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January 6th

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1 hour ago, thegeneral said:

You are saying the guy who pulled the fire alarm shouldn’t be punished?

Must be the dumb sh1t doesn’t realize who he is talking about 😢

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3 hours ago, RaiderHaters Revenge said:

I don’t care about trump. But of the two. I’ll take the policies of trump over biden. 

So you're cool with this? Seems pretty un-American to me.

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1 hour ago, HellToupee said:

Got a link for that

Catch and release only a few really bad apples.  Versus hunting down every trespassers and locking up in solitary confinement for weeks at a time in what constitutes torture by the Geneva convention.  A non-violent Jan. 6th protester was 1000 times more likely to be arrested and 100,000 times more likely to be prosecuted.  Fuking embarrassing and fuk them. 

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11 minutes ago, Fnord said:

So you're cool with this? Seems pretty un-American to me.

Oh hell yes.  The bastards in the corrupt deep state need to be imprisoned.  By firing is a good start. 

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10 minutes ago, jonmx said:

Oh hell yes.  The bastards in the corrupt deep state need to be imprisoned.  By firing is a good start. 

Ladies and gentlemen,  we have an admitted and certified authoritarian bootlicker!

Fascists bad! Unless they're conservative fascists! Derp motherfuking derpity derp.

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This M-er F-er…

Enjoy prison Ryan Nichols.

You may remember Mr. Nichols from the blood curdling vitriol he spewed as he learned, while walking toward the Capitol, that Mike Pence “caved” and did not subvert democracy.

He was nice enough to document his crimes for the Department Of Justice (language warning!) in this video selfie.

“So if you want to know where Ryan Nichols stands, Ryan Nichols stands for violence,” said Ryan Nichols.

This psychopath went on that day to assault a bunch of cops…

Today he pleaded guilty.

He’s probably looking at five to seven years with time served (most in home confinement).

Ryan Nichols — who admitted assaulting officers on Jan. 6 and explicitly advocated for violence against pro-democracy members of Congress — received a letter of support from a sitting member of Congress, per Nichols’ attorney.

The letter, from Clay Higgins.


NBC Article:

Ryan Nichols, Jan. 6 rioter who confessed on video in the third person, pleads guilty

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4 minutes ago, HellToupee said:

That’s my dream scenario 

You're a good dude, HT. I won't attack you on a personal level. So I'll just say that IMO, your opinion is completely fukked.

I don't want ANY president to do that, least of all the least of all presidents, DJT. That you and other like-minded conservatives believe that this would be a positive outcome makes me think that you're all so completely beholden to right wing media that you can't or won't see the forest for the trees. 

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27 minutes ago, Fnord said:

Ladies and gentlemen,  we have an admitted and certified authoritarian bootlicker!

Fascists bad! Unless they're conservative fascists! Derp motherfuking derpity derp.

Yea, people who want to get rid of the fascists are authoritarian.  You are the biggest dumbass on this forum. 

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23 minutes ago, Dozer FBG said:

This M-er F-er…

Enjoy prison Ryan Nichols.

You may remember Mr. Nichols from the blood curdling vitriol he spewed as he learned, while walking toward the Capitol, that Mike Pence “caved” and did not subvert democracy.

He was nice enough to document his crimes for the Department Of Justice (language warning!) in this video selfie.

“So if you want to know where Ryan Nichols stands, Ryan Nichols stands for violence,” said Ryan Nichols.

This psychopath went on that day to assault a bunch of cops…

Today he pleaded guilty.

He’s probably looking at five to seven years with time served (most in home confinement).

Ryan Nichols — who admitted assaulting officers on Jan. 6 and explicitly advocated for violence against pro-democracy members of Congress — received a letter of support from a sitting member of Congress, per Nichols’ attorney.

The letter, from Clay Higgins.


NBC Article:

Ryan Nichols, Jan. 6 rioter who confessed on video in the third person, pleads guilty

Dozer!  Hah!

Trump!  OMG!!!

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1 minute ago, Dozer FBG said:

I’m waiting for that day when Jon looks in the mirror and finally says…

”Oh, I’M the fascist!”

Your mental illness is getting worse by the day.  I would have thought by now it would have ate your entire brain up.

I don't think you Communists should be making fun of Fascists.  HTH.

