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25 minutes ago, TimHauck said:

Initial data from Massachusetts indicates no increase in suicides during stay at home order, possibly even a decrease - https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.10.20.20215343v1

Of course not.   They were all recorded as covid deaths. 

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Just now, NorthernVike said:

Of course not.   They were all recorded as covid deaths. 

On that note, here is a good article that focuses on the vaccine but also touches on several common arguments - 


This guy’s Twitter is mostly for shaming dumb people (although he redacts names of people with few followers), but he’s pretty reasonable and usually adds context to why the takes are dumb (and has also stated he is a conservative btw, and no it’s not me).

But anyway, a great point he makes is that in the last 60 days, 11.5 million people have tested positive for covid.  Normally, out of that many people about 272 would die per day.  However, we have been seeing about 2,700 covid deaths per day.  So, without even getting into “with covid” or “because of covid,” people that test positive for covid are currently dying about 10x more than they should be.

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2 hours ago, NorthernVike said:

Of course not.   They were all recorded as covid deaths. 

"suicides are up!!"
"of course not, they're all recorded as covid deaths!"
"total deaths aren't up, can't believe the CDC!"

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It’s going to be very interesting when the truth about these cooked stats comes out. 

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31 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

It’s going to be very interesting when the truth about these cooked stats comes out. 

So do you think the fact that total deaths are up ~385k+ vs 2019 is cooked too?

  • Haha 1
  • Confused 2

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The numbers being inflated doesn’t mean people aren’t dying or that it’s not a serious issue or causing a strain on the medical system treating those adversely affected who will eventually recover. All of your “GOTCHA!”s don’t make it less of a pandemic or pain in the ass even if it’s not smallpox or Ebola level threat.

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5 hours ago, tanatastic said:

The numbers being inflated doesn’t mean people aren’t dying or that it’s not a serious issue or causing a strain on the medical system treating those adversely affected who will eventually recover. All of your “GOTCHA!”s don’t make it less of a pandemic or pain in the ass even if it’s not smallpox or Ebola level threat.

But that’s not what some of these guys are saying.  For the most several of them seem to be claiming that everyone that died would have died this year anyway, which is simply not true.   And some also don’t think it’s causing a strain on the medical system because they saw a video of an empty hospital or nurses dancing in some other country

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Amazing that during a pandemic murders can be significantly up in so many cities. What’s the matter with those animals? Aren’t we all supposed to be being extra cautious, staying at home etc? Same places that rigged the election in many cases. 

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21 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

Amazing that during a pandemic murders can be significantly up in so many cities. What’s the matter with those animals? Aren’t we all supposed to be being extra cautious, staying at home etc? Same places that rigged the election in many cases. 

Couple things:

Yes, murders are up (and not just in democratic cities).  But a lot of other types of crime could end up being down.

A lot of the murder spikes didn’t really happen until the summer so it doesn’t look like it like was due to the stay at home orders.  Maybe some impact from job losses and such but much of that would’ve happened with or without government restrictions. If it was anything in particular, my guess would probably be some secondary effect of the protests/less policing.  

Nonetheless, there were about 16k murders in the US in 2019.  Even if they increase 50% (last I saw they were up less than 40%), that’s an increase of 8k, or about a week of covid deaths.




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10 hours ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

Amazing that during a pandemic murders can be significantly up in so many cities. What’s the matter with those animals? Aren’t we all supposed to be being extra cautious, staying at home etc? Same places that rigged the election in many cases. 

Allegedly. Taken to court, 0 court cases won, only “proof” is random Twitter videos posted by Dumbeski from bunkered up gun lunatics and conspiracy nuts. Trust the courts (many Repub judges) or bunker quack videos? Up to you.

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7 minutes ago, tanatastic said:

Allegedly. Taken to court, 0 court cases won, only “proof” is random Twitter videos posted by Dumbeski from bunkered up gun lunatics and conspiracy nuts. Trust the courts (many Repub judges) or bunker quack videos? Up to you.

I go with experience and common sense. 

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Vehicle deaths are going to go up if LA traffic is any indication.  I've been driving on the roads with no traffic for 8 months and now everyone is back and they forgot how to drive on freeways and I'm so used to just going 90 down the freeway, I had to get used to driving with these guys in the way.

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10 minutes ago, nobody said:

Vehicle deaths are going to go up if LA traffic is any indication.  I've been driving on the roads so no traffic for 8 months and now everyone is back and they forgot how to drive on freeways and I'm so used to just going 90 down the freeway, I had to get used to driving with these guys in the way.

