoxication and trespassing after trying to buy items at a store in Miami with bubble gum instead of money.




John Boyett, Denver Safety: Accused of being drunk, head-butting and hitting a cab driver and trying to hide from police by stealing a shovel and covering himself in mulch.

that's just goofy.

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You do realize that most non-third world countries think the U.S. is a joke right now right? But hey ignorance is bliss!


Oh yea, and I know Josh Gordon memedom is where its at, but that dude isnt gonna do ###### with Kizer or any other current Browns QB at the helm.


lol the only joke is the people in this country who want to emulate Europe's disaster in oh....everything

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