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1 hour ago, Fnord said:

So you're cool with this? Seems pretty un-American to me.

Absolutely I’m good with whatever breaks up this uniparty war machine bullsh1t that’s existed my entire life. 

as long as there is the following

Free speech 

right to bear arms

secure borders

removal of war funding 

im good. Those are my fundamentals everything else is just gravy 

After all I’m a libertarian who believes in the smallest govt agency as possible 

slash taxes and govt spending

abolish DEI 

Remove thousands of useless govt jobs. 

where is the problem

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4 hours ago, HellToupee said:

Got a link for that

It has been posted many times before, but here it is again.

Fact check: Thousands of Black Lives Matter protesters arrested in 2020 (usatoday.com)

Thousands of protesters arrested in 2020

Contrary to the claim in the post, many Black Lives Matter protesters did face consequences. Estimates vary, but news outlets reported thousands of protesters were arrested in the months following Floyd’s death in May 2020.

A June 22, 2020, article from The Washington Post tallied over 14,000 arrests made since May 27. The Hill reported over 17,000 arrests had been made in the first two weeks of protests.


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1 hour ago, Fnord said:

You're a good dude, HT. I won't attack you on a personal level. So I'll just say that IMO, your opinion is completely fukked.

I don't want ANY president to do that, least of all the least of all presidents, DJT. That you and other like-minded conservatives believe that this would be a positive outcome makes me think that you're all so completely beholden to right wing media that you can't or won't see the forest for the trees. 

There's that lib dbag nonsense. Go get it girl !!!!!!!

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15 hours ago, Fnord said:

So you're cool with this? Seems pretty un-American to me.

Conservative groups draw up plan to dismantle the US government and replace it with Trump’s vision

The unprecedented effort is being orchestrated with dozens of right-flank organizations, many new to Washington, and represents a changed approach from conservatives, who traditionally have sought to limit the federal government by cutting federal taxes and slashing federal spending.

Instead, Trump-era conservatives want to gut the “administrative state” from within, by ousting federal employees they believe are standing in the way of the president’s agenda and replacing them with like-minded officials more eager to fulfill a new executive’s approach to governing.

The goal is to avoid the pitfalls of Trump’s first years in office, when the Republican president’s team was ill-prepared, his Cabinet nominees had trouble winning Senate confirmation and policies were met with resistance — by lawmakers, government workers and even Trump's own appointees who refused to bend or break protocol, or in some cases violate laws, to achieve his goals.

“The president Day One will be a wrecking ball for the administrative state,” said Russ Vought, a former Trump administration official involved in the effort who is now president at the conservative Center for Renewing America.

Much of the new president’s agenda would be accomplished by reinstating what’s called Schedule F — a Trump-era executive order that would reclassify tens of thousands of the 2 million federal employees as essentially at-will workers who could more easily be fired.

Biden had rescinded the executive order upon taking office in 2021, but Trump — and other presidential hopefuls — now vow to reinstate it.

“It frightens me,” said Mary Guy, a professor of public administration at the University of Colorado Denver, who warns the idea would bring a return to a political spoils system.

Experts argue Schedule F would create chaos in the civil service, which was overhauled during President Jimmy Carter's administration in an attempt to ensure a professional workforce and end political bias dating from 19th century patronage.

As it now stands, just 4,000 members of the federal workforce are considered political appointees who typically change with each administration. But Schedule F could put tens of thousands of career professional jobs at risk.

“We have a democracy that is at risk of suicide. Schedule F is just one more bullet in the gun,” Guy said.

The ideas contained in Heritage's coffee table-ready book are both ambitious and parochial, a mix of longstanding conservative policies and stark, head-turning proposals that gained prominence in the Trump era.

There’s a “top to bottom overhaul” of the Department of Justice, particularly curbing its independence and ending FBI efforts to combat the spread of misinformation. It calls for stepped-up prosecution of anyone providing or distributing abortion pills by mail.

There are proposals to have the Pentagon “abolish” its recent diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives, what the project calls the “woke” agenda, and reinstate service members discharged for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine.

Chapter by chapter, the pages offer a how-to manual for the next president, similar to one Heritage produced 50 years ago, ahead of the Ronald Reagan administration. Authored by some of today’s most prominent thinkers in the conservative movement, it’s often sprinkled with apocalyptic language.

