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The VP of the United States wants NASA to study trees for racsim

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4 minutes ago, avoiding injuries said:

Why the hell are black people going to the beach? Tan, swim?

They can't do either. So I'm not sure.

ETA - Shows where this moron's head is. Who the fock takes field trips to a beach? Other than Dunder Mifflin paper company? 

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1 minute ago, Cdub100 said:

They can't do either. So I'm not sure.

ETA - Shows where this moron's head is. Who the fock takes field trips to a beach? Other than Dunder Mifflin? 

Oh, so you'd rather they go on a field trip to a gay bar?

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1 minute ago, wiffleball said:

Oh, so you'd rather they go on a field trip to a gay bar?

So long as the kids don't get the menu of sexually suggestively named drinks some people think that would be okay too.

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5 minutes ago, avoiding injuries said:

Why the hell are black people going to the beach? Tan, swim?

Miscommunication. They heard the ocean was the biggest body of water. And and then you know, they thought huge free watermelons.

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The over passes could be a mile high and it wouldn’t matter. Buses aren’t allowed on parkways anyway. There are many parkways in Westchester with low overpasses that don’t lead to a beach. Are they racist too? 

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14 hours ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

The over passes could be a mile high and it wouldn’t matter. Buses aren’t allowed on parkways anyway. There are many parkways in Westchester with low overpasses that don’t lead to a beach. Are they racist too? 

But, everything has to be painted as "racist" its the new thing to do, fabricate racism in everything.....

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