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Hardcore troubadour

Affirmative Action and all that jazz

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Still bringing up Affirmative Action?


More specifically, SFFA v. Harvard largely focuses on whether Harvard violated the Civil Rights Act by discriminating against Asian Americans. This question is not directly connected to affirmative action,

I'll show you my mushroom if you show me your FGM...



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I'm on board with that. Absolutely. The wealthy don't deserve any special treatment as far as I'm concerned. I'm talking strictly merits of the students. Not the wealth of the parents.

The problem is, the quality of primary and secondary education isn’t uniform. Nor are grading standards. If you use SAT or other standardized tests as the tiebreaker, you ignore the variation in quality of schools, and college prep programs which give rich kids an edge.
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At my daughter's school Latinos complained that they are applying now 300% more than they applied in the 70's yet their admission rate is exactly the same as it was in the 70's.

Do you not understand that elite schools are keeping them white????

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

Everyone is like, "Oh, they let 12 blacks in with lower SAT scores!"

When everyone is discriminated against in favor of keeping whites as a majority.

If grades alone were how and why kids were admitted 1st generation immigrant children would fill our universities, irrespective of color.

Your point is well taken Peenie. People tend to rage about blacks benefitting from AA and ignore whites who also are getting into elite schools at the expense of more qualified Asians. If it were purely merit based, I still think Caucasians would be in the majority though.

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Your point is well taken Peenie. People tend to point out blacks benefitting from AA and ignore whites who also are getting into elite schools at the expense of more qualified Asians. If it were purely merit based, I still think Caucasians would be in the majority though.

Rich whites

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Maybe we're just stupider than other groups. Thank goodness for AA so we can do more jobs than sweep.

The fact that we blacks score 200 points less than every other race has nothing to do with the segregated schools we go to or the segregated neighborhoods we live in. We just plain dumb.

Thank God AA helps us so we can be managers at Target or at Bank of America or work in middle management at Delta airlines or become nurses or teachers.

Goodness knows tests like the MCAT wouldn't weed out our dumb asses from becoming doctors. Why, all we have to do is put black on our application and we get to be surgeons.

Look at all the ivy league seats and jobs we're taking away from deserving good clean white folk.

So its segregation huh?


Whats your excuse for the few hundred million blacks still in Africa that have been there since the dawn of focking time, and have yet to achieve Roman Empire levels of standard of living?


(Colonialism aint gonna fly. Asians overcame that no problem.)


The real reason blacks score lower than other groups?


As a white kid, or an Asian kid, the ACT or SAT is something you spend YEARS sweating. You go to tutoring. You do practice tests.


When I took the ACT, I had at least a dozen timed practice tests under my belt and had been to a prep class. Same for the LSAT, same for the Bar exam.


In the black community, few even bother to take it.


Maybe an SAT prep book and course would be a better investment than rims and yeezeys. I dunno.


(Ps. The reason black schools suck... they are full of blacks from a community that not only doesnt value education, but scorns it. Coming from the south myself, White folk will NEVER allow full integration under those terms. Ever.)

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The problem with most black schools is that there aren't enough troubled white adults going through their own issues to come to the schools and, sure they struggle at first. And, just when they think they're making progress? They find that their car has been trashed in the parking lot. And so yeah, they think about quitting. Who needs these ungrateful little jerks anyway? But then LaTrell shows up and starts working on your car for free. It's not much, but then other people in the Community chip in as well. Heck, they even add a little "flava" to the 'whip' And suddenly, some really inspirational music starts playing in the background. So they throw on their favorite leather jacket and buck up their courage and before you know it, they've earned the respect of the community and gosh darn it, they've learned to respect the community as well. In the end, there's a few bad apples, but ultimately, those kids who want to be saved? They go on to attend college. And gosh darn it, if that were to happen more often? Then black schools will be a lot better off. If only there were more Jim Belushi's and Michelle Pfeiffer's in the world.

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I think what is being lost in all of this is the opportunity afforded to us by this situation.


The strategic value being that the Asians are attacking the fabric of AA, and perhaps will be able to set a precedent that instills some fear into these institutions to stop using racism as a means of acceptance.


THAT is our win, to ensure the repugnant ideals behind AA, the categorization of people by their group identify, no longer happens

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Your point is well taken Peenie. People tend to rage about blacks benefitting from AA and ignore whites who also are getting into elite schools at the expense of more qualified Asians. If it were purely merit based, I still think Caucasians would be in the majority though.


Agree. But the notion of AA had its time and place, this Asian experience simply highlights one element of the deeply flawed philosophy behind it.