A chapter written by Trump’s former acting deputy secretary of Homeland Security calls for bolstering the number of political appointees, and redeploying office personnel with law enforcement ability into the field “to maximize law enforcement capacity.”

At the White House, the book suggests the new administration should “reexamine” the tradition of providing work space for the press corps and ensure the White House counsel is “deeply committed” to the president's agenda.

Conservatives have long held a grim view of federal government offices, complaining they are stacked with liberals intent on halting Republican agendas.

But Doreen Greenwald, national president of the National Treasury Employees Union, said most federal workers live in the states and are your neighbors, family and friends. “Federal employees are not the enemy,” she said.

While presidents typically rely on Congress to put policies into place, the Heritage project leans into what legal scholars refer to as a unitary view of executive power that suggests the president has broad authority to act alone.

To push past senators who try to block presidential Cabinet nominees, Project 2025 proposes installing top allies in acting administrative roles, as was done during the Trump administration to bypass the Senate confirmation process.

John McEntee, another former Trump official advising the effort, said the next administration can "play hardball a little more than we did with Congress."

In fact, Congress would see its role diminished — for example, with a proposal to eliminate congressional notification on certain foreign arms sales.

Philip Wallach, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute who studies the separation of powers and was not part of the Heritage project, said there's a certain amount of “fantasizing” about the president's capabilities.

“Some of these visions, they do start to just bleed into some kind of authoritarian fantasies where the president won the election, so he’s in charge, so everyone has to do what he says — and that’s just not the system the government we live under,” he said.

At the Heritage office, Dans has a faded photo on his wall of an earlier era in Washington, with the White House situated almost alone in the city, dirt streets in all directions.

It's an image of what conservatives have long desired, a smaller federal government.

The Heritage coalition is taking its recruitment efforts on the road, crisscrossing America to fill the federal jobs. They staffed the Iowa State Fair this month and signed up hundreds of people, and they’re building out a database of potential employees, inviting them to be trained in government operations.

“It’s counterintuitive,” Dans acknowledged — the idea of joining government to shrink it — but he said that's the lesson learned from the Trump days about what's needed to "regain control.”

14 hours ago, jonmx said:

Oh hell yes.  The bastards in the corrupt deep state need to be imprisoned.  By firing is a good start. 


14 hours ago, HellToupee said:

That’s my dream scenario 


13 hours ago, RaiderHaters Revenge said:

Absolutely I’m good with whatever breaks up this uniparty war machine bullsh1t that’s existed my entire life. 

as long as there is the following

Free speech 

right to bear arms

secure borders

removal of war funding 

im good. Those are my fundamentals everything else is just gravy 

After all I’m a libertarian who believes in the smallest govt agency as possible 

slash taxes and govt spending

abolish DEI 

Remove thousands of useless govt jobs. 

where is the problem


12 hours ago, shorepatrol said:

There's that lib dbag nonsense. Go get it girl !!!!!!!

Guys totally cool with THEIR POTUS rolling in, gutting the federal gov't to install his own cronies, bypassing congress and ruling by presidential fiat.

PSSST...  that's what focking dictators do. You're all fully willing to sell this country out to an authoritarian leader as long as it's YOUR preferred authoritarian leader. 


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2 hours ago, RaiderHaters Revenge said:

Yep anything that ends in smaller govt. I’m good with. I don’t know why that’s hard to understand. Please show me what the govt does for anyone??

Defense, infrastructure, education, law enforcement for starters.

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20 minutes ago, Fnord said:

Defense, infrastructure, education, law enforcement for starters.

really, all of those things truly suck, just cause they do them doesn't make them good

law enforcement and education should be local levels anyways, not federal

as far as defense, we dont protect our own borders, and the fbi spends more time on school boards than stopping actual criminals

our infrastructure is pure garbage, we overspend and under produce

the same is for EVERY SINGLE govt agency


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3 hours ago, Fnord said:

Guys totally cool with THEIR POTUS rolling in, gutting the federal gov't to install his own cronies, bypassing congress and ruling by presidential fiat.

PSSST...  that's what focking dictators do. You're all fully willing to sell this country out to an authoritarian leader as long as it's YOUR preferred authoritarian leader. 