Then the case could be made they are due to Covid. Mark em down. No more ridiculous than some of the other ones that have been counted. 

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It should also include the following..."we will give these minorities just enough to continue voting for Dems, but not enough that we can't keep our foot on their throats"

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2 minutes ago, Fireballer said:


Wouldn't it be easier to just say any business NOT owned by straight white men? 

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46 minutes ago, Fireballer said:
It should also include the following..."we will give these minorities just enough to continue voting for Dems, but not enough that we can't keep our foot on their throats"

This is Fockin crazy. A method of relief based on your skin color? And the president elect is the one saying it? Yeah, Trump was the racist. 

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44 minutes ago, DonS said:

Wouldn't it be easier to just say any business NOT owned by straight white men? 

Liberals love this and vote for it.

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1 hour ago, Utilit99 said:

Liberals love this and vote for it.

The ones who don't love it, are afraid to denounce it or vote against it.

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2 hours ago, Fireballer said:
It should also include the following..."we will give these minorities just enough to continue voting for Dems, but not enough that we can't keep our foot on their throats"

Look how fidgety he gets when he says the priority is minority owned businesses.  A practiced liar and he can't hide that tell of shifting his weight back and forth.  It makes him uncomfortable just saying that.  To me that means he's pandering to his base and doesn't really agree with it (or he's just lying).  Makes sense though sense he's a figurehead that'll just do what he's told.

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A former feminist liberal gal I follow on Twitter said, in seriousness, she's going to prioritize male-owned businesses. She's not "trad" or trying to be liked by patriarchal guys by saying that. She's genuinely irked by Biden on this. #WalkAway people get the most irked. 

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Now that I think about it, he's probably just lying.  How would that work?  They ask if you're male and white, and put you at the back of the line?  Why wouldn't you just pull a Pocahontas and say you're Native American?

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2021, Biden wins election, now Liberal Mayors want to open up the economy.  This is to funny, was totally expected and should irk all people.  Playing politics during a pandemic....

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22 minutes ago, KSB2424 said:

2021, Biden wins election, now Liberal Mayors want to open up the economy.  This is to funny, was totally expected and should irk all people.  Playing politics during a pandemic....

Doubt he says the schools should all be open 5 days a week for all students. His pets in the teachers union won’t let him. 

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18 hours ago, nobody said:

Now that I think about it, he's probably just lying.  How would that work?  They ask if you're male and white, and put you at the back of the line?  Why wouldn't you just pull a Pocahontas and say you're Native American?

Yep and the idiot Biden voters will be quite angry once they realize they aren't getting anything. The dumb ones will keep voting for them.

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1 hour ago, KSB2424 said:

2021, Biden wins election, now Liberal Mayors want to open up the economy.  This is to funny, was totally expected and should irk all people.  Playing politics during a pandemic....

What’s SOTS2021?

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4 minutes ago, TimHauck said:

What’s SOTS2021?

State of the State, I believe. He is just getting his lovey-dovey policies out there on twitter before his address,, so he makes it look like he is competent at his job. 

Spoiler - he is not

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9 minutes ago, Utilit99 said:

Legals or illegals?

That’s not allowed and you know it. Besides, there are no illegals in California. A person can’t be illegal. 

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2 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

That’s not allowed and you know it. Besides, there are no illegals in California. A person can’t be illegal. 

Damn. :mad:

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6 minutes ago, Utilit99 said:

Damn. :mad:

Yeah so, if illegal border crossers are bringing Covid with them and spreading it, we won’t know. Don’t ask, won’t tell. And somehow that is ok. And just like with the election fraud, we will be told there is no proof. Yeah, no kidding.  If you don’t investigate it how could there be? 

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56 minutes ago, edjr said:


We got what we needed from you suckers, now you can have some of your life back.  We'll keep some, of course, because you were stupid enough to give it to us.

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How will I carry on reading this thread without Drobeski citing the CDC dozens of times but then source shaming them when someone else mentions them? 😂

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On 1/12/2021 at 12:25 PM, nobody said:

We got what we needed from you suckers, now you can have some of your life back.  We'll keep some, of course, because you were stupid enough to give it to us.

The vaccine is out now. Logically if you believe lockdowns work it would make sense for these people to stay locked down for a couple more months so the vast majority of people will be vaccinated.

Focking idiots.

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