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🇺🇸Father Trump Talk—The Boss 🚨The Official Thread of the Magaverse🚨Tariff Tuesday

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8 minutes ago, HellToupee said:

Do you think he was serious? This is why no one takes dems like you serious . Nonsense. You clown yourself. You make yourself look stupid 

His dad made him look stupid by raising him a poosay. 

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1 hour ago, TrailGuy said:

Trump last night called for the return of Johnny Carson to late night tv.

Carson has been dead for 20 years.

Ooof. His point was that a dead Johnny Carson would do a better job than Kimmel. Man you’ve got really low IQ if you need that one explained to you.  

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1 hour ago, TrailGuy said:

Trump last night called for the return of Johnny Carson to late night tv.

Carson has been dead for 20 years.

Is this another FBG stupid person? Or Boyo?

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1 hour ago, Mike Hunt said:

You also said Biden was sharp as a tack right?


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32 minutes ago, Horseman said:

Ooof. His point was that a dead Johnny Carson would do a better job than Kimmel. Man you’ve got really low IQ if you need that one explained to you.  

Sad that you have to keep making excuses for an 80 year old dementia patient.

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1 hour ago, TrailGuy said:

Sad that you have to keep making excuses for an 80 year old dementia patient.

I am calling for a return of Donald Trump to being a Reality TV Host and Golfer who cheats on his wife.

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3 hours ago, purdygood said:

I am calling for a return of Donald Trump to being a Reality TV Host and Golfer who cheats on his wife.

Raising interesting questions.


Do narcisists have a stronger libido?

Will Trump eventually sponsor Trump Viagra, no longer a little blue pill, but a red one with Maga stamped into its surface?

Is Melania eternally grateful that he no longer seeks to get up on her?  It must be very disconcerting to have his hair unwind during the act and to have to wash off the orange from her skin after.  My unsubstantiated theory is that it was Melania who got Stormy Daniels and Katherine Mcdougal introduced to her husband on the hope she could get out of her wifely duty.

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50 minutes ago, Engorgeous George said:

Raising interesting questions.


Do narcisists have a stronger libido?

Will Trumop eventually sponsor Trump Viagra, non longer a little blue opill, but a red one with Maga stamped into its surface?

Is Melania eternally grateful that he no longer seeks to get up on her?  It must be very disconcerting to have his hair unwind during the act and to have to wash off the orange from her skin after.  My unsubstantiated theory is that it was Melania who got Stormy Daniels and Katherine Mcdougal introduced to her husband on then hope she could get out of her wifely duty.

Melania sitting back doing the Mr. Burn's "Excellent". 

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Protector of cats and dogs is funny, made me chuckle out loud. I'm supposed to be analyzing data!!!! 

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17 hours ago, purdygood said:

Melania sitting back doing the Mr. Burn's "Excellent". 

She can afford to. Now get back to cleaning those toilets at the bus station. 

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39 minutes ago, The Psychic Observer said:

Borderline treason

Are we at war? 

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Just now, HellToupee said:


Trump would be more like the Kevin.  Or Creed.  Or maybe Ryan ( "can i interest you in The Pyramid")".

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10 minutes ago, purdygood said:

Trump would be more like the Kevin.  Or Creed.  Or maybe Ryan ( "can i interest you in The Pyramid")".

Don’t be stupid , you moron 

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5 minutes ago, Tree of Knowledge said:

You really shouldn’t put reputed pedophiles on a pedestal. 

No surprise with that one

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Just now, HellToupee said:

Don’t be stupid , you moron 

Exactly how I would describe Michael Scott.  Is Melania his Jan? or Holly?   OHHHH I figured it out.  TRUMP WAS THE SCRANTON STRANGLER ALL ALONG!

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Ninety-one people who know Clownzo say he has poor character, unfit for office.



"… Anyone that puts themselves over the Constitution should never be president …” - Mike Pence


"Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud.” - Mitt Romney


"… a floundering, inarticulate jumble of gnawing insecurities …” - George Will


"… an intensifying crescendo of conspiracy theories …” - Mitch McConnell


"He is a con artist.” - Marco Rubio


"The healing of the Republican Party cannot begin with Trump as president …” - Geoff Duncan


"Reckless, outrageous and undignified behavior …” - Jeff Flake


"He sought a coup by misleading people with lies.” - Arnold Swarzenegger


"This man is a pathological liar.” - Ted Cruz


"He is a coward.” - Cheney


"He's a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot.” - Lindsey Graham


"He pushed me up against the wall …” - Jill Harth


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Thoughts and Prayers for all this patriots in the eye of this hurricane.  Special prayers to any patriot that has been willing to brave these conditions to wave a Trump flag behind the live broadcasts.  We speak your names.  

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1 hour ago, Tree of Knowledge said:

Thoughts and Prayers for all this patriots in the eye of this hurricane.  Special prayers to any patriot that has been willing to brave these conditions to wave a Trump flag behind the live broadcasts.  We speak your names.  

So you don't care about the non-MAGAturds in the storm's path.

What a doosh.

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2 hours ago, Tree of Knowledge said:

NY Times is garbage and the anti-American pukes giving them quotes are worse.  

Doesn't matter the source. These are 91 Republicans who are saying that.

Very telling. People who at one time were close to him saying these kinds of things about him, but the cultists remain in denial.


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21 minutes ago, IndyColtsFan said:

Doesn't matter the source. These are 91 Republicans who are saying that.

Very telling. People who at one time were close to him saying these kinds of things about him, but the cultists remain in denial.


Salty, jealous, globalist RINO losers.  

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23 minutes ago, IndyColtsFan said:

So you don't care about the non-MAGAturds in the storm's path.

What a doosh.

Of course I do, but the plight of our many Florida patriots hits different.  

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1 minute ago, Tree of Knowledge said:

Salty, jealous, globalist RINO losers.  

Common-sense, non-extremist Republicans are what they are.

They've had enough of the MAGAturd cultists who have ruined the party.

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26 minutes ago, thegeneral said:

Trump watches 😂😂 this guy is too much.


I hope we won't hear Trump supporters continuing to talk about high prices at the supermarkets, considering that Donald Trump is selling Trump watches for $100,000. 😁

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22 minutes ago, squistion said:

I hope we won't hear Trump supporters continuing to talk about high prices at the supermarkets, considering that Donald Trump is selling Trump watches for $100,000. 😁

Yeah, people always compare watches to bread.  Have you ever had an intelligent thought in your life?

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He’s selling a knockoff looking watch that looks like something you pick up on Canal Street for 50 bucks. A bargain at 600 bucks 😂

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14 minutes ago, thegeneral said:

He’s selling a knockoff looking watch that looks like something you pick up on Canal Street for 50 bucks. A bargain at 600 bucks 😂


  • Haha 1

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You idiots think those things won’t be worth anything.  President Trump is more popular than Elvis. Your grandchildren are begging you to buy one if you got the scratch.  Many of our newer frequent posters are fond of telling us how successful they are, while posting here all day.  Don’t miss out. 

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