………”It's good to be in something from the ground floor. And I came too late for that, I know. But lately, I'm getting the feeling that I came in at the end. The best is over.”

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39 minutes ago, RaiderHaters Revenge said:

really, all of those things truly suck, just cause they do them doesn't make them good

law enforcement and education should be local levels anyways, not federal

as far as defense, we dont protect our own borders, and the fbi spends more time on school boards than stopping actual criminals

our infrastructure is pure garbage, we overspend and under produce

the same is for EVERY SINGLE govt agency


I find your answers to just be boilerplate conservative talking points. Your opinion of the FBI is a perfect, simplistic example. 

So what's your solution then? Privatize all of it and let "the market" solve our problems? Some things are too important to be decided by profit margin and greedy stockholders. We've seen the results of unchecked corporate "solutions." They'll poison us all for a buck.

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17 minutes ago, HellToupee said:

………”It's good to be in something from the ground floor. And I came too late for that, I know. But lately, I'm getting the feeling that I came in at the end. The best is over.”

Apropos that you're quoting a psychopathic gangster.

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11 minutes ago, Fnord said:

I find your answers to just be boilerplate conservative talking points. Your opinion of the FBI is a perfect, simplistic example. 

So what's your solution then? Privatize all of it and let "the market" solve our problems? Some things are too important to be decided by profit margin and greedy stockholders. We've seen the results of unchecked corporate "solutions." They'll poison us all for a buck.

my solution is less govt, that simple, so if there is ANY politician left or right, who wants smaller govt they have my support

I live in california, we spend more money, have the highest DMV taxes, and gas taxes, yet have the 47th worst road system, its not talking points its lived experience

we also have horrendous law enforcement, primarily because of democrat policy.  again lived experience

so pardon me if I dont want to sit here and put everything into the govts hands

we could privatize alot more then we do or just flat our eliminate.

as far as education allow vouchers to be used towards private school educations, and watch how fast that public school system changes


  • Confused 1

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12 hours ago, squistion said:



And as we speak Hamas supporters are storming the capitols in numerous US Cities. No press, no arrests, no one cares. Why exactly is that? 

  • Haha 1

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4 hours ago, League Champion said:

And as we speak Hamas supporters are storming the capitols in numerous US Cities. No press, no arrests, no one cares. Why exactly is that? 

Maybe because Hamas supporters are not "storming the capitols in numerous US Cities" 

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4 hours ago, League Champion said:

And as we speak Hamas supporters are storming the capitols in numerous US Cities. No press, no arrests, no one cares. Why exactly is that? 

How many officers have they bashed with flags or sprayed in the face with bear spray? 

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45 minutes ago, BeachGuy23 said:

How many officers have they bashed with flags or sprayed in the face with bear spray? 

How many Brazilian Cabana Boys have have you sprayed in the face BOYO? 

  • Haha 1

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NBC News Article:

Tennessee man admits to conspiring with Jan. 6 defendant to kill FBI agents


Austin Carter admitted in a plea agreement that he “unlawfully and knowingly combined, conspired, and agreed with his co-defendant,” Edward Kelley, to kill FBI personnel.

Carter admitted that he provided a cooperating witness “with a list of FBI employees that CARTER received from KELLEY” and that Carter instructed the cooperating witness “to memorize the FBI employees identified on the list and then burn the list.”

Kelley and Carter “discussed plans to attack the FBI Field Office in Knoxville, Tennessee” and that the purpose of the conspiracy was “to retaliate against government conduct,” Carter admitted.

Carter and prosecutors agreed this week that “a sentence not greater than 120 months in prison is the appropriate disposition of this case.”

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Just now, Strike said:


Haha what do the tragically low intelligent MAGAtards think will be the result from this?

They're releasing tapes that show what a destructive horde of maniacs unleased on our capital can do.

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4 minutes ago, lod001 said:

1st tape released.


Trump doing his signature jerking guys off dance moves I see!


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1 hour ago, BeachGuy23 said:

Haha what do the tragically low intelligent MAGAtards think will be the result from this?

They're releasing tapes that show what a destructive horde of maniacs unleased on our capital can do.

Oh f-ing please, you ca 't. E this f-ing stupid.  The worst of the worst tapes were all released and played on an endless loop so the useful idiots would believe theor BS narrative as we move towards authoritarianism. 

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