I always find peenie deeply thoughtful and passionate, and while we do now always agree she always ably defends her position with astute data and logic. That being said, believing fervently though you are right does not make you right. And too often peenie allows her personal bias to influence her logic.


This happens to all of us from time to time, but this tilt of the SJW's toward dhimmitude does not appear to be happenstance and due to this i am wary of many programs associated with "social justice"

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Looks like Harvard may have learned its lesson, other schools need to take note, you can only be biased against white people, its the only safe way

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Looks like Harvard may have learned its lesson, other schools need to take note, you can only be biased against white people, its the only safe way


Hopefully the whole house of privilege cards collapses, be it racial preferences, donor biases, and alumni biases.

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Hopefully the whole house of privilege cards collapses, be it racial preferences, donor biases, and alumni biases.


Not likely. Poor people vote, and the popular ideology is that African Americans are the only minority group challenged by society.....

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Not likely. Poor people vote, and the popular ideology is that African Americans are the only minority group challenged by society.....

The donor and alumni privilege is the entire reason the school exists.The academicly gifted and minority kids are window dressing. It's a self serving caste system and pretending/insulting all white kids have privilege is what keeps it standing. If they pull out the racist AA policy, the optics of continued use of extremely white donor and alumni privilege becomes untenable (hopefully).

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I love it when people like Shapiro goes to universities and allow these FOCKING MORONIC SJW students to roll up and lob questions at them. Questions intended to be condescending and geared to some attempt to show him to be racist, misogynistic etc... and through the use of logic and facts he just smashes them, which infuriates them, the crap they are being fed in class does not work in the real world, and they often cannot seem to handle it.Shapiro is absolutely the best, and they way he dismantles the bullsh!t of white privilege and Affirmative Action is spectacular...


The best is when they just pause, and give up and walk away, fully defeated.... :banana:

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I love it when people like Shapiro goes to universities and allow these FOCKING MORONIC SJW students to roll up and lob questions at them. Questions intended to be condescending and geared to some attempt to show him to be racist, misogynistic etc... and through the use of logic and facts he just smashes them, which infuriates them, the crap they are being fed in class does not work in the real world, and they often cannot seem to handle it.Shapiro is absolutely the best, and they way he dismantles the bullsh!t of white privilege and Affirmative Action is spectacular...


The best is when they just pause, and give up and walk away, fully defeated.... :banana:


I had seen a couple of his speeches and student questions to follow.


I remember one student came up and said, "I asked a couple far left-leaning students from here to come here today and debate you on a certain topic they felt strongly about, but they said, no, because of your political savvy and quick wit you would destroy them in front of everybody."


Shapiro said: "Yes, that is exactly what I would do."

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I had seen a couple of his speeches and student questions to follow.


I remember one student came up and said, "I asked a couple far left-leaning students from here to come here today and debate you on a certain topic they felt strongly about, but they said, no, because of your political savvy and quick wit you would destroy them in front of everybody."


Shapiro said: "Yes, that is exactly what I would do."



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Under the agreement with Texas Tech's medical school, the admissions department will "discontinue all consideration of an applicant's race and/or national origin." The resolution was signed in February but first reported Tuesday by The Wall Street Journal.

Of course I am completely in favor of eliminating this racist policy.  But it needs to be replaced with a policy that effectively does take into consideration the socioeconomic factors to ensure people who actually need help can get some help.


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22 minutes ago, Ray Lewis's Limo Driver said:


Of course I am completely in favor of eliminating this racist policy.  But it needs to be replaced with a policy that effectively does take into consideration the socioeconomic factors to ensure people who actually need help can get some help.


Long before the school pissed me off by eliminating both UM and MSU from the NCAA tournament, I'd been hearing good things about Texas Tech such that it's one of the few schools where  I'd feel comfortable sending my kids for a good education. The problem would be an utter lack of enthusiasm for paying out-of-state tuition.

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Well, looky here, you all got your wish! No more affirmative action in college admissions, yet you’re still complaining. 

I explained earlier that with affirmative action, in fact, it has kept schools white. How do I know, because California didn’t admit based on race and white males were most affected. They had to change rules to benefit whites in UC schools who were being beat out by Asians. They had some sort of rule about taking top students in each city region, or some such. 

Today we need only look at Harvard to prove the point:

 the College welcomed the largest cohort of Asian American students in its history. The number jumped more than 6 percentage points from last year’s record of 22.6 percent. The number of Black or African American students also increased by nearly 5 percent from last year, reaching a new record of 15.8 percent.

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