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Man imprisoned for 'misgendering' his daughter

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His daugther is being chemicailly castrated against the consent of both parents because at 14, she decided she was a boy. The judge put a gag order on the father to block him from refering to her as a girl or using her name or female pronouns when talking to her, the mother, anyone. Now he's sitting in prison until a hearing in mid-April. This is Canada but these same laws are being installed in the US.

There's been a huge explosion in teenage girls identifying as boys and undergoing this procedure in the past five years. Some cases do work out but some do not and many are de-transitioning after being irreparably altered. Meanwhile, the medical community has been turned upsidedown with dissenters recently gagged. The licencing boards for practicing doctors, the American Psychological Association and  the American  Physchiatric Association will now strip any practitioner of their credentials should they try to diagnose an individual, or apply a medical judegment anymore. They are bound legally and professionally, to only affirming the patient as trans based on the patient's own self-diagnosis. 


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Anyone else notice the similarities between gender dysphoria science and covid science.  The whole science is tailored to catering to a specific outcome. And will be adjusted to the outcome as needed.  Is science this way now? 

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1 minute ago, Frozenbeernuts said:

After googling Canadian man arrested for misgendering own child, there are multiple stories that pop up

I believe that's the bill that Jordan B. Peterson had a big issue with.  You know, the one where the Canadian government said that no one would be put in jail.

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Visit with the doctor who will carry out the procedure.  Ask them if they are left handed or right handed. 

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Damn, remember when your father used to call you a girl when you acted like a puzzy ? He used to call my brother and I girls all the time. he should be arrested :mad:

  • Haha 1

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reasonable Leftists NEED to stand up against insanity like this

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This woman de-transitioned, meaning she started as a girl, went through the process of converting to a male, then realized her mistake and returned to being a woman again and screwed herself over totally in the process. She's infertile, t*ts removed, and her voice will always be deep.

She's clearly a big fan of Abigail Shrier's book, considering how she made twelve half hour videos to comment on each chapter, and how it relates to her journey or her friends. I dont have the patience to listen to it all, but aparently there are a lot of women that get sucked in, find out too late it's not for them, and want out. There's a kind of peer-pressure mentality, if you're an awkward, upper middle class, white-guilted girl that wants to up her victimhood cred, here's is a cool option that you and your friends can go try.

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4 hours ago, TimmySmith said:

Anyone else notice the similarities between gender dysphoria science and covid science.  The whole science is tailored to catering to a specific outcome. And will be adjusted to the outcome as needed.  Is science this way now? 

There is their "truth" and if the science does not support that "truth" then it is false science.... it is not unlike the way a toddler would reason.....

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58 minutes ago, Big Guy said:

reasonable Leftists NEED to stand up against insanity like this

There are none. They aren't allowed to be. You see any of the board cucks in here decrying it?  I doubt they support this, but they support the entire framework that created it. 

  • Thanks 1

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1 hour ago, edjr said:

Damn, remember when your father used to call you a girl when you acted like a puzzy ? He used to call my brother and I girls all the time. he should be arrested :mad:

I still do that.  

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How do you not try and kill someone if that’s your kid? What other choice do you have? 

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13 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

How do you not try and kill someone if that’s your kid? What other choice do you have? 

Peacefully protest their house

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3 hours ago, Voltaire said:

This woman de-transitioned, meaning she started as a girl, went through the process of converting to a male, then realized her mistake and returned to being a woman again and screwed herself over totally in the process. She's infertile, t*ts removed, and her voice will always be deep.

She's clearly a big fan of Abigail Shrier's book, considering how she made twelve half hour videos to comment on each chapter, and how it relates to her journey or her friends. I dont have the patience to listen to it all, but aparently there are a lot of women that get sucked in, find out too late it's not for them, and want out. There's a kind of peer-pressure mentality, if you're an awkward, upper middle class, white-guilted girl that wants to up her victimhood cred, here's is a cool option that you and your friends can go try.

One can be "accepting" of Trans people and understand they have a something mentally or biologically going on where they have gender dysphoria.  One can also understand that giving any child drugs like that is abuse.  These kids have not even completed full puberty as of yet and are still developing both physically and mentally.  It's insane.  

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2 hours ago, tanatastic said:

Imagine how boned the country is when that generation takes over. 

Idk. This seems more like a fad than anything. Its an extreme one, but once the mm decides trannys aren't bringing in the clicks, you won't hear much about it any more.

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8 minutes ago, KSB2424 said:

One can be "accepting" of Trans people and understand they have a something mentally or biologically going on where they have gender dysphoria.  One can also understand that giving any child drugs like that is abuse.  These kids have not even completed full puberty as of yet and are still developing both physically and mentally.  It's insane.  

Isn't this this like the state sponsoring gouging someone's eyes out because they are nuts and think they're blind.   :dunno:

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3 hours ago, tanatastic said:

Imagine how boned the country is when that generation takes over. 

They won't be reproducing at least. :thumbsup:


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It's been a minute since I took biology in high school but, didn't he actually gender her in the first place?  :huh:

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2 minutes ago, Frozenbeernuts said:

Liberals think this is unimportant old news. 

Child abuse is cool man, get with the times.  

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Government mandated castration is hardly new. It's been used to keep undesirable people from breeding for centuries. I have never read about societies doing it to kids. Canada is a groundbreaker.

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16 hours ago, 5-Points said:

It's been a minute since I took biology in high school but, didn't he actually gender her in the first place?  :huh:

He did, but apparently he got it wrong, I guess. :dunno:

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