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Father Trump Talk-the Boss is a true Alpha Chad—-🚨Protector of Cats & Dogs ! 🚨 TDS refugees arriving here daily

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“A question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world,” Trump began, clearly thinking the question himself, “So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you’re going to test that, too. It sounds interesting. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”


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“What can I add that has not already been said?” Kelly said, when asked if he wanted to weigh in on his former boss in light of recent comments made by other former Trump officials. “A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them.’ A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’ A person who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family – for all Gold Star families – on TV during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France.

“A person who is not truthful regarding his position on the protection of unborn life, on women, on minorities, on evangelical Christians, on Jews, on working men and women,” Kelly continued. “A person that has no idea what America stands for and has no idea what America is all about. A person who cavalierly suggests that a selfless warrior who has served his country for 40 years in peacetime and war should lose his life for treason – in expectation that someone will take action. A person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators. A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law.

“There is nothing more that can be said,” Kelly concluded. “God help us.”

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2 minutes ago, Tree of Knowledge said:

Trolling level is at DEFCON 3.  Biden must have really screwed something up.  

Posting Trump's own words is trolling...


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20 minutes ago, BeachGuy23 said:

These are amazing.  Keep them coming. 

Thanks and you don’t have to worry about that GB , I’m on the beat


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1 hour ago, HellToupee said:


Trump has a sexual fixation with the flag. Remember when he dry humped it on stage?

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3 minutes ago, Hawkeye21 said:

Trump has a sexual fixation with the flag. Remember when he dry humped it on stage?

No. You should show the video.

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39 minutes ago, Hawkeye21 said:

Trump has a sexual fixation with the flag. Remember when he dry humped it on stage?

Worry about Pedo Pete’s sexual fixations including showering with his D



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47 minutes ago, HellToupee said:

Worry about Pedo Pete’s sexual fixations including showering with his D



No one is disagreeing with the Biden stuff. You don’t have to keep using him as your argument. 

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Yikes, Clownzo is acting like a cornered animal, radically lashing out and saying stuff such as "Indict the mutherfocker" in regard to Biden.


No-class ass clown, lashing out as the legal walls close in.

He's whipping his MAGAturd cultists into committing violence.

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8 minutes ago, Pimpadeaux said:

Yikes, Clownzo is acting like a cornered animal, radically lashing out and saying stuff such as "Indict the mutherfocker" in regard to Biden.


No-class ass clown, lashing out as the legal walls close in.

He's whipping his MAGAturd cultists into committing violence.

Yes, MAGA, stands for Make America Great Again


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20 minutes ago, Gepetto said:

Yes, MAGA, stands for Make America Great Again


Not exactly working out for MAGAturds. They're making America a hateful place full of divisiveness, intolerance, violence and a terrifying push toward autocracy.

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3 minutes ago, Pimpadeaux said:

Not exactly working out for MAGAturds. They're making America a hateful place full of divisiveness, intolerance, violence and a terrifying push toward autocracy.

No that's you and the liberals saying that about us which is divisive actually. Along with your"turd" addition to MAGA, you really have no class. Who's really hateful again? I mean really? Have some self awareness. 

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21 minutes ago, Gepetto said:

No that's you and the liberals saying that about us which is divisive actually. Along with your"turd" addition to MAGA, you really have no class. Who's really hateful again? I mean really? Have some self awareness. 

Projection is real folks. Get some help, Crapetto. You're going to need counseling to see you through the legal sh!tstorm that will land Clownzo in the gray-bar hotel.


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40 minutes ago, Pimpadeaux said:

Projection is real folks. Get some help, Crapetto. You're going to need counseling to see you through the legal sh!tstorm that will land Clownzo in the gray-bar hotel.


No room at hotels in NYC. They have been filled with foreign invaders from south of the US border.  

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31 minutes ago, HellToupee said:

We are witnessing the political crucifixion of a man and his family that love & want to help our country 

Is this shtick or do you honestly believe this?

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11 hours ago, seafoam1 said:

No. You should show the video.

The dry hump comment was an obvious exaggeration but what he did was pretty creepy.


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6 minutes ago, Hawkeye21 said:

Is this shtick or do you honestly believe this?


Two different things can be true at the exact same time

1) Donald J Trump is a narcissist, a grifter and a pure parasite. HOWEVER, he's a parasite that is just self aware enough to realize that you can't survive as a parasite if you kill the "host" ( in this case, the every day rank and file working class in this country)  He also understands that, like all narcissists, he wants to be worshipped and adored by the masses, and you can't have that happen if you completely decimate the average person's ability to survive, by punishing them with their rent, groceries, gasoline costs, remove public safety, threaten our borders and destroy our children through the pandemic lockdowns. 

Even arsonists don't burn down their own house first. That's the lunacy of the activist radical left and the establishment Democrats in power, they are like arsonists who want to burn down their own houses first. 

2) Team Blue and the DNC and the Obama/Biden regime have to face this question - How utterly pathetic do you have to be and how much of a total failure do you have to be to allow Trump to reemerge as a legitimate political threat after J6?  They've tried for over 8 plus years, using nearly all the pure levers of power in this country, to put the guy down and put him away and yet they still can't do it. Is it that Trump is the 2nd coming of a Cyberdyne T-800? Or is it that Team Blue is just totally pathetic? 

If those that lean in your political direction wanted Trump gone, then how about helping the actual working class? Help the material needs of everyday rank and file people and give them hope for their kids and then they'll WANT to come out and vote for you and your policy stances. Instead there is an open non stop war that includes turning the Southern Border into an open swinging gate, leaving billions in weapons paid with our tax dollars to terrorists, having the average family suffer with inflation, lack of civil order and basic safety in the streets and then being told  "But Trump" is the cause of all of it. 

Do see what just happened there? That's actual nuance. Since you offer none of it, since you are a low value poster, that's not coming from you at all. It would be impossible for you to just say, on your own, that Team Blue has to suck really bad here and fail in catastrophic ways for Trump to reemerge as a contender. You can't just blame this on some mystical "MAGA cult" or white supremacists for this one. Lots of people despise Trump, but they will vote for him because the "First Past The Post" political system only gives you two choices every four years, and the other choice is the walking disaster zone that is Joe Biden and the remnants of the Obama political machine. Can you blame the average person? They just want to remove the stress of trying to afford to put food on the table for their kids. 

You're a lousy poster.  You literally have nothing of value to add into any conversation. If this was a basketball court, you'd be known as an idiot chucker that no one else wants to play with at all. 

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5 minutes ago, Blue Horseshoe said:


Two different things can be true at the exact same time

1) Donald J Trump is a narcissist, a grifter and a pure parasite. HOWEVER, he's a parasite that is just self aware enough to realize that you can't survive as a parasite if you kill the "host" ( in this case, the every day rank and file working class in this country)  He also understands that, like all narcissists, he wants to be worshipped and adored by the masses, and you can't have that happen if you completely decimate the average person's ability to survive, by punishing them with their rent, groceries, gasoline costs, remove public safety, threaten our borders and destroy our children through the pandemic lockdowns. 

Even arsonists don't burn down their own house first. That's the lunacy of the activist radical left and the establishment Democrats in power, they are like arsonists who want to burn down their own houses first. 

2) Team Blue and the DNC and the Obama/Biden regime have to face this question - How utterly pathetic do you have to be and how much of a total failure do you have to be to allow Trump to reemerge as a legitimate political threat after J6?  They've tried for over 8 plus years, using nearly all the pure levers of power in this country, to put the guy down and put him away and yet they still can't do it. Is it that Trump is the 2nd coming of a Cyberdyne T-800? Or is it that Team Blue is just totally pathetic? 

If those that lean in your political direction wanted Trump gone, then how about helping the actual working class? Help the material needs of everyday rank and file people and give them hope for their kids and then they'll WANT to come out and vote for you and your policy stances. Instead there is an open non stop war that includes turning the Southern Border into an open swinging gate, leaving billions in weapons paid with our tax dollars to terrorists, having the average family suffer with inflation, lack of civil order and basic safety in the streets and then being told  "But Trump" is the cause of all of it. 

Do see what just happened there? That's actual nuance. Since you offer none of it, since you are a low value poster, that's not coming from you at all. It would be impossible for you to just say, on your own, that Team Blue has to suck really bad here and fail in catastrophic ways for Trump to reemerge as a contender. You can't just blame this on some mystical "MAGA cult" or white supremacists for this one. Lots of people despise Trump, but they will vote for him because the "First Past The Post" political system only gives you two choices every four years, and the other choice is the walking disaster zone that is Joe Biden and the remnants of the Obama political machine. Can you blame the average person? They just want to remove the stress of trying to afford to put food on the table for their kids. 

You're a lousy poster.  You literally have nothing of value to add into any conversation. If this was a basketball court, you'd be known as an idiot chucker that no one else wants to play with at all. 

Do I become a high value poster by posting incredibly long word salads like yourself?  No one want's to read posts that drag on.  It just needs to be short and sweet.

If you think I add nothing of value then I assume you feel the same way towards 95% of this forum because that's how just about every one posts.

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47 minutes ago, Hawkeye21 said:

Is this shtick or do you honestly believe this?

81 pages and this thread still has Hawkeye confused.   🤣🤣🤣

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20 minutes ago, Hawkeye21 said:

If you think I add nothing of value then I assume you feel the same way towards 95% of this forum because that's how just about every one posts.

Percentage is way off.  

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3 minutes ago, RogerDodger said:

81 pages and this thread still has Hawkeye confused.   🤣🤣🤣

Confused by what?

1 minute ago, RogerDodger said:

Percentage is way off.  

What would you say it is?

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1 minute ago, Hawkeye21 said:

Is this shtick or do you honestly believe this?

They’re coming after him , they will come after me and they will eventually come after you

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17 minutes ago, HellToupee said:

They’re coming after him , they will come after me and they will eventually come after you

I keep hearing this from Trump sympathizers.  What exactly are they going to come after us for?

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11 minutes ago, Hawkeye21 said:

I keep hearing this from Trump sympathizers.  What exactly are they going to come after us for?

To take away our guns, cars, free speech, Jesus, our children’s innocence, our money, our property, what we want to eat, our right to vote in free and fair elections, our rights to freely assemble, etc.  

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Just now, Tree of Knowledge said:

To take away our guns, cars, free speech, Jesus, our children’s innocence, our money, our property, what we want to eat, our right to vote in free and fair elections, our rights to freely assemble, etc.  

I don't believe any of that will happen and I don't think the current events with Trump have anything to do with it.  I'm holding out hope for the end of the Biden/Trump era, that we can usher in some new blood and actually fix this mess.

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1 hour ago, Hawkeye21 said:

The dry hump comment was an obvious exaggeration but what he did was pretty creepy.


Oh jeez. Get over it. It's not creepy. You know exactly what it is. Just like you did, he's exaggerating to make a point. That's not creepy. Call it stupid if you think that, but seriously, that's all you got?

Biden's own kid called him out for taking showers with her, yet not a peep from you. Now THAT's creepy.

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